Teaching-learning process

Official Degree

Masters Degree in Industrial Engineering



1,5 years


Arrasate-Mondragon, Galarreta (Orona Ideo)

Class size

85 places


Spanish, English



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Mondragon University offers advanced training based on its own teaching-learning methodologies:

  • Pro-active methodologies, based on undertaking multidisciplinary projects (Project Based Learning or PBL)
  • Teacher feedback to encourage continuous learning
  • Continuous assessment
  • Opportunity for study-work combinations
  • Masters theses in companies and in benchmark centres of technology
  • Bilingual model
  • Autonomous learning
  • Participation in research lines
  • Practicals held in laboratories with the most modern equipment
  • Visits to companies and benchmark centres of technology




Gonzalo Revuelta Urquiola

"I would like to acknowledge the personal, professional, theoretical and practical enrichment that I have acquired by taking this Master’s degree. It has been a tough and demanding experience, but with very high added value. I believe that it has offered me a much more critical and strict vision of the good work in the world of engineering, which certainly complements perfectly my undergraduate training. 

The dual training offered at the Polytechnic School of Mondragon was the challenge that prompted me to make the decision to take the Master’s degree in it and now, without a doubt, I can tell you that it was the best decision."


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