
Signal Processing and Communications team attends SUM Bilbao 19 conference

CONFERENCE Signal Processing and Communications team attends SUM Bilbao 19 conference 2019·03·01

A team from the research group of the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea was present at the presentations on technology in innovation.

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The end of the pilot stage of ZAINTZEKO-I, a project that approaches the care and attention provided to people from a technological innovation perspective

PROJECT The end of the pilot stage of ZAINTZEKO-I, a project that approaches the care and attention provided to people from a technological innovation perspective 2019·02·13

Students of the Master's in Strategic Design of Products and Services at Mondragon University present the results of the semester project developed over two months, which represents the culmination of the pilot stage of the ZAINTZEKO-I project.

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Expertos en Dirección de Operaciones de Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa comparten sus experiencias como docentes en un seminario organizado por la Universidad de Sevilla

SEMINAR Expertos en Dirección de Operaciones de Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa comparten sus experiencias como docentes en un seminario organizado por la Universidad de Sevilla 2019·02·08

Educators from different Engineering Schools that teach subjects related to production processes, tools for the management of operations, quantitative methods and associated technologies participated in the 2nd Edition of Teaching Experiences in Engineering Operations Management, organised by the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea launches the POCTEFA Programme in conjunction with the Conectartecon centre

PROGRAMME Mondragon Unibertsitatea launches the POCTEFA Programme in conjunction with the Conectartecon centre 2019·02·01

The purpose of Conectartecon, the Innovation and Training Centre for the development of Assisted Self-Leadership with Horses, is to generate and jointly develop innovation projects alongside Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

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European project DRIVES, an ERASMUS +Blueprint Sector Skill Alliance for the automotive sector, celebrates its first year of operation

PROJECT European project DRIVES, an ERASMUS +Blueprint Sector Skill Alliance for the automotive sector, celebrates its first year of operation 2019·01·31

Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa is one of the 24 members of the European Consortium DRIVES, whose purpose is to implement the objectives of the Blueprint through the establishment of a Skill Alliance for the Automotive Sector. The project began in early 2018, which has led the members to meet and assess the point where the initiative is located.

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Professors David Balloy and Paulo Martins visit Mondragon Unibertsitatea

VISIT Professors David Balloy and Paulo Martins visit Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2019·01·25

Mondragon Unibertsitatea and, specifically, its research group “Advanced Processes of Material Forming” hosted in January 2019 the visit of professors David Balloy and Paulo Martins, from the Universities of Lille (France) and Lisbon (Portugal), respectively.

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Members of the Road2DC projects meet to assess the first year of activity

PROJECT Members of the Road2DC projects meet to assess the first year of activity 2019·01·24

Road2DC is a projectfinancedby the Department for Economic Development and Infrastructures of the Basque Government and is headed by Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, with the objective of creating new tools for designing and controlling hybrid AC/DC distribution networks.

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Thesis defense of Gorka Plata

THESIS Thesis defense of Gorka Plata 2018·12·18

Title of the thesis: Semi-Solid Forging of Steels: New insights into material behaviour evolution and industrialisation. Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE rating and the DOCTOR INTERNACIONAL mention.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea has been in Bidart, France, to attend the follow-up meeting of the European project TransferINN

PROJECT Mondragon Unibertsitatea has been in Bidart, France, to attend the follow-up meeting of the European project TransferINN 2018·12·03

The objective of this project, started in March 2016, is to improve the social and economic integration of the cross-border area. The project partners met in Bidart to review the actions carried out so far and define the agenda for the next six months.

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Thesis defense of Alaitz Kortabarria

THESIS Thesis defense of Alaitz Kortabarria 2018·11·23

Title of the thesis: Analysis of the performance of Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning on supply chain management: A multiple case study. Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE rating.

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Aitor Lizarralde invited as an expert to the Logistics & Distribution show

SHOW Aitor Lizarralde invited as an expert to the Logistics & Distribution show 2018·11·12

Logistics & Distribution has become the annual reference for the logistics industry, with over 11,600 professional visitors and over 400 national and international exhibiting companies.

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Defensa de la tesis de Pello Larrañaga

TESIS Defensa de la tesis de Pello Larrañaga 2018·11·12

Título de la tesis: Microsegregation influence on pearlite precipitation in ferritic heavy section ductile iron castings. Obtuvo la calificación SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE.

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Alaitz Kortabarria will defend his thesis on the impact of the application of the DDMRP methodology in the management of the supply chain

THESIS Alaitz Kortabarria will defend his thesis on the impact of the application of the DDMRP methodology in the management of the supply chain 2018·11·12

The research group on Logistics Productive Operations Management is a pioneer in the study and analysis of the impact of this methodology.

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Conference on Critical Materials in the field of mobility

CONFERENCE Conference on Critical Materials in the field of mobility 2018·10·31

Mondragon Unibertsitatea has organised a conference on Critical Materials in the field of mobility.

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Article written in collaboration with Mikel Iturbe is presented at the CCS Conference in Toronto

CONFERENCE Article written in collaboration with Mikel Iturbe is presented at the CCS Conference in Toronto 2018·10·26

The article written by Mikel Iturbe addresses the safety of industrial control systems, based on the detection of intrusions, and has been developed in collaboration with researchers from the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea presentó dos trabajos en el XV Congreso RECSI

CONGRESO Mondragon Unibertsitatea presentó dos trabajos en el XV Congreso RECSI 2018·10·09

RECSI es el congreso de referencia en España en el ámbito de la seguridad de las Tecnologías de la Información y de las Comunicaciones (TIC)

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El Dr. Pedro Arrazola elegido Fellow member del CIRP y Secretario de su del Comité Científico-Técnico de Cutting

RECONOCIMIENTO El Dr. Pedro Arrazola elegido Fellow member del CIRP y Secretario de su del Comité Científico-Técnico de Cutting 2018·10·08

CIRP es la organización líder mundial en investigación de ingeniería de producción y está a la vanguardia del diseño, la optimización, el control y la gestión de procesos, máquinas y sistemas.

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2º encuentro

JORNADA 2º encuentro "Multimateriales Avanzados para Automoción" 2018·10·04

En la jornada se dieron cita expertos de diferentes empresas y organizaciones que aportan múltiples enfoques a la tendencia sobre el uso de los multimateriales en el diseño y la fabricación de piezas para los sectores de la automoción y la aeronáutica

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Defensa de la tesis de María Ruiz Amurrio

TESIS Defensa de la tesis de María Ruiz Amurrio 2018·09·28

Título de tesis: Understanding of the behaviour of organisational commitment using a system dynamics model. Obtuvo la calificación SOBRESALIENTE y la mención DOCTOR INTERNACIONAL.

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Retos de la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca en tecnología e innovación

Jornada Retos de la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca en tecnología e innovación 2018·09·28

Mondragon Unibertsitatea, en colaboración con JAKIUNDE, ha organizado una jornada bajo el título "Retos de la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca en tecnología e innovación", que tendrá lugar el próximo 24 de octubre de 2018 en el Palacio de Congresos Kursaal de Donostia.

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DBZ launches the IND-SERVDES project

PROJECT DBZ launches the IND-SERVDES project 2018·09·25

The IND-SERVDES project led by the Diseinu Berrikuntza Zentroa (DBZ) will provide Gipuzkoa’s companies with a toolbox for advanced service design.

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Defensa de la tesis de Ismael Ruiz de Argandoña

Tesis Defensa de la tesis de Ismael Ruiz de Argandoña 2018·09·08

Título de tesis: Development of a high torque density and efficiency axial flux switched reluctance motor for electric vehicle. Obtuvo la calificación de SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE.

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Defensa de la tesis de Bentejui Medina Clavijo

TESIS Defensa de la tesis de Bentejui Medina Clavijo 2018·09·07

Título de tesis: Microstructural analysis of atomic mechanisms of metal plasticity under machining conditions: case study of AISI 1045 steel and 7475 aluminum. Obtuvo la calificación SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE.

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Arranca en Donostia el 4º Congeso de Tecnología y Ciencia de los Materiales

CONGRESO Arranca en Donostia el 4º Congeso de Tecnología y Ciencia de los Materiales 2018·07·02

La Consejera Tapia y el Alcalde Goia inauguran el Congreso en el que participan más de un centenar de expertos de sectores como la automoción, la aeronáutica o el ferroviario.

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Trabaja como profesor/a-investigador/a en la Escuela Politécnica Superior

OFERTA DE EMPLEO Trabaja como profesor/a-investigador/a en la Escuela Politécnica Superior 2018·06·25

La Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea busca seis perfiles de alto nivel para incorporarlos a su equipo docente-investigador

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22 plazas para realizar la tesis doctoral en la Facultad de Ingeniería de Mondragon Unibertsitatea

OFERTA DE TESIS 22 plazas para realizar la tesis doctoral en la Facultad de Ingeniería de Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2018·06·21

La Facultad de Ingeniería de Mondragon Unibertsitatea busca candidatos/as para realizar 22 tesis doctorales en diversas áreas de investigación de ámbito de la ingeniería.

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Inaugurada el Aula de Componentes para investigar nuevas tecnologías y materiales

UNIVERSIDAD-EMPRESA Inaugurada el Aula de Componentes para investigar nuevas tecnologías y materiales 2018·06·05

Los resultados se aplicarán en los sectores de componentes para electrodomésticos de línea blanca, confort-hogar, telecomunicaciones y automoción.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea en el congreso Industry Sec 2018

CONGRESO Mondragon Unibertsitatea en el congreso Industry Sec 2018 2018·05·03

Urko Zurutuza participará con una ponencia sobre las personas responsables de equipos productivos conectados y las competencias que éstas deben poseer.

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El proyecto MANTIS comienza a poner los primeros productos en el mercado

I+T El proyecto MANTIS comienza a poner los primeros productos en el mercado 2018·05·02

El proyecto MANTIS tiene como objetivo principal desarrollar soluciones tecnológicas y plataformas que mejoren las actividades de mantenimiento en diferentes sectores.

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EDERTEK firma un acuerdo de colaboración con la Escuela Politécnica Superior

CONVENIO EDERTEK firma un acuerdo de colaboración con la Escuela Politécnica Superior 2018·04·23

El acuerdo cubre los ámbitos de formación, investigación y desarrollo de productos relacionados con tecnologías de mecanizado, fundición, estampación, composites e Industria 4.0.

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