Mobility and internationalization

Official Degree

Master Degree in Strategic Management of People's Talent - MTALENT



1,5 years


Campus: Oñati, Bilbao. Lab: Barcelona


Spanish, English



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Mobility and Internationalisation

In a saturated job market, where virtually all candidates have a similar professional profile, having work experience abroad can make all the difference. In order for you to learn about other realities and acquire skills that will open the doors to your future career, by taking the Master's degree in Strategic Talent Management you will be able to do the End-of-Master's Project abroad for a semester.


You will make a difference by developing skills that are highly valued by employers.


You will meet interesting people and increase your networking.



You will boost your knowledge by learning from other working cultures, trends and ways of doing things.


You will become more proficient in the use of languages and improve your communication skills.


Erasmus grants

Through the Mondragon Unibertsitatea International Mobility Programme, you will be able to do your projects in foreign universities, companies or research centres, which will be a term-long project (30 ECTS).

If you will be staying in Europe, you will be able to opt for the Erasmus Study programmes (university placements) and Internships (internships and End-of-Master's Project). In addition to receiving the Erasmus grant and the supplement granted by the Ministry of Education, you will also be able to receive mobility aid offered by the Basque Government.

If you will be staying in a country outside Europe, students who go to foreign universities will only be eligible for the scholarship granted by the Basque Government through Bilateral Agreements.