
Presentación de casos reales de empresas al alumnado del grado en organización industrial

PONENCIA Presentación de casos reales de empresas al alumnado del grado en organización industrial 2021·05·18

La consultora Versia ha acudido a las instalaciones de Arrasate para exponer al alumnado de grado diferentes retos de empresas en cuanto a organización y digitalización

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La naturaleza como base de investigación tecnológica

INVESTIGACIÓN La naturaleza como base de investigación tecnológica 2021·05·17

El grupo de investigación de Tecnologías de Superficies de Mondragon Unibertsitatea ha publicado los resultados de la investigación realizada en colaboración con otras entidades internacionales. Los resultados están dando la vuelta al mundo.

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Abiertas las inscripciones de los concursos de emprendizaje industrial/tecnológico de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon

CONCURSO Abiertas las inscripciones de los concursos de emprendizaje industrial/tecnológico de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon 2021·05·12

Los y las estudiantes con ideas innovadoras de base tecnológica tienen la oportunidad de participar en dos concursos: uno ofrece un premio económico y el otro varias becas, recursos económicos y de otro tipo para poner en marcha la idea de negocio.

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¿Qué puede hacer mi empresa ante los nuevos ciberataques?

WEBINAR ¿Qué puede hacer mi empresa ante los nuevos ciberataques? 2021·05·07

Mondragon Unibertsitatea organiza en colaboración con CYBASQUE y S2 Grupo una webinar con el objetivo de ayudar a las empresas a trazar su plan para mejorar la ciberseguridad. La jornada será el 18 de mayo.

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MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA and MONDRAGON Corporation have presented awards for End-of-Course Projects in Basque

Awards MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA and MONDRAGON Corporation have presented awards for End-of-Course Projects in Basque 2021·04·26

Markel Azkue Etxeandia, a student at the Higher Polytechnic School has received the first prize for a project for IKERLAN and Garazi Eizmendi Iribar, also a student at the Higher Polytechnic School, received the second prize for her project for Danobat

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Programa de apoyo para la incorporación del human centered design en la empresa. Presentación de casos de empresas

PROGRAMA Programa de apoyo para la incorporación del human centered design en la empresa. Presentación de casos de empresas 2021·04·22

Son muchos los problemas a los que se enfrentan las empresas en su día a día, pero son pocas las empresas que integran a las personas implicadas en su resolución. El método del Diseño Centrado en las Personas puede ayudarte con la solución.

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Cursos 100% subvencionados por Lanbide y Fondo Social Europeo para formar a empleados y potenciar sus habilidades

CURSOS Cursos 100% subvencionados por Lanbide y Fondo Social Europeo para formar a empleados y potenciar sus habilidades 2021·04·15

Mondragon Goi Eskola politeknikoa impartirá nuevos cursos en los próximos meses

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Adegi's presentation on new business culture

SPEECH Adegi's presentation on new business culture 2021·03·30

Encarni Markotegi, head of people management at Adegi, gave a lecture to engineering degree and higher education students

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Presentation on energy storage with associate professor Noshin Omar

SPEECH Presentation on energy storage with associate professor Noshin Omar 2021·03·30

Students of the Master's Degree in Energy and Power Electronics delve into the design of energy storage systems

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Webinar: Desarrollo de sistemas eléctricos con diseño basado en modelos

SEMINARIO Webinar: Desarrollo de sistemas eléctricos con diseño basado en modelos 2021·03·26

El seminario se centrará en la aplicación de técnicas de simulación en tiempo real para el estudio de sistemas eléctricos, convertidores electrónicos de potencia y sistemas de almacenamiento, que serán claves para avanzar hacia soluciones innovadoras en materia de eficiencia energética, energía renovable y movilidad eléctrica.

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Siemens and the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon sign an agreement to cooperate in Industrial Automation and Digitisation

AGREEMENT Siemens and the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon sign an agreement to cooperate in Industrial Automation and Digitisation 2021·03·23

They will work together in scientific and technological fields of common interest with special emphasis on talent and the promotion of young professionals.

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The European project LIBERTY develops automotive batteries of the future

PROJECT The European project LIBERTY develops automotive batteries of the future 2021·03·23

Engineering Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea participates together with 15 other entities in this European project led by Ikerlan.

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A virtual tour of the Faculty of Engineering is available so that you can get to know the university from the comfort of your home

VIRTUAL TOUR A virtual tour of the Faculty of Engineering is available so that you can get to know the university from the comfort of your home 2021·03·22

Walk through the corridors, enter the classrooms, visit the laboratories, study areas, social spaces... Explore the university from your computer or other device!

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The laboratory up close

VISIT The laboratory up close 2021·03·17

Students from the 2nd year of the Industrial Electronics Degree visited three laboratories located in building 10 of the Arrasate campus.

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Más de 200 estudiantes participaron en el IDEATOIA

IDEATOIA Más de 200 estudiantes participaron en el IDEATOIA 2021·03·15

Esta jornada organizada en el marco del campeonato internacional de ideas de negocio Mondragon City Challenge congregó a estudiantes de Formación Profesional, Grados y Másteres universitarios. Los y las estudiantes tuvieron que resolver retos de escala global del ámbito Humano-Sanitario, de Transformación Digital y Climático-Energético.

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Online symposium on Electric Mobility and Energy Storage with leading organisations in the Basque Country

SESSION Online symposium on Electric Mobility and Energy Storage with leading organisations in the Basque Country 2021·03·05

The session will take place on Tuesday 16 March in a telematic format, with leading organisations from the Basque Country in the field of electromobility, such as MUBIL, EVE, CAF Power, Ingeteam and Mondragon Unibertsitatea, taking part.

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The Arrasate Herribus will have a new morning timetable to serve the Garaia students.

TIMETABLE The Arrasate Herribus will have a new morning timetable to serve the Garaia students. 2021·03·04

The new timetable will be applied from September and responds to the request made by Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa to the Arrasate town council.

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Students of the Master's Degree in Cybersecurity visit the Gipuzkoa Industrial Cybersecurity Centre (ZIUR)

VISIT Students of the Master's Degree in Cybersecurity visit the Gipuzkoa Industrial Cybersecurity Centre (ZIUR) 2021·02·23

ZIUR officials explained the reality of cybersecurity in industrial companies to the students, followed by a visit to the new laboratory

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Cooperation between cooperatives during the pandemic

CONFERENCE Cooperation between cooperatives during the pandemic 2021·02·19

The Higher Polytechnic School hosted a conference aimed at master's students in which various cooperatives explained their success stories during the pandemic

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The Heat&Cook project generates 6 patents on domestic and professional heating systems

PROJECT The Heat&Cook project generates 6 patents on domestic and professional heating systems 2021·02·19

The ACEDE Cluster has joined forces with Copreci, Domusa, Eika, Fagor Industrial and Orkli, as well as with Ikerlan, Centro Stirling and Mondragon Unibertsitatea in this project financed by the Hazitek programme, which will generate almost 70 jobs

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Do you have ideas for dealing with international strategic challenges? Take part in the IDEATOIA conference!

CONFERENCE Do you have ideas for dealing with international strategic challenges? Take part in the IDEATOIA conference! 2021·02·17

Health, digital transformation and climate change will be the social challenges to be addressed by students at this conference which is part of an international contest, MONDRAGON CITY CHALLENGE, which pursues the objective of promoting cooperative entrepreneurship.

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Webinar gratuito sobre opciones de compartir y publicar paneles en Power BI Service con Marisa Ajuria

WEBINAR Webinar gratuito sobre opciones de compartir y publicar paneles en Power BI Service con Marisa Ajuria 2021·02·17

Este Webinar organizado por Mondragon Unibertsitatea tendrá lugar el próximo 25 de febrero de la mano de Marisa Ajuria, formadora en nuestros cursos de Business Intelligence y Power BI, donde nos mostrará las diferentes opciones de seguridad que nos ofrece el entorno de Microsoft Power BI para trabajar de forma colaborativa con diferentes equipos, departamentos, franquicia, delegaciones, etc. Así como las opciones que tenemos de compartir nuestros informes con terceros . ¡No te pierdas este webinar!

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CircularTRANS workshop: Project offering best practices, tools and advice to companies to move towards circular economy

ONLINE WORKSHOP CircularTRANS workshop: Project offering best practices, tools and advice to companies to move towards circular economy 2021·02·16

The CircularTRANS project promoted by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and Mondragon Unibertsitatea aims to improve the competitiveness of companies through the transition to a circular economy.

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Donation of computer equipment from the university

DONATION Donation of computer equipment from the university 2021·02·10

Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa collaborates with the Reciclanet association to extend the useful life of computer equipment and reduce the digital divide

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Researchers of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa participate in the organization of the 6th International Conference on New Business Models

CONFERENCE Researchers of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa participate in the organization of the 6th International Conference on New Business Models 2021·02·10

The conference will be held on June 9-11 (online) and submissions deadline ends on February 14.

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The second entrepreneurship fair from vocational training students at Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa took place online

FAIR The second entrepreneurship fair from vocational training students at Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa took place online 2021·02·10

Sixty students from Upper Level Training Cycles took part in the fair

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4th year Engineering students present technological entrepreneurship business ideas

ENTREPRENEURSHIP 4th year Engineering students present technological entrepreneurship business ideas 2021·02·02

For three months they worked on 12 technological entrepreneurship ideas. The students received support and advice from expert personnel.

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Industrial Design Engineering students from Mondragon Unibertsitatea take to the podium in the World Industrial Packaging Design Awards for students

AWARD Industrial Design Engineering students from Mondragon Unibertsitatea take to the podium in the World Industrial Packaging Design Awards for students 2021·02·02

Students Jone Pérez, Garazi Otxandorena and Mario Marco achieved second prize at the WorldStar Student Awards for their revolutionary design for honey dispensing packaging for the Apisol company

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Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa and ikerlan create a steering team to strengthen their strategic collaboration

COLLABORATION Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa and ikerlan create a steering team to strengthen their strategic collaboration 2021·02·01

Both organisations have made a commitment to work together on different future challenges such as attracting and developing talent and excellence in the field of research.

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InSecTT - The largest joint project in Europe on artificial intelligence of things

PROJECT InSecTT - The largest joint project in Europe on artificial intelligence of things 2021·01·29

Mondragon Unibertsitatea is involved in the project, which encompasses two of the main drivers of innovation: Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things

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