
Two students of the Master’s Degree in Biomedical Technologies presented their work at the CASEIB congress

CONGRESS Two students of the Master’s Degree in Biomedical Technologies presented their work at the CASEIB congress 2018·12·21

Irene Varela and Erik Isusquiza showed the results of their End-of-Course projects and first-year PBL, respectively.

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The 1st edition of the Executive Master’s Degree in Integral Logistics and Purchases reaches its final stage

PROFESSIONAL LEARNING SPACE The 1st edition of the Executive Master’s Degree in Integral Logistics and Purchases reaches its final stage 2018·12·20

The defence of the End-of-Master’s projects is the final milestone of the programme, in which students are required to demonstrate the knowledge acquired during the course.

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Micro First Lego League in Mondragon University

Tournament Micro First Lego League in Mondragon University 2018·12·19

The tournament will be the 19th of January in the Campus of Iturripe of the Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon University

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Thesis defense of Gorka Plata

THESIS Thesis defense of Gorka Plata 2018·12·18

Title of the thesis: Semi-Solid Forging of Steels: New insights into material behaviour evolution and industrialisation. Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE rating and the DOCTOR INTERNACIONAL mention.

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Ramón Lopez de Mantaras, former student of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, National Research Award 2018

RECOGNITION Ramón Lopez de Mantaras, former student of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, National Research Award 2018 2018·12·14

The award granted by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities is the most important recognition of Spain in the field of scientific research.

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The social dimension of big data

CONFERENCE The social dimension of big data 2018·12·12

World-class specialists reviewed in a talk that took place at the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea the most innovative initiatives on Big Data that are being launched worldwide, as well as their potential to improve people’s lives and social goods.

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15 students of Mondragon University have been awarded with the prize of final studies of Kutxa

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This action is part of the program UnibertsitARTEAN taken with higher formation centers in Gipuzkoa.

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Maria Ruiz has participated in a colloquium to motivate the students of the ikastolas of Rioja Alavesa to live the Basque language

COLLOQUIUM Maria Ruiz has participated in a colloquium to motivate the students of the ikastolas of Rioja Alavesa to live the Basque language 2018·12·04

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea has been in Bidart, France, to attend the follow-up meeting of the European project TransferINN

PROJECT Mondragon Unibertsitatea has been in Bidart, France, to attend the follow-up meeting of the European project TransferINN 2018·12·03

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The winning project proposes consulting services in electrical networks to serve companies that use equipment based on power electronics. These include, for example, equipment that is used in wind farms, photovoltaic systems, and HVDC installations.

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Take part in the voluntary work of Micro First Lego League MONDRAGON – INNOBASQUE. Be an active part in the event that is going to take place the next 19th January.

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Orona, Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Ikerlan presented the Orona Ideo project as an innovation ecosystem at the Go Mobility show

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Orona, MU and Ikerlan participated in the show with the aim of presenting their common project based on collaboration between business, universities, and technology centres.

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MGEP participates in EFECS conference in Lisbon

CONFERENCE MGEP participates in EFECS conference in Lisbon 2018·11·29

The SCOTT and CSA Industry 4.E projects were presented at the show, which counts on the collaboration of Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

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Alumnos de Oficialía de la Eskola Politeknikoa han protagonizado un bonito y emotivo encuentro hoy en el Campus de Iturripe de Mondragon Unibertsitatea. El reencuentro, 50 años después, ha servido para recordar su paso por Eskola y rememorar viejas anécdotas.

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Thesis defense of Alaitz Kortabarria

THESIS Thesis defense of Alaitz Kortabarria 2018·11·23

Title of the thesis: Analysis of the performance of Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning on supply chain management: A multiple case study. Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE rating.

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Students of the Master's Degree in Biomedical Technologies learn more about the daily routine of nurses

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The students of the Master's Degree in Biomedical Technologies attended a workshop given by the operating room nurse Cristina Azpeitia. In this workshop, they learnt about the daily routine in the operating room and the possibility of applying the theoretical basis.

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Aitor Lizarralde invited as an expert to the Logistics & Distribution show

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Título de la tesis: Microsegregation influence on pearlite precipitation in ferritic heavy section ductile iron castings. Obtuvo la calificación SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE.

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Alaitz Kortabarria will defend his thesis on the impact of the application of the DDMRP methodology in the management of the supply chain

THESIS Alaitz Kortabarria will defend his thesis on the impact of the application of the DDMRP methodology in the management of the supply chain 2018·11·12

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CONFERENCE The Challenges of the Basque Country in Technology and Innovation under debate in the Kursaal 2018·11·06

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea has organised a conference on Critical Materials in the field of mobility.

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María del Mar Vivanco, investigadora del CIC bioGUNE y profesora del Máster en Tecnologías Biomédicas de Mondragon Unibertsitatea, es una de las principales expertas del Estado en la investigación sobre el cáncer de mama.

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Título de tesis: Understanding of the behaviour of organisational commitment using a system dynamics model. Obtuvo la calificación SOBRESALIENTE y la mención DOCTOR INTERNACIONAL.

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