Dual Programme

Official Degree

Masters Degree in Industrial Engineering



1,5 years


Arrasate-Mondragon, Galarreta (Orona Ideo)

Class size

85 places


Spanish, English



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The End-of-Course/End-of-Master’s Project (TFG/TFM) at the Higher Polytechnic School (EPS) of Mondragón Unibertsitatea (MU) has several objectives:

On the one hand, it plays a very important role in the training process of EPS engineers, as the satisfactory execution of a project with characteristics that are appropriate to the future professional profile aims to help the student expected to have their first supervised experience professional as an engineer.

The academic engineering plans at EPS were designed so that students can alternate between study and work throughout their training process. Thanks to this, most of our students have close contact with the company throughout their training. Nevertheless, the TFG/TFM aims to establish a student-company relationship that is appropriate to the characteristics of the professional profile, that is, it aims to show the student what the engineering work consists of.

On the other hand, the End-of-Course/End-of-Master’s Project is also intended to provide a service to companies, as this has a great value from two points of view:

  1. The contribution to the company’s technological and organisational development. The qualification of students, even if they are not experienced professionals, is very high. This means that the results achieved after the completion of the one-year TFG/TFM are of considerable value.
  2. The recruitment of qualified personnel. In most cases, students carry out the project at the company on a full-time basis. During this time, they have the chance to acquire in-depth knowledge of the company, its technology, organisation, culture, procedures, etc. while integrating it into their work teams. The company also trains them, knowing them and valuing them, which allows it to judge with greater knowledge if they are suitable people for professional integration into the workforce.


Mikel Iribecampos Juaristi

"I attended the Degree in Biomedical Engineering, but it is the mechanics that I like, which is why I decided to opt for the Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering. During the course, I did internships at a company, and now I am still working in it while attending my Master’s degree – in this case in the research area. I am very comfortable with these subjects, and seeing that I had the opportunity to prepare my thesis, I decided to follow the research journey. I hope to finish the thesis in the next 3 years..."

512x262Iraitz Arrospide Garro

Iraitz Arrospide Garros´s experiencie

"Aerospace Metals Machinability" // AMRC with Boeing (Sheffield, UK)

“AMRC is one of the most important research centres in the United Kingdom and serves leading companies worldwide. The main objective of my project was to design a new procedure to analyse the machinability of metallic materials. Undoubtedly, this experience has been unforgettable, and even after finishing the project, I am still in Sheffield and feel encouraged to do the thesis.”

512x262Sergio Cadierno Solachi

Sergio Cadierno Solachi´s experience

"Robotising the loading and unloading of intraocular lenses of the manufacturing system" // A.J.L. OPHTHALMIC S.A. (Miñano, Alava)

“The fact that I developed the End-of-Master’s Project at AJL gives me the opportunity to know the reality of such this booming, technologically advanced sector, which is at the forefront of technology. It is gratifying to know that your effort, alongside that of other people trained in different disciplines (biologists, physicists, physicians, engineers, etc.), aims to have an impact on the improvement of the visual problems suffered by people suffering from eye diseases, such as cataracts.”


Mikel Larrañaga´s experience

Mikel Larrañaga, graduate in Mechanical Engineering and currently studying for a Master's in Industrial Engineering, has combined his studies with dual training, which has enabled him to collaborate with the university's Surface Technology research group.

One of the projects he has been involved in is related to the analysis of the properties, functions and characteristics of various surfaces in nature, to be able to replicate them artificially. The objective is clear: to be able to manufacture these kinds of structure on an industrial scale for the good of human needs, specifically for reducing infections in patient prostheses. During the development of the research, Larrañaga, along with his colleagues of the research group, published a scientific article that is having an impact on the international scene. Here you have more information on the work he carried out.