Mobility and internationalization

Official Degree

Master's Degree in Energy and Power Electronics



1.5 years



Class size

24 places


Spanish, English



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Mobility and Internationalisation

Studies Abroad

Through this programme, the aim is to promote the mobility of students, signing bilateral agreements between universities, for the further development of their studies abroad.

In the study periods of mobility, our students have the opportunity to study in prestigious foreign universities. The duration of the stay will vary. It could be six months, or a full year. Students will gain the credits agreed in the “learning agreement”

In Europe, the stays are organised through the Erasmus programme; outside Europe, they are organised through bilateral agreements. Through the Erasmus programme, students will receive the Erasmus scholarship and a corresponding grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, in addition to a mobility grant awarded by the Basque government. If mobility is outside Europe, students can only obtain the Basque government grant.

Projects Abroad

Through this programme, our students can carry out their projects in foreign universities, companies or research centres.

Students can either work on the project for one whole year (42 ECTS), or combine their studies with project work (30 or 12 ECTS for the project component).

In the case of Europe-based projects, the stays are organised through the Erasmus Study programmes (for university-based projects) or Erasmus Practices (for company-based projects). Projects based outside Europe will be organised through a formal University-Company arrangement, contracts or bilateral agreements.

Projects in European universities will be covered by the Erasmus Study programme, while projects carried out in European companies or research centres will be subject to Erasmus programme practices.Outside Europe, university-based projects will be organised through bilateral agreements, and company-based projects will be organised through University-Company Agreements.

Under the Erasmus Study programme, students will not only receive the Erasmus scholarship and a corresponding grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, but can also receive mobility grants offered by the Basque government.

Students that go to universities outside Europe can only apply for the grant awarded by the Basque government through bilateral agreements.

Under the formal University-Company arrangement, pupils can apply for a mobility grant from the Basque government, and will receive a grant that they will pay to the company.

Joint Degree

The objective of the Double Diploma is that students shall, at the culmination of their studies, obtain two degrees: one obtained from Mondragon Unibertsitatea, and the other awarded by a foreign university

In the Double Diploma programme, student mobility begins in Year 4 of the Degree in Industrial Electronics, everything that year being done abroad. In addition, Year 2 of the Masters degree is done abroad. The foreign university will be ENSEEIHT, in France.