EP4H2 research project develops new converters for electrolysis


EP4H2 research project develops new converters for electrolysis


EP4H2 research project develops new converters for electrolysis

The EP4H2 project receives funding from the Eusko Jaurlaritza - Basque Government through the Elkartek 2022 programme.



Mondragon Unibertsitatea's Electric Energy research group is participating in the EP4H2 project together with Tecnalia, Ingeteam and UPV/EHU with the aim of developing new electronic converters for electrolysers that enable faster, cheaper and more flexible hydrogen production and integration into the electricity grid. The EP4H2 project receives funding from the Eusko Jaurlaritza - Basque Government through the Elkartek 2022 programme and is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2023.

Contribution from Mondragon Unibertsitatea

The Mondragon Unibertsitatea research team is involved in several of the project's tasks, such as:

  • The selection and development of multi-port dc-dc converter topologies to integrate electrolysers together with photovoltaic generation systems and storage systems.
  • Leading the work package of the new electrolyser functionalities, which focuses on:
    • The development of analysis and simulation tools
    • The approach of new control techniques to provide frequency and voltage regulation services by means of electrolysers.
    • Research on management techniques and coordination of these electrolysers with other energy assets connected through multi-terminal dc networks (MTDC).

Work on the study of converter topologies was carried out in 2022 and the analysis and simulation activities were completed in January 2023. The Mondragon Unibertsitatea research team is currently working mainly on the development of control techniques for the provision of services and for coordination with other energy assets, and these tasks are expected to be completed at the same time as the project, in December 2023.

In recent years, the Electric Energy research group at Mondragon Unibertsitatea has been working in the field of hydrogen from a more device-oriented point of view (electrolysers and fuel cells). The EP4H2 project is exploring the potential application of electrolysers as dynamic loads connected to the electricity grid, and their interactions with other energy generation and storage assets. These research activities will allow the Mondragon Unibertsitatea team to continue generating knowledge on hydrogen applications beyond mere transport or energy storage, as well as opening up new possible collaborations with companies and organisations that wish to continue working in this field.