
The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has organized a conference in Bilbao to discuss literacy in multilingual contexts

Education The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has organized a conference in Bilbao to discuss literacy in multilingual contexts 2023·05·19

The conference analyzed the literacy of students who do not study in their family language and examined whether their academic and personal results are as expected.

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Mondragon University addresses the challenges and opportunities of digital education in a conference at Bilbao AS Fabrik

Mondragon University addresses the challenges and opportunities of digital education in a conference at Bilbao AS Fabrik Mondragon University addresses the challenges and opportunities of digital education in a conference at Bilbao AS Fabrik 2023·05·16

Mondragon University Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences professor and researcher Amaia Arroyo Sagasta, and National University of Distance Education (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, UNED) professor and expert researcher in the field Cristina Sánchez Romero took part in the conference.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea in 9th place in a national level for its graduates' employment outcomes

Ranking Mondragon Unibertsitatea in 9th place in a national level for its graduates' employment outcomes 2023·05·16

Mondragon Unibertsitatea is also in first place among the universities of the Basque Country.

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Voting is open for the best videos of the 3Kimu project

The 3Kimu Project Voting is open for the best videos of the 3Kimu project 2023·05·10

Students in the MONDRAGON knowledge division – the Arizmendi School, Lea Artibai School and Txorierri Polytechnic – responded by video to the challenge “How can we protect people and things from collisions?”. The winning work will receive the audience award.

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Conference on the challenges and opportunities offered by digital education in Bilbao on May 16

CONFERENCE Conference on the challenges and opportunities offered by digital education in Bilbao on May 16 2023·05·04

The event, to be held at Bilbao AS Fabrik, will focus on the possibilities offered by digitalization in education.

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Gathering to be held with Joseba Sarrionandia, Olaia Inziarte, Oihana Iguaran and Mattin Irigoien, on April 26 on the Eskoriatza campus

Colloquium Gathering to be held with Joseba Sarrionandia, Olaia Inziarte, Oihana Iguaran and Mattin Irigoien, on April 26 on the Eskoriatza campus 2023·05·03

On April 26, writer Joseba Sarrionandia, singer Olaia Inziarte, verse singer Oihana Iguaran and playwright Mattin Irigoien will take part in a colloquium entitled “Culture that creates a nation, agent of the Basque language”. The event, which will be held on the Eskoriatza campus, is open to the public, but interested parties must register in advance.

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New training offer related to learning facilitation and educational innovation

TRAINING IN EDUCATION New training offer related to learning facilitation and educational innovation 2023·05·02

In the 2023-2024 academic year, special courses and training sessions on different topics and of different durations will be offered to education professionals

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COOPERATIVISM Presentation of the UNESCO chair on the social and solidarity economy 2023·04·27

The presentation ceremony took place in Santa Marta, Colombia; Mondragon University Rector Vicente Atxa participated in the event.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University and the Arrasate Rugby Team have signed an agreement to promote research, development and innovation in the field of sports

AGREEMENT The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University and the Arrasate Rugby Team have signed an agreement to promote research, development and innovation in the field of sports 2023·04·26

The cooperative project aims to develop and implement support and guidance methods and tools for the players, the coaching and training team, and the families of the inclusive ART team.

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International conference in Bilbao on literacy in multilingual contexts

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The conference will be held on May 18 and 19 at Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria (BBF).

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Arantzazulab, in collaboration with the three basque universities, presents the initial results of the research project on democracy

Arantzazulab Arantzazulab, in collaboration with the three basque universities, presents the initial results of the research project on democracy 2023·04·19

9 de cada 10 ciudadanos afirma que la democracia es mejor que cualquier otro régimen político.

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Gathering to be held with Joseba Sarrionandia, Olaia Inziarte, Oihana Iguaran and Mattin Irigoien, on April 26 on the Eskoriatza campus

Colloquium Gathering to be held with Joseba Sarrionandia, Olaia Inziarte, Oihana Iguaran and Mattin Irigoien, on April 26 on the Eskoriatza campus 2023·04·19

On April 26, writer Joseba Sarrionandia, singer Olaia Inziarte, verse singer Oihana Iguaran and playwright Mattin Irigoien will take part in a colloquium entitled “Culture that creates a nation, agent of the Basque language”. The event, which will be held on the Eskoriatza campus, is open to the public, but interested parties must register in advance.

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Communication camp Unai Portilla: “Young people will have the opportunity to learn about audiovisual communication in a fun way” 2023·04·18

Mondragon University and the Goiena Communication Group have organized the third annual Communication Camp. The camp will take place during the first week of July, in Aretxabaleta, from Monday to Friday. Registration is now open. We spoke with Unai Portilla, professor in Mondragon University’s Audiovisual Communication Camp.

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New podcast available on encouraging the participation of non-traditional students in higher education institutions

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The sixth DualECA symposium focused on dual teaching in education centers

Dual program The sixth DualECA symposium focused on dual teaching in education centers 2023·03·28

The gathering, which took place on the Eskoriatza campus, brought together universities that work on the dual format in education. The topic chosen for this sixth year of the symposium was: ‘Learning about dual experiences/different alternations: strengths and challenges’.

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A collection of materials for sociolinguistic education created by master’s students Izaro Arruti and Sandra Prieto has been posted online by Soziolinguistika Klusterra

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The online database was created by Soziolinguistika Klusterra, the Federation of Basque Schools, and the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University, based on work carried out by Master’s students Izaro Arruti and Sandra Prieto.

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Mondragon University and TeamLabs have organized three meetings aimed at heads of educational centers to examine the design of innovative educational projects. The first of these conferences will be held at Bilbao AS Fabrik on April 22. Admission to the event will be free but by invitation only.

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28 vocational training teachers from Brazil have arrived for an academic visit to the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University

Conexão Mundo 28 vocational training teachers from Brazil have arrived for an academic visit to the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University 2023·03·13

Over the course of four weeks, they will visit different organizations and companies in addition to receiving information and making progress on their end-of-degree projects.

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'Arikala', an innovative research project to promote the use of colloquial Basque among students

The Arikala project 'Arikala', an innovative research project to promote the use of colloquial Basque among students 2023·03·10

This is a new and original project that will provide students with tools and strategies to develop informal language in Basque. After implementation, the impact of the various interventions will be evaluated.

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Laura Macaya-Andrés will give a talk entitled 'Punctures, Ghosts And Zero Rock & Roll' at the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences

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The talk will take place on March 22 at 6:00 p.m. on the Eskoriatza campus, and is open to the public.

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On March 23, an open conference will be held as part of the sixth DualECA symposium

Dual program On March 23, an open conference will be held as part of the sixth DualECA symposium 2023·03·01

The meeting, which will take place on the Eskoriatza campus, will bring together universities that work in education using the dual format. The topic chosen for this sixth year of the symposium is ‘Learning about dual experiences/different alternations: strengths and challenges’.

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The theme will be 'What will employment be like for future Gipuzkoans?' and videos may be submitted through June 9, 2023.

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Mondragon University launches a new master’s degree program in promotion of Basque culture

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The Master’s program will begin next year, in October. It will train professionals to work in formal and informal education or as cultural agents on city councils or in other public institutions.

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The specialist course in Educational Project Design Through Strategic Facilitation will begin on March 17

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The course will be offered in the hybrid format, and includes four in-person workshops at Bilbao AS Fabrik, in Zorrozaurre.

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19 foreign students will come to the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences for the Spring International Program

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Multiplier event The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has organized a conference in Bilbao to discuss literacy in multilingual contexts 2023·02·10

The conference analyzed the literacy of students who do not study in their family language and examined whether their academic and personal results are as expected.

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The 3rd year of Communication Camp, run by Mondragon University and Goiena, will be held the first week of July

Communication Camp The 3rd year of Communication Camp, run by Mondragon University and Goiena, will be held the first week of July 2023·02·07

The Goiena Communication Group and Mondragon University have announced the third year of Communication Camp for the summer. The camp will take place the first week of July, from the 3rd to the 7th. Registration is now open.

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The dissertation "Analysis of Subject-Specific Literacies in a Multidisciplinary Project in Upper-Secondary Education. Case Study" defended by Amaia Lersundi on the Eskoriatza campus in January, earned a rating of cum laude with the international designation. We spoke with the author about her research.

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The awards ceremony of the short film festival organized by Mondragon University students in Audiovisual Communication was held in the Arkupe Room in Aretxabaleta.

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