Access and admission

Official Degree

Masters Degree in Industrial Engineering



1,5 years


Arrasate-Mondragon, Galarreta (Orona Ideo)

Class size

85 places


Spanish, English



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Number of Places

The number of spots established for this Degree is 85.


a) Students who have previously attended the following courses and are in possession of any of the Spanish university degrees that accredit them for the practice of the Industrial Technical Engineering profession shall be have access this Master’s degree course – without complementary training (Ministerial Order CIN/351/2009).

b) In addition, access to the Master’s degree course shall be allowed when the degree certificate of the interested party proves to have completed the basic training module and the common module of the branch, even if not covering a complete block of the specific technology module and 48 credits of those offered in the set of blocks of said module of a degree that ensures qualification for the practice of the Industrial Technical Engineering profession, in accordance with Ministerial Order CIN/351/2009, which establishes the requirements for verification of official university degrees that ensure qualification for the practice of the Industrial Technical Engineering profession.

c) In addition, it will take into account the agreement of the Conferences of Industrial Technical Engineering and Industrial Engineering Directors. Section 2 of the document of said agreement, referred to ANECA, states that the Industrial Engineering programme (Undergraduate and Master’s degrees) should include:

  • At least 180 common ECTS between the undergraduate and Master’s degrees of compulsory subjects of basic training, compulsory subjects common to the industrial branch and subjects of specific technologies defined in the Ministerial Order CIN/351/2009. Specific technology subjects shall belong to at least three distinct blocks of specific technologies defined in the aforementioned Ministerial Order, with a minimum of 6 credits per block.
  • At least 24 ECTS, including undergraduate and Master’s degrees, should correspond to compulsory subjects that ensure the specific mathematics skills (including statistics) and at least 12 ECTS should correspond to compulsory subjects that ensure the specific physics skills. These skills refer to those included in the basic training module of Ministerial Order CIN/351/2009.
  • At least 24 intensification ECTS including undergraduate and Master’s degrees.
  • A minimum of 24 ECTS totalling the Undergraduate Thesis and the Master’s Degree Thesis.

d) Students in possession of a foreign university degree, issued by a higher education institution of the European Higher Education Area, who are trained in the country issuing the certificate to ensure access to Master's degrees, shall have access to the course. In this case, direct access to the Master’s degree course or access with previous complementary training shall be admitted, depending on the equivalence of the foreign degree in relation to those referred to in sections a) and b) above.

e) Graduates may be admitted according to educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area without the need for approval of their degrees, after verification by the University that they have been accredited with a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degrees and that they are trained in the country issuing the certificate for access to graduate education. In this case, direct access to the Master’s degree course or access with previous complementary training shall be admitted, depending on the equivalence of the foreign degree in relation to those referred to in sections a) and b) above.


Admission of students shall be based on the following two criteria: the academic curriculum of the students (previous accredited training) and their academic record. 

Students shall be required to have achieved level B2 (of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment), or an equivalent qualification, for the English language, to be admitted to the Master’s degree course, in order to ensure that students have reached a sufficient level to ensure follow-up and learning, and achievement of expected results. For foreign students of countries with official languages other than Castilian Spanish, level B2, or an equivalent qualification, for the Spanish language.