Work experience and projects

Official Degree

Master Degree in International Business Management (MIO)



1,5 years




Spanish, English



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Work placement and End-of-Master’s Project

You will be able to take part in the internationalisation processes of all types of companies and organisations while you study

During the Master’s degree, you will have the opportunity to work in collaboration with companies for a year and a half. You will thus be able to solve real-life challenges and projects proposed by multiple companies, acquire experience, and above all ,apply the knowledge learnt in class in real environments, developing the skills and abilities sought in a profile like yours in the labour market.

You will also carry out the curricular work placement activities and the End-of-Master’s Project in a company in which you will be required to carry out your own project related to the internationalisation of organisations. You will also have the option of carrying out extracurricular work placement during your first year.

Challenge-based Learning Model

At Mondragon Unibertsitatea, you will learn by solving real-life challenges thanks to the challenge-based educational model. 

Companies such as Orkli, LKS and Decatlhon will propose challenges that you must solve by applying what you have learnt during the Master’s degree. In this way, you will gain experience in real-life environments, developing the skills and abilities that companies seek in a profile like yours. 

97% of the people who have completed the Master’s degree occupy a position directly associated with Internationalisation in Organisations.


“I have opted for this Master’s degree because of its methodology, since it is very practical and allows you to respond directly to companies, which made me interested and motivated. In addition, I had the opportunity to do my work placement in India, something which was interesting at both the professional and personal level.”

Andrea Ugalde - Master in Internationalisation of Organisations


Work Placement

You will have the opportunity to do your work placement and the End-of-Master’s Project in leading companies both in Spain and overseas: 


What is the End-of-Master’s Project?

  • You will be able to develop your own project related to the internationalisation of organisations
  • You will work in companies, universities, organisations or technology centres in Spain or abroad
  • The last year includes a full-time internship semester
  • An essential requirement to obtain the Master’s Degree in Internationalisation of Organisations
  • 30% remain working in the company where they did the End-of-Course Project (TFG)
  • Tutoring from the university and from the company so that you can complete your End-of-Master’s Project (TFM)
  • Scholarship