
The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will be closed for the Christmas holidays from December 22 to January 10, 2022

HOLIDAYS The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will be closed for the Christmas holidays from December 22 to January 10, 2022 2021·12·21

From December 22, 2021, to January 10, 2022, the Faculty will be closed for the Christmas holidays

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences seeks to hire a teacher-researcher in Engineering

JOB OFFERING The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences seeks to hire a teacher-researcher in Engineering 2021·12·21

CVs may be submitted through January 10, 2022.

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2nd scientific meeting of Mondragon Unibertsitatea on battery-based energy storage systems.

CONFERENCE 2nd scientific meeting of Mondragon Unibertsitatea on battery-based energy storage systems. 2021·12·16

The meeting organized by Mondragon Unibertsitatea will feature presentations from collaborating organizations such as Cea, Cidetec energy storage, Ikerlan, Tecnalia, the University of Zaragoza and the University of Oviedo.

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We have played the internal championships of Goierri and Orona-Ideo

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COOPERATIVISM Representatives from Mondragon University participate in the World Cooperative Congress in Seoul 2021·12·15

Representatives from the LANKI Institute of Cooperative Studies and the Faculty of Business Studies participated in the international conference, which took place on December 1-3.

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Online conference Dialogues on innovation in social economy and cooperativism 2021·12·13

Cándido Román Cervantes, director of CESCO (Cajasietede Chair of Social and Cooperative Economy at the University of La Laguna), and Julen Iturbe-Ormaetxe, artisan consultant, teacher and researcher at Enpresagintza

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In 2022, Mondragon University will offer several short courses, diploma programs and second certifications aimed at professionals in education and at new graduates in education.

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Among others, Otto Scharmer, creator or Theory U, will participate in the conference. The events will take place at Bilbao AS Fabrik.

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In our lives there has been a debate about the importance of love.

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¿Por qué existe tal variedad de tipologías de aeroturbinas para generar energía eléctrica? ¿Qué tipología de aeroturbina puede ser la más adecuada en una ubicación con vientos bajos y muy variables? ¿Cuál es el mayor reto tecnológico que permita maximizar la energía eléctrica generada? Son los aspectos que han analizado los estudiantes.

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