Students of the degree in Biomedical Engineering visit the Txagorritxu hospital to learn about the reality of robot-assisted surgery


Students of the degree in Biomedical Engineering visit the Txagorritxu hospital to learn about the reality of robot-assisted surgery


Students of the degree in Biomedical Engineering visit the Txagorritxu hospital to learn about the reality of robot-assisted surgery

Students have been able to observe first-hand the application of robotic technologies in surgical operations



The visit of the students of the third year of the Degree in Biomedical Engineering has been framed within the semi-annual project they are carrying out and which is based on the application of robotic technologies and diagnostic imaging technologies in surgical operations. One of the aspects being evaluated by the students in their work is the conception of these technologies from the standpoint of the end users – in this case, by the surgeons.

Therefore, the main objective of the visit has been to provide a first-hand view of the opinion of surgeons currently working with this equipment so that technological improvements can be proposed. Initially, students had the opportunity to see an operation being performed with the aid of the Da Vinci robot. Subsequently, Dr Extramiana and his work team answered the students’ questions by providing valuable information in order to propose a technological improvement in the equipment being analysed.

With these visits, Mondragon Unibertsitatea continues to focus on practical teaching, remaining close to the reality of technologies and enabling students to learn about the reality of the application of cutting-edge technologies in the social and health sector.