
26 centers belonging to the Catalonian FEDAC Schools association will receive training in educational innovation offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences and TeamLabs

New Roles for Learning in Education (ROL) 26 centers belonging to the Catalonian FEDAC Schools association will receive training in educational innovation offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences and TeamLabs 2021·01·18

Representatives from Escoles FEDAC will pursue our new ‘Specialist Diploma in New Roles for Learning in Education (ROL)’, which we designed in conjunction with TeamLabs. The new program is aimed at schools.

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Collaboration agreement signed with the Zumaiena educational organization to promote educational innovation

COLLABORATION AGREEMENT Collaboration agreement signed with the Zumaiena educational organization to promote educational innovation 2021·01·17

The event took place on the Eskoriatza campus on January 12. Representatives from both institutions took part.

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Inauguration Bilbao AS Fabrik

Inauguration Inauguration Bilbao AS Fabrik 2021·01·15

Mondragon University, together with Bilbao City Council, has inaugurated Bilbao AS Fabrik.

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KoLaborategia investigates teenagers’ social media habits

Research KoLaborategia investigates teenagers’ social media habits 2021·01·13

KoLaborategia, the laboratory for Education and Communication for the Digital Society based in the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences at Mondragon University, has analyzed social media trends among 15- and 16-year-olds.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has published a book that describes the process involved in the Faculty’s new educational model

PUBLICATION The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has published a book that describes the process involved in the Faculty’s new educational model 2020·12·18

Faculty researchers Ainara Imaz and Nagore Ipiña have compiled the key points of the innovative educational model and the details of the transformation process.

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Participants in the Specialist Course on Cooperative Development have analyzed the challenges of the future

COOPERATIVISM Participants in the Specialist Course on Cooperative Development have analyzed the challenges of the future 2020·12·10

With the assistance of Guillermo Dorronsoro and Zigor Ezpeleta, they discussed the challenges of society and cooperativism. The meetings were held on the Eskoriatza campus.

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Presentation of a book in honor of Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences researcher Pilar Sagasta

PUBLICATION Presentation of a book in honor of Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences researcher Pilar Sagasta 2020·12·05

Former Faculty member Pilar Sagasta herself took part in the presentation, which was held on December 5 on the Eskoriatza campus and streamed. Researchers both local and foreign also participated in the event.

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Online Open House Day for degree programs on December 12

OPEN HOUSE Online Open House Day for degree programs on December 12 2020·12·02

Registration is now open for the two meetings, one at 10:00 am in Basque and the other at noon in Spanish.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will publish a monthly newsletter

ONLINE NEWSLETTER The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will publish a monthly newsletter 2020·11·25

The online newsletter will include the most relevant Faculty news and will be available in Basque and Spanish.

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The LANKI Institute of Cooperative Studies presents two new issues in the

COOPERATIVISM The LANKI Institute of Cooperative Studies presents two new issues in the "LANKI Notebooks" series 2020·11·24

Issue 13 of the collection discusses changes experienced in the Basque Autonomous Community and Gipuzkoa in recent decades, while Issue 14 examines the evolution of the Catalan cooperative La Fageda.

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The 8th year of the Expert Course in Basque Cultural Transmission has opened

EXPERT COURSE IN BASQUE CULTURAL TRANSMISSION (EKT) The 8th year of the Expert Course in Basque Cultural Transmission has opened 2020·11·18

This year 20 people will participate, one weekend per month, in in-person sessions on the renovated Eskoriatza campus.

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Beñat Flores: “The university is an excellent educational stage for boosting creativity”

Interview Beñat Flores: “The university is an excellent educational stage for boosting creativity” 2020·11·16

Beñat Flores earned the cum laude designation for his international dissertation entitled “Exploring the impact of Design Thinking on higher education students’ creative self-efficacy / Design Thinkingaren eragina aztertzen unibersitate ikasleen auto-eraginkortasun sortzailean,” which he defended in October.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences and Ibermatica have created a tool called “Focusing Talent”

research and transfer The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences and Ibermatica have created a tool called “Focusing Talent” 2020·11·13

The purpose of the project is to help students in their 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education choose the direction of their studies. The project received funding from the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.

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Mondragon University in Spotify

Social Networks Mondragon University in Spotify 2020·11·12

Now you can listen to the experts from Mondragon University on the Spotify podcasts

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New edition of ChangeMaker Lab

Entrepreneurship New edition of ChangeMaker Lab 2020·11·11

If you want to learn about entrepreneurship, want to know the tools to implement your ideas and feel like working in a team, sign up for the annual ChangeMaker Lab activities or choose the one you like the most.

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Itziar Arregi: “Play is essential not only in child development, but also in the development of most animal species”

interview Itziar Arregi: “Play is essential not only in child development, but also in the development of most animal species” 2020·11·11

Itziar Arregi defended her dissertation in July, earning the cum laude designation.

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Conference on collaboration between city councils and schools in the context of Covid-19 to be held on November 25

Online conference Conference on collaboration between city councils and schools in the context of Covid-19 to be held on November 25 2020·11·10

The conference will be held online, and registration will be open until November 22.

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The course in Cooperative Development is now underway in its 13th year

Cooperativism The course in Cooperative Development is now underway in its 13th year 2020·11·04

This year 14 representatives from 10 different cooperatives will participate in the course, which will be held on the Eskoriatza campus

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Researcher Beñat Flores earns summa cum laude for his international dissertation

INTERNATIONAL DISSERTATION Researcher Beñat Flores earns summa cum laude for his international dissertation 2020·10·30

The defense of Dr. Flores’ dissertation, “Exploring the impact of design thinking on Higher Education students’ creative self-efficacy / Design thinkingaren eragina aztertzen unibersitate ikasleen auto-eraginkortasun sortzailean,” was held online.

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Last free spaces to participate in the Specialist Diploma Program in Chief Learning Officer

Chief Learning Officer (CLO) Last free spaces to participate in the Specialist Diploma Program in Chief Learning Officer 2020·10·28

The CLO diploma program will open for its second year on November 2. The purpose of the program is to train professionals to facilitate learning and encourage innovation in companies and organizations.

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Nagore Ipiña appointed as new Dean of the Faculty Of Humanities And Education Sciences of Mondragon University

New dean Nagore Ipiña appointed as new Dean of the Faculty Of Humanities And Education Sciences of Mondragon University 2020·10·21

The new Dean holds a doctorate in Education and is an expert in digitalization. She has worked for the Faculty for eleven years.

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Soziolinguistika Klusterra has organized a conference on the linguistic reality of youth to be held on October 28 on the Eskoriatza Campus

LINGUISTIC REALITY Soziolinguistika Klusterra has organized a conference on the linguistic reality of youth to be held on October 28 on the Eskoriatza Campus 2020·10·19

Results and conclusions from various investigations, projects and interventions will be presented at the conference.

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The eighth annual Doctoral Program Research Conference will be held online on October 16

DOCTORAL PROGRAM The eighth annual Doctoral Program Research Conference will be held online on October 16 2020·10·14

Researchers from the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia and Mondragon University will participate in the conference.

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El próximo día 22, debate online sobre los procesos de aprendizaje e innovación en las organizaciones

CHIEF LEARNING OFFICER (CLO) El próximo día 22, debate online sobre los procesos de aprendizaje e innovación en las organizaciones 2020·10·14

El acto comenzará a las 10:00 y contará con la participación de Iñigo Larrea, Julen Iturbe-Ormaetxe y Onintza Belategi.

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Título experto "EKT" Últimas plazas libres para participar en la 8ª edición del Título Experto en Transmisión de la Cultura Vasca 2020·10·14

El curso comenzará el fin de semana del 14 de noviembre. Hasta completar las plazas vacantes, la inscripción estará abierta el presente mes de octubre.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has published two books proposing scales to measure the profile of the cooperative individual

KOOPHEZI PROYECT The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has published two books proposing scales to measure the profile of the cooperative individual 2020·10·07

The books include two scales to measure the profile of the cooperative individual in student youth and workers.

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Chief Learning Officer (CLO) CLO rolak erakundeetan duen garrantzia azaltzeko, webinarra eskainiko du Arantza Ozaeta Fakultateko ikertzaileak 2020·10·06

Azaroaren 2an, Chief Learning Officer (CLO) edo Ikaskuntzaren Kudeaketa Arduraduna Enpresan Espezializazio Diplomaren bigarren edizoa hasiko da.

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Begoña Pedrosa, dean of the Faculty Of Humanities And Education Sciences, has been appointed Deputy Minister of Education of the Basque Government

Deputy Minister Begoña Pedrosa, dean of the Faculty Of Humanities And Education Sciences, has been appointed Deputy Minister of Education of the Basque Government 2020·10·02

Henceforth, Begoña Pedrosa will work in the department headed by Jokin Bildarratz. Pedrosa has worked for Mondragon University for 18 years, where for the past six years she has served as Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will have 409 new undergraduates this year

NEW STUDENTS The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will have 409 new undergraduates this year 2020·09·29

This academic year, we will offer a new degree in Bilbao: Global Digital Humanities (GDH). The Faculty will have 65 more undergraduates than last year.

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The second year of Lit, the University Master’s Degree in Learning Facilitation and Innovation, is now underway

Lit Master’s program The second year of Lit, the University Master’s Degree in Learning Facilitation and Innovation, is now underway 2020·09·29

The Master’s program began with a workshop that took place in the Azala creation space in Alava. This is the second year of the program.

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