
Official Degree

Engineering Graduate in Industrial Design and Product Development


240 ECTS

4 years



Class size

70 places


Spanish, Basque, English



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The lecturers at the Engineering Faculty combine educational and research activities. As a result, they also form part of research groups and develop innovation projects with companies. This new knowledge, as well as the needs received from companies, are transferred to the classroom and we train students in cutting-edge technologies and trends. Meet some of our teachers.



Abete Huici, Jose Manuel

Applied Mechanics-MAPLI

Head lecturer


Agirre Bikuña, Julen

PhD students - MPI

Head lecturer



Albistegui Zamacola, German Alberto

Basic Sciences-OZ

Head lecturer


Apraiz Iriarte, Ainhoa

PhD students - MPI

Head lecturer



Aranburu Gorrotxategi, Aritz

PhD students - MPI

Head lecturer


Ardanza Cuevas, Asier

Design Innovation-DBZ

Head lecturer



Aretxabaleta Ramos, Laurentzi

Applied Mechanics-MAPLI

Head lecturer


Aristimuño Osoro, Patxi Xabier


Head lecturer



Arrasate Ayerbe, Javier

Mechanics and Industrial Production Department

Head lecturer


Arriola Ormaetxea, Leire

Innovation, Organizational Model and Estrategic HR Management-BAEPE

Head lecturer



Arruebarrena Lizarralde, Miren Gurutze

Materials and Forming-MAKO

Head lecturer


Aseguinolaza Aguirreche, Unai

Basic Sciences-OZ

Head lecturer



Ayerdi Cantalejo, Jon

Information Systems-HAZI-ISI

Head lecturer


Barrutia Inza, Iban

Signal Theory and Communications-ESEKO

Head lecturer



Basañez Zulueta, Aimar

Innovation, Organizational Model and Estrategic HR Management-BAEPE

Head lecturer


Baskaran Razkin, Maider

PhD students - MPI

Head lecturer



Beitia Amondarain, Amaia

Design Innovation-DBZ

Head lecturer


Bernal Rodriguez, Daniel

PhD students - EI

Head lecturer



Bizkarra Langara, Kepa


Head lecturer


Chamarro Sanchez, Xabier

PhD students - MPI

Head lecturer



Eguia Ibarzabal, Josu

Applied Mechanics-MAPLI

Head lecturer


Elguezabal Lazcano, Borja

Basic Sciences-OZ

Head lecturer



Elkoro Ugarteburu, Ander

Applied Mechanics-MAPLI

Head lecturer