Teaching-learning process

Official Degree

Master Degree in Strategic Design of Products and Services



1,5 years



Class size

40 places


Spanish, English



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The university master's degree offers you training adapted to the new demands of society focused on a model of active learning based on real challenges, projects, workshops and design sprints with companies. The model is based on the following guidelines:

you will create small agencies dedicated to offering Human Centred Design services (Human Centred Design and Innovation Companies).

Different companies will present you with challenges in the form of real projects associated with the three transitions (technological-digital, energy-climate and health and social) with different complexities and durations. A total of 5 challenges, ranging from brand and product strategy to the design of digital products and services to social innovation projects.

All subjects support the development of the challenges and are organised for that purpose. All evaluations are given based on the challenge. You will also attend international fairs and conferences, and external specialists will visit us and give lectures on various topics.


An example of these challenges is the "GeroLab Eraikiz" project, which is based on designing services that promote intergenerational connection for community development and ageing of value. The challenge consists of proposing and making tangible a new intergenerational service to be carried out in Eibar, but which should be transferable to the territory of Guipuzcoa.

Educational experiences


More Educational Experiences

In the second year of the master's degree, you will have four options:

  • Internships within a company: paid end of masters project within a company.
  • International: 5 months of international experience in European universities or companies.
  • Entrepreneurship: create a Junior Enterprise Association continuing the activity of the first year, either offering design services to third parties or developing their own product or service.
  • Research: prepare for a doctoral thesis at the Design Research Centre (DBZ).


You can see the entire training experience here:


Learning journey