
On December 2, a conference on how to bring together the Basque language and interculturality in the educational communities of Basque-speaking municipalities

CONFERENCE On December 2, a conference on how to bring together the Basque language and interculturality in the educational communities of Basque-speaking municipalities 2022·10·19

The conference will deal with the experience that has been taking place since the last academic year in the educational community of Zaldibia.

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Convocatoria de contratación para la realización del doctorado en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación en el curso 2022-2023

Doctorado en Educación Convocatoria de contratación para la realización del doctorado en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación en el curso 2022-2023 2022·07·11

Los ámbitos a potenciar son las investigaciones en innovación educativa basadas en la práctica en Educación Infantil, Educación Primaria y Educación Secundaria.

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Training session on strategic learning to change organizations

CLO Training session on strategic learning to change organizations 2022·06·27

The event will take place on July 14 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. and will be held online. Registration is now open.

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Olalla Juaristi, Outstanding cum laude on her doctoral dissertation

DISSERTATION Olalla Juaristi, Outstanding cum laude on her doctoral dissertation 2022·06·22

The defense of the dissertation, entitled “Bi urteko haurren enkulturazio prozesuarekiko Haur Hezkuntzako maisu-maistren irudikapen sozialak: metodo mistoen bidezko ikerketa” (“Social representations of Early Childhood Education instructors in the process of enculturation of two-year-olds: a mixed-method study”), took place on the Eskoriatza campus.

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The EKKO Project: a program to work on social skills in tweens

Course The EKKO Project: a program to work on social skills in tweens 2022·06·22

The Department of Social Services of the Arrasate City Council, San Juan de Dios Hospital, the Herri School in Arrasate, the Arizmendi School and the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University are participating in the project.

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On June 20, Mondragon University will analyze the use of surplus materials from companies as an educational learning tool

CONFERENCE On June 20, Mondragon University will analyze the use of surplus materials from companies as an educational learning tool 2022·06·17

A total of 29 educators from 8 schools and their respective students have participated actively in this experience, the results of which will be presented at the 'Biziberritu' conference to be held on June 20 on the Eskoriatza campus.

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On June 27 and 28, a training session and a webinar will be offered to tutors at Vocational Training companies

WEBINAR AND TRAINING SESSION On June 27 and 28, a training session and a webinar will be offered to tutors at Vocational Training companies 2022·06·16

As part of the LanHezi research project, the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will organize a training session and a webinar aimed at instructors/tutors and directors of Vocational Training companies.

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The STEMotiv project wins second prize in the STEAM Euskadi Awards

STEAM EUSKADI AWARDS The STEMotiv project wins second prize in the STEAM Euskadi Awards 2022·06·09

The competition, organized by the Department of Education of the Basque Government, aims to reward the best practices in scientific-technological education.

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Eragiten Project: a four-year training process with different schools of the Basque School Association

TRAINING Eragiten Project: a four-year training process with different schools of the Basque School Association 2022·06·07

On May 26, the four-year training program ended with a session held on the Eskoriatza campus.

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Biziberritu Project: turning surplus company materials into an educational tool

Conference Biziberritu Project: turning surplus company materials into an educational tool 2022·06·02

To examine the subject in depth and learn about different experiences, we will hold the Biziberritu conference on the Eskoriatza campus on June 20.

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On June 28, a webinar to reflect on the importance of student exit profiles in educational change

WEBINAR On June 28, a webinar to reflect on the importance of student exit profiles in educational change 2022·05·31

Two speakers will take part in the presentation: Xavier Aragai, Director of Reimagine Education, and Nagore Ipiña, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University.

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Webinar on the new role of the teacher on June 8

GASTRO EDUCATION Webinar on the new role of the teacher on June 8 2022·05·24

The event, organized as part of the activities of the Master’s degree program in Teacher Training in Gastronomy, will begin at 4:00 p.m. and will last one hour.

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‘Lit Experience Workshop’ in Bilbao on June 2

LIT MASTER’S DEGREE ‘Lit Experience Workshop’ in Bilbao on June 2 2022·05·23

Agurtzane Martínez, coordinator of the Master’s Degree Program in Learning Facilitation and Innovation (Lit), will facilitate the session, which will take place at Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria (BBF). The session will last two hours.

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Registration open for June 8 conference: The teacher in current and future education

CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION Registration open for June 8 conference: The teacher in current and future education 2022·05·12

The session will delve into the role of the teacher in promoting students’ personal characteristics such as creativity, cooperation, flexibility and critical spirit. The conference will be held on the Eskoriatza campus.

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Open invitation to join the Lit Master’s Program at a 30% discount

LIT MASTER’S PROGRAM Open invitation to join the Lit Master’s Program at a 30% discount 2022·05·10

¡Participa en la convocatoria y convierte la facilitación Answer the call and turn facilitation into your professional hallmark! Applications must be submitted by June 22.

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Webinar on “Facilitating learning in cooperative organizations” offered by Aitzol Loyola on May 24

LIT MASTER’S DEGREE Webinar on “Facilitating learning in cooperative organizations” offered by Aitzol Loyola on May 24 2022·05·02

The speaker will explain the process of creating a learning community and will present several examples.

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Changes to Lit, the Master’s degree program in Learning Facilitation and Innovation, now in its fourth year

LIT MASTER’S DEGREE Changes to Lit, the Master’s degree program in Learning Facilitation and Innovation, now in its fourth year 2022·04·27

Beginning in the 2022-2023 academic year, the Master’s degree program will last one academic year (9 academic months) and require 60 ECTS.

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Information meeting on the Master’s Degree in Learning Facilitation and Innovation (Lit) on April 6

LIT MASTER’S DEGREE Information meeting on the Master’s Degree in Learning Facilitation and Innovation (Lit) on April 6 2022·03·17

The event will be held online and will begin at 6:00 p.m. The presentation will be attended by the coordinators of the Master’s degree program and students from earlier graduating classes. Registration is now open.

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Stimulating student STEM motivation and enhancing the scientific-technological business network of Gipuzkoa through artificial intelligence

STEMotiv project Stimulating student STEM motivation and enhancing the scientific-technological business network of Gipuzkoa through artificial intelligence 2022·03·07

The Science, Technology and Health research group of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University, ZiTeO, will promote the STEMotiv project in order to have an impact on the training of teachers of STEM subjects and to measure student motivation for and interest in STEM subjects.

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LanHezi, a research project to generate knowledge and influence the quality of future employment

RESEARCH LanHezi, a research project to generate knowledge and influence the quality of future employment 2022·03·01

Vocational Training centers, companies, cooperatives and the ZiTeO research group of Mondragon University will work together on the project.

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On March 4, an open laboratory on the facilitation of group processes at Bilbao AS Fabrik

LIT MASTER’S DEGREE On March 4, an open laboratory on the facilitation of group processes at Bilbao AS Fabrik 2022·02·18

The facilitator of the session will be Txelu Balboa, member of the Colaborabora cooperative. Those interested must register in advance.

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This academic year, the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has acquired eight competitive research projects

RESEARCH This academic year, the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has acquired eight competitive research projects 2022·02·13

The research projects we have in hand will address different areas such as STEM knowledge, educational innovation, governance, and transformation and social entrepreneurship.

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Continuing education courses for professionals in education in 2022

Education Continuing education courses for professionals in education in 2022 2021·12·09

In 2022, Mondragon University will offer several short courses, diploma programs and second certifications aimed at professionals in education and at new graduates in education.

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The second International UniverCity Conference will be held on December 9 and 10 in Bilbao, under the slogan “Organize locally to respond globally,”

Univercity The second International UniverCity Conference will be held on December 9 and 10 in Bilbao, under the slogan “Organize locally to respond globally,” 2021·12·05

Among others, Otto Scharmer, creator or Theory U, will participate in the conference. The events will take place at Bilbao AS Fabrik.

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Conference entitled “Children of immigrants and the Basque language: the voice of 20 years of experience” to be held on December 17 in Eskoriatza

CONFERENCE Conference entitled “Children of immigrants and the Basque language: the voice of 20 years of experience” to be held on December 17 in Eskoriatza 2021·11·29

Both education professionals and young people who learned Basque in the Basque educational system will participate in the events.

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Maialen Arnedo receives Outstanding cum laude on her doctoral dissertation

DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Maialen Arnedo receives Outstanding cum laude on her doctoral dissertation 2021·11·27

Her defense of her dissertation, entitled “Bularretik mintzora egitasmoa: haur literatura sistematizatzeko esperientzia bat” (“The Breast to Speech Project: An Experience in Systematizing Children’s Literature”), took place on the Eskoriatza campus.

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Three researchers from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences publish a book on reflective teacher training

Publication Three researchers from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences publish a book on reflective teacher training 2021·11·25

Professors and researchers Karmele Perez, Agurtzane Azpeitia and Arantza Ozaeta have compiled their 15 years of training experience in their book “Irakaslearen prestakuntza gogoetatsua hezkuntza berritzeko giltza” (“Reflective Teacher Training as a Key to Educational Innovation”).

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Graduation ceremony for the second graduating class of the Lit Master’s Degree program at Bilbao AS Fabrik

LIT MASTER’S DEGREE Graduation ceremony for the second graduating class of the Lit Master’s Degree program at Bilbao AS Fabrik 2021·11·21

The distribution of graduation photos, held on November 19, was attended by this year’s Master’s students and by students in the Chief Learning Officer (CLO) diploma program, who began their studies that day.

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This training program, whose aim is to inspire changes in the role of teachers and in education, was presented in Barcelona.

DIPLOMA IN NEW ROLES This training program, whose aim is to inspire changes in the role of teachers and in education, was presented in Barcelona. 2021·11·20

The Specialist Diploma in New Roles for Learning in Education (ROL), a 30-ECTS program, will begin in January in the hybrid format. In-person meetings will be held in Barcelona.

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MyDigiCoop: Personalised Digital Learning Paths to Foster Social-Cooperative Entrepreneurship

MyDigiCoop MyDigiCoop: Personalised Digital Learning Paths to Foster Social-Cooperative Entrepreneurship 2021·11·15

Bringing in a new paradigm for a better and more socially equal society by fostering social-cooperative mindset.

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