Mondragon unibertsitatea, first to teach cybersecurity applied to the automotive industry


Mondragon unibertsitatea, first to teach cybersecurity applied to the automotive industry


Mondragon unibertsitatea, first to teach cybersecurity applied to the automotive industry

CYBENTIA Group and Mondragon Unibertsitatea collaborate to promote training and research in cybersecurity applied to the automotive industry.



Thanks to the signing of this agreement, the students and teaching staff of the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea will improve their knowledge and skills on cybersecurity in the automotive sector. The agreement also includes collaboration on research projects and the creation of awareness strategies.

CYBENTIA Group, a consultancy firm specialising in technology and cybersecurity applied to connected vehicles and smart mobility, and the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, a cooperative university in the Basque Country with close ties to the business world, are collaborating to improve the knowledge and skills of the university's students and teaching staff in the field of cybersecurity in the automotive sector. The agreement also contemplates the implementation of innovation and research projects in a collaborative manner between the agents. The signing took place on 10 March at the facilities of the Higher Polytechnic School in Arrasate, Gipuzkoa.

This strategic collaboration arises from the interest of both entities to explore cybersecurity products and services applied to the automotive and mobility sector in the areas of R+D+I, training, awareness and events, with the aim of improving the knowledge and skills of the university's students and teaching staff. Along the same lines, it also aims to develop research and transfer projects on cybersecurity, a growing field in which the university has a research team.

This agreement starts with the "UNECE/R155 Vehicle Cybersecurity Regulations" course and the "Cybersecurity in Vehicle Fleets" course, specialisation courses developed in collaboration with EUROCYBCAR - a leading technology company in the evaluation of the cybersecurity level of vehicles, FMS and Mobility Infrastructures - and HackerCar's team of CyberQ-Testers.

Para Javier López Tazón, Director adjunto a la Dirección General de Grupo CYBENTIA: “Esperamos que este acuerdo permita una formación más completa en el terreno de la automoción aportando una perspectiva hasta ahora olvidada: la ciberseguridad en la movilidad. No se trata de algo que haya que abordar en el futuro; ya comienza a ser una asignatura pendiente. Y a la vez confiamos en que este acuerdo sea tan solo un primer paso en nuestra colaboración”.Para Carlos García, Director de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea “Apostamos por los acuerdos colaborativos a largo plazo entre empresas y la universidad por dos razones. Por un lado, para transferir nuestros conocimientos a las empresas de forma que mejoren su posición competitiva. Por otro lado, para que el alumnado se incorpore al mercado laboral lo más preparado posible y conozca de cerca la realidad de la industria. En este sentido, la colaboración con Grupo CYBENTIA supone un paso más para garantizar que el alumnado interesado en la ciberseguridad trabaje con aplicaciones y proyectos reales, algo que será de gran utilidad para su acceso al mundo laboral”.


CYBENTIA Group is a research, awareness and strategic communication consultancy, specialised in cybersecurity applied to connected vehicles and smart mobility. With offices in Vitoria-Gasteiz -Parke Tecnológico- and Madrid -Parque Científico-, CYBENTIA Group was founded in 2018 and is composed of four areas: Awareness and Training -with the HackerCar platform, Training and Events-, Strategic Consulting, Certification and Cyberlaboratory. In 2019, it created, the first platform for raising awareness of Mobility and Cybersecurity. In 2020, it develops the first specialised training in Cybersecurity applied to Automotive/Mobility. In 2021, it creates the 'Cybersecurity Mobility City' certificate.

With headquarters in Vitoria-Gasteiz -Parke Tecnológico- and in Madrid -Parque Científico-, CYBENTIA Group is recommended as a training company by INCIBE and included in the White Paper on Cybersecurity in the Basque Country of the BCSC. It is also a member of the MLC-Its-Euskadi Mobility and Logistics cluster and is a UN service provider.