Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa is committed to recucing its energy use


Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa is committed to recucing its energy use


Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa is committed to recucing its energy use

14 Februrary, International Energy Day



Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa is committed to sustainable development and has a working team that analyses and monitors the environmental impact of the faculty's activity.

Years ago, this working team defined a strategy to reduce the energy consumption of the facilities and the first assessments are giving positive results. The most significant actions implemented during the last five yars were the following:

  • Replacing traditional lighting with that of LED technology
  • Monitoring energy consumption in lecture halls, laboratories and buildings in order to monitor and detect opportunities for improvement

Five years on, these measures have enabled annual consumption of energy per person to be reduced by 10%, from 1438kWh between 2016/2017 to 1308kWh between 2020-2021. Currently, the measures are still active and it is hoped that this downward trend will continue in the future.

Another of the current projects of the environmental group is the installation of solar panels in the Garaia buiding in the Arrasate campus. The panels generate 16% of the energy consumed in the building itself, which prevents the emission of 61.7 Tn of CO2 into the atmosphere. The project is designed, and the installation is expected to be carried out over the coming months.

How can I contribute?

  • Make sure you turn off the lights whenever you are the last person to leave the lecture hall, laboratory or study room.
  • When you go into a large space, make sure you only turn on the essential lighting.
  • If you only going to be in a workspace for a short time, assess whether temperature control is vital.
  • Make sure you switch off your laptop, PC or any device you won't be using.

Other challenges of the environmental group

The environmental group also has its hands in other relevant challenges such as reducing waste generation, activating a mobility plan and promoting the circular economy on the campus.

The awareness of the entire community of the faculty (working staff, the student body...) is essential in order for the indicators to carry on giving positive results. This is why we are taking the opportunity to remind our community of the importance of working together on this great challenge that we face as a society: SUSTAINABILITY.