Job Opportunities

Oficial Degree

Degree in Business Administration and Management by Mondragon Unibertsitatea


240 ETCS

4 years


Oñati, Bidasoa, Bilbao


Basque, Spanish, English


DUAL, On-site

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Internationalisation of Organisations: Job opportunities

"You will be part of the internationalisation of companies, helping them to work globally"

In an increasingly globalised world, companies are required to operate internationally if they wish to remain competitive. By attending the Master’s Degree in Internationalisation of Organisations, you will develop the methodologies and knowledge necessary to manage the establishment of subsidiaries of leading companies in foreign countries or to open new markets.Therefore, you will be prepared to work in the following areas:


Job opportunities


Management of subsidiaries overseas

Directing and managing work teams in foreign delegations of an international company.


Commercial offices manager

Managing the commercial offices of companies and public institutions in other countries.


Internationalisation consulting

Developing strategies to help companies open new markets in other countries.



Management of imports and exports

You will be the person in charge of carrying out export and import operations in a company.


Purchasing Manager

Managing the processes of acquisition of materials and products, as well as the relationship with the company’s suppliers.


Commercial Manager

Leading teams of people and creating strategies in the commercial department of a company.



Export Area Manager

Managing the portfolio of clients in a certain geographical area.


People Manager

Managing the talent of the organisation.


An increasing number of companies are operating internationally. Therefore, there is a great demand for professionals who understand and know the internationalisation processes and the import/export procedures and procedures of international trade. You will be able to work in different departments of industrial companies such as CAF, Batz, and Aernnova.


Commercial Department

You will be part of the team that manages and implements the strategy and commercial actions of a company.

Business management

Managing and directing the foreign subsidiaries of business from different sectors towards the objectives of multinational companies. 


Logistics You will work in the logistics area, managing imports and exports of products and raw materials.


Internships and End-of-Master’s Project

The corporate world works in different ways depending on the culture in which they are developed. By taking the Master’s Degree in Internationalisation of Organisations, you will have the knowledge and tools necessary to adapt to the environment, achieving the objectives of the company. Thanks to the internships, you will be able to put everything you have learnt into action in the classroom while doing your End-of-Master’s Project. 


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