Study programme

Official Degree

Graduate in Biomedical Engineering


240 ECTS

4 years



Class size

40 places


Basque, Spanish, English



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PDF Catalogue

Study programme

The subjects in this degree will enable you to merge fundamental engineering principles, knowledge, attitudes and skills with others relating to the health sciences for the design and development of technologies, products, equipment, processes and services.

In summary, biomedical engineering seeks to address the engineering problems facing the medical field. To achieve this, the student must acquire knowledge of the various engineering fields as well as basic medical concepts.

Subjects in the Biomedical Engineering degree




You will acquire the concepts needed to solve any mathematical problems that may appear in engineering.



You will learn how to apply the principles of physics in order to solve problems in the field of biomedical engineering.



You will know the properties of biomaterials for their correct use in biomedical engineering projects.



Electrical systems

You will be able to apply electrical and electronic engineering for the construction of medical and prosthetic devices.



Human anatomy

You will know the basic concepts of human anatomy so that you are able to develop solutions in the biomedical engineering field.


General pathology

You will acquire the knowledge required of medical conditions in order to develop solutions in the field of biomedicine.


Medical units

You will be able to manage hospital facilities, identifying the methods and tools needed for ongoing improvement.




You will have the ability to describe and develop solutions of a social or scientific nature in the field of Ageing.




You will be able to design, develop, implement and maintain medical devices used for diagnosis and treatment.


Technological equipment

Understanding and analysing the operation and specific characteristics of different medical equipment for diagnosis and treatment



You will acquire the necessary skills for designing, developing and installing automation systems in medical equipment.



Medical Imaging Systems

You will know the set of techniques and processes used to create images of the human body for clinical purposes.


Medical equipment

You will be able to design and develop medical equipment and install it for use in the healthcare sector.




You will acquire the foundations for creating and managing your own entrepreneurial project.



You will have the ability to produce scientific reports using clear, concise language.



You will gain the techniques you need to identify opportunities and develop innovative ideas.



Team and project management

You will develop the skills required to manage and direct work teams.


View all subjects


You will learn through practical training

From the outset, you will have the opportunity to apply your acquired knowledge towards the resolution of real problems. Hands-on learning that will enable you to gain professional experience while studying for your Degree.

Find out about our system of learning through projects


Subjects of each course


  • BT: Basic Training
  • C: Compulsory
  • OP: Optional
  • T: Thesis
  • B: Basque
  • S: Spanish
  • E: English


1st Year • 1st semester

  Subject Type ECTS Language
PDF Mathematics I BT 6 B
PDF Chemistry BT 6 B
PDF Fundamentals of computing science BT 6 B
PDF Physics I BT 6 B
PDF Methodological foundations C 6 B
  Total   30  


1st Year • 2nd semester

  Subject Type ECTS Language
PDF Mathematics II BT 6 B
PDF Biology BT 6 B
PDF Graphic expression I C 6 S
PDF Physics II BT 6 B
PDF Business BT 6 B
  Total   30  


2nd Year • 3rd semester

  Subject Type ECTS Language
PDF Human anatomy and physiology I BT 6 B
PDF Fundamentals of electronics C 3 B
PDF Biomechanics C 4,5 S
PDF Biomaterials I C 3 B
PDF Medical instrumentation, prostheses and implants C 3 S
PDF Development technology C 3 S
PDF Graphic expression II C 4,5 S
Optional Offer 2nd year 1rd semester
PDF English I: Scientific and technical english OP(*) 3 E
PDF English II: Communication skills in english OP(*) 3 E
PDF Euskara I: Euskara for science and technique OP(*) 3 B
PDF History of science and technology OP(*) 3 B
PDF Prevention, safety and health in the workplace OP(*) 3 E
PDF Efficient team working OP(*) 3 E
PDF Sustainable development and environmental ethics OP(*) 3 E
PDF Job training and orientation OP(*) 3 S
PDF Writing of scientific-technical texts OP(*) 3 S
PDF Ethics of engineer OP(*) 3 E
PDF University cooperation for a better world  OP(*) 3 B
PDF Professional placement I OP(*) 3 B, S, E
  Total   30  

* The student must choose from the optional subjects to reach the required 30 ECTS.


2nd Year • 4th semester

  Subject Type ECTS Language
PDF Mathematics III C 3 B
PDF Biomaterials II C 6 B
PDF Human anatomy and physiology II BT 6 B
PDF Biomedical signal and image processing C 6 B
PDF Biomedical signal processing and control C 4,5 B
PDF Physics II C 3 B
Optional Offer 2nd year 2th semester
PDF English I: Scientific and technical english OP(*) 3 E
PDF English II: Communication skills in english OP(*) 3 E
PDF Euskara II: Oral communication in euskara OP(*) 3 B
PDF Efficient decision making OP(*) 3 E
PDF History of science and technology OP(*) 3 B
PDF Prevention, safety and health in the workplace OP(*) 3 E
PDF Sustainble dewvelopment aand enviromental ethics OP(*) 3 E
PDF Job training and orientation OP(*) 3 S
PDF Writing of scientifif-technical texts OP(*) 3 S
PDF Ethics of engineer OP(*) 3 E
PDF University cooperation for a better world OP(*) 3 B
PDF Professional placement II OP(*) 3 B, S, E
  Total   30  

* The student must choose from the optional subjects to reach the required 30 ECTS.

3rd Year • 5th semester

  Subject Type ECTS Langauge
PDF Development of medical equipment C 4,5 E
PDF Mechanical design of medical equipment C 4,5 E
PDF Medical technological equipment C 4,5 E
PDF Control technology and robotics C 6 E
PDF Medical imaging systems C 6 E
Optional Offer 3rd year 1th semester
PDF 21st century challenges OP(*) 3 E
PDF Introduction to the teaching of engineering OP(*) 4,5 B
PDF Industrial sustainability OP(*) 4,5 S
PDF Food science and technology OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Finances OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Computational mathematics laborategy OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Computer vision OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Data analysis OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Introduction to additive manufacturing OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Calibration of measurement equipment OP(*) 3 E
PDF Profesional placement III OP(*) 4.5 E
PDF Internships for DUAL pathway I OP(*) 4.5 E
  Total   30  

* The student must choose from the optional subjects to reach the required 30 ECTS.


3rd Year • 6th semester

  Subject Type ECTS Language
PDF Information systems in healthcare C 4,5 E
PDF Biomedical image processing  C 3 B
PDF Hospital engineering C 4,5 B
PDF Medical certifications and standards C 4,5 B
PDF General pathology C 6 B
PDF Data processing C 3 E
Optional Offer 3rd year 2th semester
PDF 21st century challenges OP(*) 3 E
PDF Introduction to the teaching of engineering OP(*) 4,5 B
PDF Industrial sustainability OP(*) 4,5 S
PDF Food science and technology OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Finances OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Computational mathematics laborategy OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Computer vision OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Data analysis OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Introduction to additive manufacturing OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Calibration of measurement equipment OP(*) 3 E
PDF Profesional placement IV OP(*) 4.5 E
PDF Internships for DUAL pathway II OP(*) 4.5 E
  Total   30  

* The student must choose from the optional subjects to reach the required 30 ECTS.


4th Year • 7th semester

  Optional modules Type ECTS Language
PDF New technologies and decision making in vuca environments OP(*) 15 S, E
PDF Silver economy and supporting technologies OP(*) 15 S, E
PDF Sustainable Technological Entrepreneurship Skills OP(*) 15 S, E
PDF Product design OP(*) 15 S
PDF Sustainable engineering OP(*) 15 S, E
PDF Functional prototyping OP(*) 15 B, S
PDF Simulation of multiphysics problems in engineering OP(*) 15 B, S
PDF Smart industry OP(*) 15 B
PDF Robotics and industrial automation OP(*) 15 S
PDF Industrial production OP(*) 15 S
PDF Industrial Technologies I OP(*) 15 B
PDF Industrial Technologies II OP(*) 15 B, S
PDF Design and development of digital products OP(*) 15 S, E
PDF Commercial process and sales OP(*) 15 S, E
PDF Fundamentals of energy systems OP(*) 15 B
PDF Work experience I OP(*) 15 B, S, E
PDF Internships for DUAL pathway III OP(*) 15 B, S, E
PDF Work experience II OP(*) 15 B, S, E
PDF Internships for DUAL pathway IV OP(*) 15 B, S, E
  Total   30  


4th Year • 8th semester

  Subject Type ECTS Language
PDF Work experience III OP 6 B, S, E
PDF Healthcare Technology Practices C 12 B, S, E
PDF Internships for DUAL pathway V OP 18 B, S, E
PDF Thesis T 12 B, S, E
  Total   30  



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