Informe Presentación del Informe sobre Formación Dual Universitaria en España 2024·10·14
Mondragon Unibertsitatea junto con la Fundación Bertelsmann y la Conferencia de Consejos Sociales de las Universidades Españolas han presentado el primer informe sobre la Formación Dual Universitaria en España.
THESIS The student Muhammad Sajjad obtained an EXCELLENT 2024·10·14
PROGRAMA INTENSIVO Estudiantes y profesores alemanes completan un programa intensivo en La Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea. 2024·10·14
Mesa redonda Debate sobre el conflicto vasco y su representación en la cultura en el campus de Aretxabaleta 2024·10·10
En la mesa redonda “Kontakizuna kontagai: Euskal gatazka kulturaren talaiatik” han participado Gotzon Barandiaran (escritor y agente cultural), Oihana Iguaran (bertsolari), Josu Martínez (cineasta) e Iban Zaldua (escritor). El acto forma parte de las actividades organizadas dentro del Plan de Convivencia, Derechos Humanos y Diversidad del Gobierno Vasco.
NEWS FROM ZOTERO 7 The Zotero bibliographic manager has been updated, offering new features 2024·10·10
Zotero, the reference management tool, has released a new version: Zotero 7. This update introduces some significant changes and new features.
2024-2025 ikasturte hasiera masterretan Aurten, masterreko 204 ikasle berri izango ditu Humanitate eta Hezkuntza Zientzien Fakultateak 2024·10·09
Hasi berri den ikasturtean 204 masterretako ikasle berri izango dira Humanitate eta Hezkuntza Zientzien Fakultateak ikasturte honetan eskaintzen dituen bost masterretan.
Biteri Hall of Residence Talk about blood donations 2024·10·09
They came to give a talk about blood donations from Osakidetza
Climing PiuGaz climbing open doors in Bilbao 2024·10·08
Open doors have been offered at the PiuGaz climbing wall in Zorrozaurre.
Surfing course Introductory surfing course in Sopelana 2024·10·08
Surf course with the Gorka Yarritu Surf School
ESTUDIANTES INTERNACIONALES Bienvenida a estudiantes internacionales en la Escuela Politécnica Superior 2024·10·07
WORKSHOP Workshop to highlight the importance of flow 2024·10·07
LEINN healthy habits Practical session on healthy habits with 1st year LEINN students 2024·10·07
Talk and cooperative games to create a team
ErasmusPlus Welcoming the incoming students of Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2024·10·04
Mondragon Unibertsitatea has welcomed its incoming students at the Bilbao AS Fabrik campus
Biteri Hall of Residence Different activities going on! 2024·10·04
This week we have started some activities of this course
Irakur gida Sarean jarri dugu ‘Haur eta gazte literatura irakur gida 2023’ 2024·10·02
Mondragon Unibertsitateko Humanitate eta Hezkuntza Zientzien Fakultateak koordinatutako taldeak aztertu ditu haur eta gazteei zuzenduta, 2023. urtean, euskaraz argitaratu diren 231 liburuak.
Championship International Co-operative Entrepreneurship Championship, Mondragon City Challenge 2024·09·27
Young people from all over the world will be able to form a team of 2 to 4 people and participate and launch their cooperative projects.
MBA EXECUTIVE Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the Gipuzkoa Chamber of Commerce organize an event to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the MBA Executive master's program 2024·09·27
During these 15 years, this master's degree has trained nearly 300 professionals who have acquired competencies and skills that respond to the new challenges of the business environment
CONGRESO Varios miembros del grupo de mecánica de fluidos han participado en la vigesimoctava edición del congreso bianual ELGRA 2024·09·27
El congreso bianual, organizado por la asociación europea de microgravedad ELGRA, European Low Gravity Asociation, tuvo lugar entre el 3 y el 6 de septiembre en Liverpool.
Ofertas de empleo La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación quiere contratar docentes-investigadores/as para las áreas de didáctica de la tecnología y de digitalización en educación 2024·09·26
El plazo para recibir los currículos finalizará el 15 de octubre de 2024.
Welcoming sports activities Traditional games with international students 2024·09·26
Sports service activities within the welcome plan for international students
Winners of the prize draws for the European Mobility Week activities have been published. European Mobility Week 2024 2024·09·26
As part of the European Mobility Week, different activities were carried out and the winners of the draw were Victor Amo and Beñat Arribas.
Welcome plan activities We have participated in the welcome plan for first-year students. 2024·09·26
As part of the welcome plan, as well as taking part in the gymkhana to get to know the university's services, the sports service has organised various activities.
Feria de Grado ¡NUEVAS ferias de grado de Mondragon Unibertsitatea en Bilbao y San Sebastian! 2024·09·25
Mondragon Unibertsitatea organiza las nuevas ferias de grado en Bilbao en su campus de Bilbao AS Fabrik y en el Kursaal Donostia-San Sebastián
Obras En marcha las obras de mejora de los edificios de los campus de Aretxabaleta y Eskoriatza 2024·09·24
En el campus de Aretxabaleta se añadirá un nuevo edificio al existente actualmente; en Eskoriatza se han realizado adaptaciones en el edificio histórico del campus.
LEINN LUP, a project born in the LEINN Degree of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, wins the prestigious Impact Social Cup of entrepreneurship 2024·09·24
LUP, a Basque project led by the leinner Apurva San Juan, which was formed in the laboratory of Oñati, has beaten 8 other state proposals in the final that took place this weekend in Madrid and distributed 100,000 euros in prizes
GRADUACION 48 nuevos graduados en la 2ª promoción del máster interuniversitario en Tecnologías del Hidrógeno 2024·09·23
La novedad de este año es que se han entregado dos premios: al Mejor TFM II Edición por Carburos Metálicos y al Mejor Expediente II Edición por Corredor Vasco del Hidrógeno.
Mountain hiking Hiking to Aitzorrotz with the new incoming students 2024·09·23
Opportunity to get to know our surroundings through hiking
Fair Mondragon Unibertsitatea at EAIE Toulouse 2024 2024·09·21
The European Association for International Education fair was held this year in Toulouse.
EU4DUAL The Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg university, a member of EU4Dual, has visited our faculties 2024·09·17
This German university, along with eight others, is one of the members of EU4Dual, European Dual Studies University, and they have recently visited Mondragon University to get to know it first hand.