Mobility and internationalization

Official Degree

Bachelor's Degree in Global Digital Humanities - HDG


240 ECTS

4 years


Bilbao AS Fabrik (Zorrozaurre)

Class size

40 Places


Basque, Spanish and English



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Mobility and internationalization

We believe that the mobility of our students, our reception of students from other universities, and the internationalization of teaching staff and research are extremely important. Therefore, a large number of our students will have some international experience during their degree program.

Studying abroad will give you the opportunity to enrich your training and become familiar with other cultures. In addition, it will give you a global perspective with which to face the multiple and complex challenges that arise.

You will have a unique experience and develop personal and professional skills that will be highly valued in your future profession.

Advantages of studying and working abroad

You will become familiar with other cultures and other ways of learning and working.

You will expand your network of relationships.


You will develop personal and professional skills that are highly valued in the world of work.

You will improve your use of languages.

Erasmus Scholarships

In order for you to obtain international experience, you will be able to carry out some of your studies at universities in Europe and/or America, and the credits you earn will be recognized as per your “learning agreement”.

To study abroad:

  • Your academic record will be taken into account.
  • Your knowledge of foreign languages will be assessed.

Mobility Programs for the Bachelor's Degree in Global Digital Humanities - HDG

In the 2nd year you will travel to Brussels, and in the 2nd cycle you will have two other mobility experiences, being at least one of them compulsory (the others are optional).

In addition, in the second cycle (3rd and 4th year) you will have two other mobility experiences, being at least one of them mandatory. These mobility experiences are related to academic stays (Erasmus Studies) and the End-of-degree Project, through which you can acquire work experience in another country.