
Representatives of the mechanical design research group of Mondragon Unibertsitatea have participated in the national congress of mechanical engineering.

CONGRESS Representatives of the mechanical design research group of Mondragon Unibertsitatea have participated in the national congress of mechanical engineering. 2021·11·08

The meeting was held in Jaén from October 20 to 22.

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La Escuela Politécnica de Mondragon Unibertsitatea enseña a las empresas su equipamiento tecnológico relacionados con las redes eléctricas para identificar oportunidades de colaboración

JORNADA La Escuela Politécnica de Mondragon Unibertsitatea enseña a las empresas su equipamiento tecnológico relacionados con las redes eléctricas para identificar oportunidades de colaboración 2021·11·08

El encuentro se enmarca dentro de las jornadas de inmersión Deep Dive del Basque Digital Innovation Hub (BDIH) promovidos por la SPRI, una iniciativa que pretende poner a disposición de las empresas vascas (PYMES y grandes empresas) los modernos equipamientos tecnológicos que disponen los miembros de la Red Vasca de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación.

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Nuevo curso experto universitario para capacitar a científicos de datos

CURSO Nuevo curso experto universitario para capacitar a científicos de datos 2021·11·08

Con la proliferación del volumen de datos en las empresas y la irrupción de tecnologías SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics y Cloud), cada vez son más demandados los perfiles técnicos capaces de realizar análisis de datos avanzados en entornos Big Data. Mondragon Unibertsitatea, ha creado un nuevo curso semi-presencial que comenzará el próximo mes de Enero.

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Fagor Ederlan y Mondragon Unibertsitatea unen fuerzas para la recualificación de trabajadores

FORMACIÓN Fagor Ederlan y Mondragon Unibertsitatea unen fuerzas para la recualificación de trabajadores 2021·11·03

Más de 40 trabajadores de Fagor Ederlan se han apuntado ya a un plan de capacitación de 376 horas de duración diseñado por ambas entidades que se abordarán entre los meses de noviembre 2021 y junio de 2022.

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Ibili launches bottles designed by Industrial Design students from Mondragon Unibertsitatea

COLLABORATION Ibili launches bottles designed by Industrial Design students from Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2021·10·29

The collaboration was carried out during the 20/21 academic year and the five selected designs are already available in the new catalog launched by the kitchenware brand in the more than 60 countries to which it exports.

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Currently, cyber-attacks on industrial companies are growing exponentially, mainly due to the fact that there is more interconnection between traditional corporate networks and plant networks. This is mainly due to the fact that there is more interconnection between traditional corporate networks and plant networks. Faced with this risk that a well-executed cyberattack could strike at the production plant, it is increasingly necessary to have profiles trained to govern and manage cybersecurity in industrial environments.

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Garaia Parke Teknologikoa and Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa organize, once again, several activities from November 8 to 12, in order to celebrate the International Science and Technology Week and promote STEM vocations.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea and LABORAL Kutxa have signed an agreement to boost innovation, entrepreneurships and talent

Agreement Mondragon Unibertsitatea and LABORAL Kutxa have signed an agreement to boost innovation, entrepreneurships and talent 2021·10·20

Both institutions will collaborate in the field of research and transfer in areas of mutual interest, promoting the implementation of programmes, projects and activities and fostering knowledge generation, exchange and transfer between them.

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Mondragon University, the University of the Basque Country, the University of Deusto and Arantzazulab come together to jointly develop an innovative laboratory research space

AGREEMENT Mondragon University, the University of the Basque Country, the University of Deusto and Arantzazulab come together to jointly develop an innovative laboratory research space 2021·10·15

Through a collaboration agreement signed between Arantzazulab and the three universities, these institutions will jointly undertake research work and other activities in order to become an exemplary center in strategic laboratory areas.

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More than 70 students start the 1st master's degree in Hydrogen Technologies, promoted by Repsol-Petronol and 5 state universities

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The Polytechnic School of Engineering awards the diplomas for bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees to 942 graduates in two consecutive ceremonies.

AWARDING OF DIPLOMAS The Polytechnic School of Engineering awards the diplomas for bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees to 942 graduates in two consecutive ceremonies. 2021·10·15

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La cápsula Etorkizuna Eraikiz está en el campus de Arrasate de Mondragon Unibertsitatea durante todo el día

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Inauguration Mondragon Unibertsitatea in the inauguration of Nagusi Intelligence Centre 2021·10·13

The Provincial Council of Bizkaia has inaugurated the Nagusi Intelligence Centre at the Urduliz Tower

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The researchers Demian Garcia Violini (National University of Quilmes) and Yerai Peña Sanchez (Centre for Ocean Energy Research, Maynooth University) have visited Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa and have presented their most relevant research work to the research staff of the university.

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Abiertas las inscripciones de los concursos de Emprendizaje Industrial/Tecnológico de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon

CONCURSO Abiertas las inscripciones de los concursos de Emprendizaje Industrial/Tecnológico de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon 2021·10·01

Los alumnos y alumnas de MGEP tienen la oportunidad de participar en el primero de los concursos Technopreneurship del curso académico 2021-2022, TPS Start, que ofrece un premio económico a las mejores ideas de negocio innovadoras de base tecnológica.

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Fagor Arrasate and Mondragon Unibertsitatea reinforce their alliance to promote intelligent manufacturing and the industry 4.0

ALLIANCE Fagor Arrasate and Mondragon Unibertsitatea reinforce their alliance to promote intelligent manufacturing and the industry 4.0 2021·09·29

The company and the university join forces for the digital transformation of the industry

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The Department of Education has decided to return to in-person classes in the Basque university system.

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The event will take place on 22nd September at Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, where information about the courses will be offered to all those interested.

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Bachelor's and Master's degrees and Advanced Training Cycles will begin in September. The Administration and the Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Engineering will open on 1 September.

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Concludes the first edition of MasterTECH, the professionals’ specialization program of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Ikerlan in strategic technological areas

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Teaching and research staff from both entities share their knowledge in areas of great demand in Basque industry. The first edition focused on advanced electronic systems and the second edition will focus on data analysis and cybersecurity.

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El reto ha consistido en evaluar y proponer sistemas para mejorar la eficiencia de la planta de Almacenamiento de Energía de Aire Líquido (LAES) mediante la mejora del rendimiento térmico, introduciendo fuentes adicionales de calor o frío, nuevas soluciones para potenciar la producción, mejorar el aprovechamiento energético…

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The new technological entrepreneurship project launched by mondragon goi eskola politeknikoa will have the collaboration of the ministry of science and innovation

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The purpose of the project is the renovation of the industry from being resource intense, polluting industry in mature sectors and technologies, into a knowledge-intensive, clean and digital industry, through the promotion of industrial diversification processes and the generation of new industrial activities.

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Demographic change is a major challenge for today's society, but it is also a professional opportunity for professionals from various disciplines. This new master's degree will train professionals from backgrounds so that they can identify ideas and market niches to guarantee quality of life for the people who make up the Silver Economy

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Thanks to the economic support and resources provided by Giza idea Fundación (Fagor Group), Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, the MONDRAGON Corporation, Saiolan, Kimuberri and GARAIA, the three winning teams will continue developing their business idea throughout 2021/2022

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