Job Opportunities

Oficial Degree

Degree in Business Administration and Management by Mondragon Unibertsitatea


240 ETCS

4 years


Oñati, Bidasoa, Bilbao


Basque, Spanish, English


DUAL, On-site

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Strategic Talent Management of People: Employment opportunities

"You will manage people's potential to develop their talent"

We are facing an increasingly competitive environment, and managing people's talent makes the difference in increasing a company's added value, improving its competitiveness in the markets and increasing the loyalty of its people.

By taking the Master's degree in Strategic Talent Management you will acquire the knowledge, methods and tools needed to manage teams, attract and maintain talent and develop the potential of the people who make up an organisation. You will be trained to work as:

Job Opportunities


Talent / People / Organisation Management

Leading and coordinating strategies and actions to attract, manage and retain talent.


HR Manager

Managing and developing teams to improve their well-being and productivity.


HR Business Partner

Managing and supporting the contribution of people in the organisation, and designing actions to enhance their talent.



HR Management and Development

Coordinating and carrying out strategies to develop their talent.


Selection Manager

Taking charge of recruiting, interviewing, assessing and selecting the right people for each job.


Cultural Development Manager

Managing values, experiences, customs and relationships to develop the company's identity in a way that involves all its people.



In-house and External Consultancy with regard to people

You will provide solutions through the analysis and identification of problems that organisations have in the field of people management, creating strategies to solve them.


People Development Corporate Director

Designing the process of training, motivating and leading people in the organisation to optimise their productivity at work and promote their professional growth.


Work Placements and End-of-Master’s Project

In the #Mtalent_mu Master you will apply the knowledge acquired through specialised work placements in an organisation. 

In addition, at the end of the Master's degree, you will have to complete your End-of-Master's Project in a company meaning that, when you leave university, you will already have professional experience in the field of talent management. 


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