Objectives and competences

Official Degree

Master's Degree in Accounting and Financial Management



1 year


Oñati, Bilbao





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"You will be able to manage the financial accounting area of any SME, multinational or entity"

The financial and accounting area is one of the most important of any company, since it is where the health of a company is reflected, and the other departments depend on it. Therefore, the Master's Degree in Accounting and Financial Management responds to the growing demand for professionals trained in acquiring and processing economic and financial information for the decision-making of a company. By studying this Master's Degree you will prepare yourself for financial decision making and the successful management of an accounting and financial department, together with the digital skills and managerial skills necessary for managing the financial area in any large company or multinational. The Master's Degree will prepare you to:


Develop Audit tasks

You will be able to audit accounts, make reports and interpret the data for making financial decisions.


Set objectives and strategies

You will acquire the necessary knowledge to establish financial objectives, planning the necessary actions and monitoring the results.


Manage the financial information

You will have the ability to seek more efficient solutions to the financial problems of the company, making effective decisions that respond to them and evaluating the results.



Evaluate the risk map of a business group and apply hedging

You will develop the ability to identify and evaluate financial risks to preserve the results of the company.


Lead work teams

You will be able to guide the personal skills of the team members and involve them in the achievement of the objectives of the financial area.


The challenge-based learning model used in the Master's Degree in Accounting and Financial Management will allow you to apply your knowledge to real financial challenges/projects, improving their assimilation and the ability to develop your professional career in any of the positions related to finance or the group accounting of companies.


Requirements to study Accounting and Financial Management

  •  I have studied a business-related degree
  •  I am passionate about the business world
  •  I am good with numbers and data processing


  •  I am good at leading and managing teams
  •  I am a meticulous and organised person
  •  I love a good challenge
  •  I know how to work in a team


If you identify with many of these statements, this Master's Degree might be the perfect option to develop your professional future in the world of finance and accounting.


Access requirements for the Master's Degree in Accounting and Financial Management


Accounting and Financial Management Courses

  • Auditing
  • Business combinations
  • Digital Competencies for Management
  • Executive Competencies for Management
  • Risk Management and Derivative Instruments
  • Management Control of Business Groups
  • Management of External Financing
  • Consolidation of Business Groups

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Employment opportunities with the Master's Degree

  • Integration in an account audit work group
  • Economic control of a business group
  • Management of the business risk map and financial coverage
  • Preparation of the consolidated financial information of the groups of companies
  • Accounting and financial consulting
  • Planning and management of the treasury of business groups
  • Data management and reporting for decision making
  • Financial controller
  • Management of the accounting information of business combinations
  • Management of external financing needs
  • Negotiation of bank financing
  • Management of alternative sources of financing

Employment opportunities of the Master's Degree