European DiManD project presentation hosts doctoral students from different countries and the companies that make up the consortium in Arrasate


European DiManD project presentation hosts doctoral students from different countries and the companies that make up the consortium in Arrasate


European DiManD project presentation hosts doctoral students from different countries and the companies that make up the consortium in Arrasate

DiManD aims to train young researchers in Industry 4.0 topics and is led by the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea



This week, the welcoming and presentation meeting of the European DiManD project (Digital Manufacturing and Design – Innovative Training Network), an initiative funded by the European Union to promote the completion of 14 doctoral theses related to the Industry 4.0, took place on the Arrasate campus.

The meeting was attended by doctoral students who have already begun their research in their respective subjects, as well as representatives of the eight companies that make up the European consortium: Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa (leader; Basque Country), KTH University (Sweden), Petronor Innovation (Basque Country), STIIMA (Italy); Tecnalia Foundation (Basque Country), TQC Company (United Kingdom); the University of Uninova (Portugal); and the University of Nottingham (UNOTT), of the United Kingdom.

The main purpose of the project is to train young people and turn them into researchers specialising in Industry 4.0, which will also promote future lines of research, as the theses will address topics such as artificial intelligence applied to oil & gas, automation domestic, energy-saving tools in production systems, and digital twins, among other issues.

The Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea will coordinate three of the thesis of the programme: one related to digital twins, one about cyber-physical systems for interaction with the user, and the third on the people-centre design in industry 4.0. The other 11 doctoral students and doctoral students will develop research projects in areas such as smart products, home automation, artificial intelligence applied to oil & gas, new technologies for assembly in the automotive sector, energy saving tools in production systems, etc.

In addition to the eight entities in which these research projects will be carried out, another twenty organisations also participate as partners of the consortium. These organisations will be offering training and stays to doctoral students. Highlights include the presence of the Basque industry, such as Danobat, Gaia, Ideko and Mondragon Corporation, as well as other European organisations such as Brunel University London, the Manufacturing Technology Centre, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, and Virginia University, among others. Throughout the project, collaboration between the participating organisations will be very important to guarantee the success of the doctoral training process.

Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution or the Smart Industry, is a new way of organising work and production resources. One of the main challenges for training future experts in Industry 4.0 is precisely the multidisciplinary skills they will need: manufacturing engineering, computer control engineering, and data analysis, cybersecurity, human-machine interaction, and so on. The DiManD project will address training in various key fields of knowledge in Industry 4.0, supported by the international network that is part of the project and the experts.

Each doctoral student will receive individual training according to their thesis needs, as well as training aimed at the entire network, both in the technical field and in cross-cutting or indirect competencies such as intellectual property and patents, open science, responsible research and innovation, entrepreneurship, gender equality, communication skills, etc. 

"This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 814078".