Objectives and competences

Official Degree

Master Degree in Strategic Management of People's Talent - MTALENT



1,5 years


Campus: Oñati, Bilbao. Lab: Barcelona


Spanish, English



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Objectives and Competencies

"You will be able to increase the competitiveness of companies by promoting and managing people's talent"

In the Master's degree in Strategic Talent Management you will acquire the skills you need to become a professional capable of developing, managing and leading talent management processes and systems in companies. You will learn how to design projects that respond to and add value to the business's strategic challenges.

At the same time, you will be able to identify each person's potential and talent by detecting their needs and personalising their experience within the organisation. In this way, you will help organisations become more sustainable and competitive.

This makes it a Master's degree aimed at developing a highly qualified professional profile that seeks to work with and for people by developing your talent. 

Boosting competitiveness

Having a strategic vision, you will learn how to interpret the business's needs in order to add value through people management.

People management

You will acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to operate talent management systems in the most appropriate way.

Leading teams

You will have the ability to manage and lead teams or organisations in the field of people and talent management, enhancing added value.


Innovative DNA

You will design and lead innovative projects on talent management for people and organisations.

Attract talent

You will design innovative strategies to attract, engage and select the key people the company needs.

Develop talent

You will define policies that favour the development of individuals' and teams' talent and potential so that organisations can achieve their strategic challenges.



Build people's loyalty

You will design and implement strategies to boost people's loyalty, recognition of and commitment to organisations.


Manage culture

You will understand the current and future keys to cultural and emotional management in the company in order to design appropriate intervention strategies.


If you have studied one of these degrees:

  •   Business Management and Administration
  •   Business Science
  •   Psychology
  •   Sociology
  •   Law

  •   Labour Relations
  •   Anthropology
  •   Pedagogy
  •   Organisation engineering
  •   Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation

Requirements to studying Strategic Talent Management

  • If you are passionate about people...
  • If you are good at relationships...
  • If you are an empathetic, open and committed person...
  • If you like to help...


  • If you love to listen and work with people...
  • If you love teamwork...
  • If you are worked about people's well-being and want to change working environments...


Then the Master's degree in Strategic Talent Management of People is for you. You'll love it.


Admission requirements for the Master's degree in Strategic Talent Management


Subjects of Strategic Talent Management

  • Strategy and people
  • Strategic Talent Planning
  • Attracting, engaging and selecting talent
  • Compromise management
  • Diversity management
  • Development of personnel talent

View all subjects

Master’s degree  job opportunities

  • Talen/People/Organisation Management
  • HR Manager
  • HR Business Partner
  • HR Management and Development
  • Selection Manager 
  • Cultural Development Manager
  • In-house and External Consultancy with regard to people
  • People Development Corporate Director

Professional opportunities of the Master’s degree