Students of the Master's Degree in Operations Management visit the Empack and Logistics & Automation fair in Bilbao


Students of the Master's Degree in Operations Management visit the Empack and Logistics & Automation fair in Bilbao


Students of the Master's Degree in Operations Management visit the Empack and Logistics & Automation fair in Bilbao

The students of the first year of the Master's course went to the Bilbao Exhibition Centre where the most relevant companies in the supply chain management sector gathered and where more than 2300 professionals attended.



Students from the first year of the Master's Degree in Logistics and Production Operations Management visited the Empack and Logitics & Automation fair that took place at the BEC in Bilbao. The fair represents a meeting between companies and professionals in the logistics and supply chain sector, a very interesting meeting for young people who will soon join this market. The visit allowed the students to get to know the most relevant companies in the sector as well as the most innovative challenges they face.

Mondragon Unibertsitatea is immersed in the business world and this proximity is directly transferred to the educational model, as visits like this or other similar ones are organised every year to bring the reality of the market closer to the students. Something that the young people undoubtedly value very positively, as it allows them to visualise themselves working in the sector and make contacts that may be useful for their future.

Educators exhibited at the fair

Lecturers from the Mondragon Unibertsitatea master's degree gave several talks at Empack eta Logistics and Automation fair: Miguel Mediavilla focused on the subject of negotiation with a talk on how to deal with negotiations and increase margins. Practical application in the Supply Chain, while Itxaso Amorrortu and Aitor Lizarralde spoke about the Demand Driven Operational Model.

The Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea has extensive experience training professionals in the field of supply chain management. For many years it has been offering master's degrees aimed at professionals, short courses and seminars, and in September 2022 it launched a new master's degree aimed at recent graduates: the University Master's Degree in Logistics and Production Operations Management. In this new training programme taught at the Arrasate campus, students have the possibility of combining their studies with paid internships and a final project in a company.