Entry profile

Official Degree

Master Degree in Strategic Management of People's Talent - MTALENT



1,5 years


Campus: Oñati, Bilbao. Lab: Barcelona


Spanish, English



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Requirements to study Strategic Talent Management of People

If you are thinking of studying the Master's degree in Strategic Talent Management of People you should bear these statements in mind:


I have leadership skills and I am good at coordinating teams and managing projects.


I like working with and for people and bringing out the best in them.


I am a resolute and very creative person. I love innovating and experimenting.



I have good communication skills and can express myself well in different circumstances.


I am a team player and like to cooperate and collaborate to achieve a common goal.


"Do you see yourself in this profile? Then this Master's degree is for your."


You can apply for this Master's degree in any of the following cases:

If you have studied any of these degrees, you will have priority access to the Master in Strategic Talent Management:

  • Business Management and Administration
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Anthropology
  • Pedagogy
  • Law
  • Organisation engineering
  • Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation
  • Labour Relations


Admission Criteria

To gain admission, we will first consider the following criteria: 

  • Your academic record, taking into consideration the average mark obtained that qualifies you to be admitted to the Master's degree.
  • Your Curriculum Vitae together with a letter of application for admission to the Master in which you detail your previous experiences related to the contents of the Master and the motivations that lead you to do it.
  • We will hold a personal interview with you (in person or online).
  • Official English Certificate (B2 – First Certificate) or equivalent and, failing that, a test to prove knowledge of the language.

These admission criteria are weighted with the following percentages:

Criterio %
Academic Record 25%
Curriculum Vitae 20%
Official English Certificate 15%
Personnal Interview 40%


You studied at a foreign university

If you have studied a degree both inside and outside the European Area, you will be able to access the Master's Degree without having to accredit your degrees once the University has verified that you have a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degrees and that they enable access to postgraduate education in the country that issued the degree.



General entry requirements


Marks and criteria Exams for Admission


Admission Process



Registration and Enrolment


18 Places


Subjects of the Master’s degree

Throughout the Master's degree, the syllabus will focus on providing you with the necessary knowledge to strategically manage talent in an organisation:
  • Strategy and people
  • Strategic Talent Planning
  • Attracting, engaging and selecting talent
  • Compromise management
  • Diversity management
  • Development of personnel talent

View all the subjects of the Master's degree in Strategic Talent Management of People


Linguistic requirements

It is best for you to have the language skills set out bel:

Language Reads Speaks Writes
Spanish C1 C1 C1
English B2 B2 B2

If you are from a country with an official language other than Spanish, you must have a B2 level of Spanish.