
Third general assembly of the Seabat project

PROJECT Third general assembly of the Seabat project 2022·03·07

The project aims to develop a fully electric, hybrid battery system for ships, based on the combination of high power and high energy batteries and modular converters. Mondragon University is one of the 15 partners involved in the project.

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Promoting audiovisual creativity from the Aretxabaleta campus

AUDIOVISUAL CREATIVITY Promoting audiovisual creativity from the Aretxabaleta campus 2022·03·06

Creativity and innovation are the fundamental kingpins of the educational model of Mondragon University. Not only do the students work on these competencies in the academic curriculum, but in parallel, the university organizes activities such as the Huhezinema Basque Short Film Festival and the Euspot Basque Ad Competition. Both events are organized by the degree program in Audiovisual Communication.

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First Lego League Euskadi Mondragon

Tournament First Lego League Euskadi Mondragon 2022·03·05

Today Mondragon Unibertsitatea hosted 320 students who competed to qualify for the state final of the First Lego League.

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450 participants in the University Sport Championship of Basque Country

University Sport Championship 450 participants in the University Sport Championship of Basque Country 2022·03·04

Good atmosphere in the Championship organized by Universidad de Deusto.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea will chair the conference of the European University Alliance for Dual Learning

European Project Mondragon Unibertsitatea will chair the conference of the European University Alliance for Dual Learning 2022·03·03

In total, nine European universities at the forefront of dual training wish to launch the world's largest integrated dual education institution, in which the academic and business standard will be seamlessly integrated.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences seeks to fill the position of Computer Engineer

JOB OFFER The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences seeks to fill the position of Computer Engineer 2022·03·03

Resumes will be accepted through March 31, 2022.

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Jornada sobre el estado de la Cooperación de la Triple Hélice en Gipuzkoa

EXPOSICIÓN Jornada sobre el estado de la Cooperación de la Triple Hélice en Gipuzkoa 2022·03·03

El desarrollo de una hoja de ruta compartida entre Empresas, Administración y Universidades resulta clave para la promoción del empleo de calidad en nuestro ecosistema socioeconómico. El 9 de marzo se expondrán buenas prácticas de cooperación entre dichos agentes.

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Creating solutions for conscious and sustainable delivery: Koiki, Leinn and Fundación Emplea

LEINN Creating solutions for conscious and sustainable delivery: Koiki, Leinn and Fundación Emplea 2022·03·02

The leinners have poured all their potential to solve two strategic challenges for the organization of sustainable delivery and social inclusion Koiki

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Talk with the monks of Udala (II)

TALK Talk with the monks of Udala (II) 2022·03·01

After the previous talk’s success, they have come again to discuss another topic

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New agreement in Bilbao with Modu gym

Fitness offer New agreement in Bilbao with Modu gym 2022·03·01

Advantages in Modu gym

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LanHezi, a research project to generate knowledge and influence the quality of future employment

RESEARCH LanHezi, a research project to generate knowledge and influence the quality of future employment 2022·03·01

Vocational Training centers, companies, cooperatives and the ZiTeO research group of Mondragon University will work together on the project.

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El 10 de marzo habrá un taller práctico de electrónica dirigido a jóvenes que están valorando estudiar ingeniería electrónica

TALLER El 10 de marzo habrá un taller práctico de electrónica dirigido a jóvenes que están valorando estudiar ingeniería electrónica 2022·02·28

El taller tendrá lugar en el campus de Arrasate y los y las jóvenes asistentes podrán aclarar si la electrónica es un tema de su interés o no.

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Students of the Master's degree in Strategic Design of Products and Services will achieve the top positions of the I. Hackathon of the Gipuzkoa Turismoa

CONTEST Students of the Master's degree in Strategic Design of Products and Services will achieve the top positions of the I. Hackathon of the Gipuzkoa Turismoa 2022·02·28

The competition consisted of designing innovative, technology-based products and services aimed at the tourists who visit Guipuzkoa.

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A new Topaketa-Alianzas- Alliances meeting: from impact to systemic impact.

Encuentro BBF A new Topaketa-Alianzas- Alliances meeting: from impact to systemic impact. 2022·02·23

After the December session at the BBF, the new meeting held in February

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Ordinary General Assembly in the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences

GENERAL ASSEMBLY Ordinary General Assembly in the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences 2022·02·21

During the event, which was carried out in person in Eskoriatza and online, the management plan for the 2021-2022 academic year was approved. The cooperative has published the report on the 2020-2021 academic year.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea awarded the diplomas of its Dual Business Administration and Management degree, university masters and programs for professionals to 320 graduates of the 18/19 and 19/20 graduating classes

Awarding diplomas Mondragon Unibertsitatea awarded the diplomas of its Dual Business Administration and Management degree, university masters and programs for professionals to 320 graduates of the 18/19 and 19/20 graduating classes 2022·02·21

The ceremony was held on Friday from 18:00 hours at the Kursaal in Donostia

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On March 4, an open laboratory on the facilitation of group processes at Bilbao AS Fabrik

LIT MASTER’S DEGREE On March 4, an open laboratory on the facilitation of group processes at Bilbao AS Fabrik 2022·02·18

The facilitator of the session will be Txelu Balboa, member of the Colaborabora cooperative. Those interested must register in advance.

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The sports championship of the University of Mondragón was held yesterday.

Tournament The sports championship of the University of Mondragón was held yesterday. 2022·02·17

Around 200 students gathered in Arrasate and Aretxabaleta.

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Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa is committed to recucing its energy use

CHALLENGE Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa is committed to recucing its energy use 2022·02·14

14 Februrary, International Energy Day

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This academic year, the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has acquired eight competitive research projects

RESEARCH This academic year, the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has acquired eight competitive research projects 2022·02·13

The research projects we have in hand will address different areas such as STEM knowledge, educational innovation, governance, and transformation and social entrepreneurship.

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Nine teams of entrepreneurs from the Basque Country, Kenya and Senegal will defend their projects on the right to health to develop them in Africa and the Basque Country

Social Development - MTA Nine teams of entrepreneurs from the Basque Country, Kenya and Senegal will defend their projects on the right to health to develop them in Africa and the Basque Country 2022·02·10

The program promoted by Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Mondragon Team Academy seeks the creation of new companies that promote social development, in this case, the Right to Health, and generate positive impact in both Africa and the Basque Country

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Visit to Su Eskola

VISIT Visit to Su Eskola 2022·02·10

Members of the emergency commission visited the Ordizia Fire School

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The students of Mondragon Unibertsitatea have been skiing in Formigal

Ski Formigal The students of Mondragon Unibertsitatea have been skiing in Formigal 2022·02·10

The students of Mondragon Unibertsitatea have enjoyed the skiing outing to Formigal.

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Potato omelette competition

COMPETITION Potato omelette competition 2022·02·09

Residents of the Hall of Residence have held this culinary competition

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February 18, a day to intertwine territories and cooperatives from the perspective of Catalonia and the Basque Country

KoooFabrika February 18, a day to intertwine territories and cooperatives from the perspective of Catalonia and the Basque Country 2022·02·09

The conference will be held in Arantzatzu and the participants, among others, will include Josep Vidal, general director of Social Economics of the Regional Government of Catalonia.

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Students from foreign universities return to the Faculty

Erasmus Students from foreign universities return to the Faculty 2022·02·09

Foreign students have returned to the International Spring program, this time from the Netherlands, Turkey, Belgium, Hungary and Mexico.

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Nut-launching competition using catapults constructed by first year students of Industrial Organisation Engineering

PROJECT Nut-launching competition using catapults constructed by first year students of Industrial Organisation Engineering 2022·02·07

The catapults were designed and constructed during the project semester and the students have been able to put into practice their theoretical knowlege acquired during the first semester of the degree.

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The innovative entrepreneurship model of MTA - Mondragon Unibertsitatea is exhibited this week at the Dubai World Expo as a success story

MTA - Mondragon Unibertsitatea The innovative entrepreneurship model of MTA - Mondragon Unibertsitatea is exhibited this week at the Dubai World Expo as a success story 2022·02·03

Mondragon Team Academy has been invited by the High Commissioner of Spain to participate in the Entrepreneurial Nation Summit to be hosted by the Spanish pavilion in Dubai

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Information meeting on March 10 on the hybrid degrees and second specializations in Education

HYBRID EDUCATION Information meeting on March 10 on the hybrid degrees and second specializations in Education 2022·02·01

We have organized three online information meetings this year, the first on March 10 at 6:00 p.m. Registration is now open.

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Do you know the Mondragon Team Academy FALKON Model?

LEINN Do you know the Mondragon Team Academy FALKON Model? 2022·02·01

From the 2020-21 academic year, the formal implementation of the MTA FALKON Model (pedagogical framework) in the LEINN degree has begun

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