Defense of Thesis Defense of the Thesis of Gerardo Gordillo Zamora 2024·05·10
Thesis title: Circuitos económicos del sector solidario presentes en la cultura de comunidades de Comalcalco, Tabasco, México. Obtained the qualification EXCELLENT CUM LAUDE.
Project “Artisan Lives”, social inclusion through entrepreneurship in handicrafts 2024·05·03
This project has been developed for a year thanks to the Koine-Aequalitas Foundation and MTA (Mondragon Team Academy) and funding from the Innova Program and the Government of Navarra
Statement Statement by Mondragon Unibertsitatea on the humanitarian massacre in the Gaza Strip 2024·05·03
The Executive Board of Mondragon Unibertsitatea communicates its deep sense of indignation and repulsion at the escalation of violence perpetrated by Israel in the Gaza Strip.
Appointment Xabier Egibar appointed new president of Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2024·04·25
The appointment was unanimously approved by the Mondragon Unibertsitatea Governing Council held today, 25 April 2024.
Thesis Defense Defense of the Thesis of Liher Pillado Arbide in the area of Entrepreneurship 2024·04·23
Thesis title: Developing relationships between corporations and startups through public-private collaboration: A Basque case study. Obtained the qualification SOBRESALIENTE.
Project Assessment of the Sustainable MONDRAGON project 2024·03·22
The Sustainable MONDRAGON project represents the contribution of the Corporation and its cooperatives to the construction of a more sustainable world, economically, socially and environmentally
Project Creating an ecosystem of digital platform cooperatives. 2024·03·22
Platform cooperatives are a growing phenomenon that represent an alternative to large, privately owned digital platforms.
LEINN Ten young people from the LEINN Degree of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, among the most brilliant entrepreneurs under 35 years of age in Spain 2024·02·29
This recognition by Emprendedores magazine joins that of Forbes, which included five young entrepreneurs from the LEINN Degree in the list of 2024 agents
International Award The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, winner of the Quality Innovation Award 2023 2024·02·27
The entity has won in the Education category for its program "Technologies for a world in transition" taught in the LEINN degree, and will receive its recognition on April 10 in Zhuhai, China.
Training Sessions Training sessions in the field of economic management in the Social Economy 2024·02·20
BDS KOOP-ERALDAKETA FABRIKA, in collaboration with the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the Department of Social Economy of the Basque Government, have organized training sessions aimed at economic management personnel in the field of Social Economy
InpAkta The scientific journal ‘InpAkta’ was presented in bilbao. the journal is supported by 22 institutions and will address topics of great social impact 2024·02·08
University of the Basque Country Rector Eva Ferreira, University of Deusto Rector Juan José Etxberria, Mondragon University Rector Vicente Atxa, BRTA General Director Rikardo Bueno Zabalo, and Ikerbasque researcher and ‘InpAkta’ Editor-in-Chief Ugo Mayor took part in the event, which was held at the Bizkaia Aretoa in Bilbao.
LEINN Basque Government and the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea launch a program to promote business innovation in companies in the Basque Country 2024·01·31
The Department of Tourism, Trade and Consumer Affairs provides LEINN students at Mondragon Unibertsitatea with a platform to boost the competitiveness and international projection of Basque companies
BOLUNTARIOAK FLL Euskadi-MONDRAGON edizio berria, boluntario bila 2024·01·25
Mondragon Unibertsitateko Iturripeko Campusean eta Iturripeko kiroldegian antolatuko da martxoaren 2ko ekitaldi nagusia
MTA Bilbao From Leinners to LEINNers: The "Community Project Team" leads Bilbo Lab's Knowledge Day 2024·01·17
The year in MTA Bilbo has started with a first meeting led by the community project
LEINN Five Entrepreneurial Leaders From Mondragon Unibertsitatea's Degree In Entrepreneurial And Innovative Leadership (LEINN) On The Forbes 2024 List Of Agents Of Change 2024·01·10
Five leinners from the Oñati and Barcelona laboratories stand out in the prestigious FORBES list of agents of change 2024
International Award Mondragon Unibertsitatea receives the QIA international award for its program "Technologies for a world in transition" of the LEINN Degree 2023·12·21
Euskalit has presented the award which is certified by Innobasque, Unibasq and Ihobe, and recognizes this program, which is taught in the third year of the university degree LEINN (Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation), as an example of educational innovation worldwide
PORTAL New Mondragon Unibertsitatea´s Scientific Production Portal 2023·12·19
The Mondragon Unibertsitatea Scientific Production Portal has been published, which includes the scientific production of Mondragon Unibertsitatea´s teaching and research staff, giving visibility and transparency to their activity.
Publication The scientific journal "InpAkta", which will address social and political issues of social impact, was presented at the Durango Fair 2023·12·12
Among the agents that support the journal are 22 institutions from all over the Basque Country, including universities and research-related institutions. Institutional presentations will take place in February of 2024 in Pamplona, Bilbao and Bayonne.
Doctorate Defense of the Thesis of Estibaliz Hernandez 2023·12·05
Thesis title: Key factors for the competitiveness of advanced services technology companies, T-KIBS. Obtained the qualification SOBRESALIENTE.
Event Mondragon Unibertsitatea and TeamLabs will promote female leadership in Malaga at the Leadingirls meeting 2023·11·28
In the framework of Leadingirls, Mondragon Unibersitatea and TeamLabs offer seven workshops on entrepreneurship and technology focused on young people and secondary school students, to which more than 500 young people have already registered
Gipuzkoa Eraberritzen Mondragon Unibertsitatea promotes sustainable ecological transition in Gipuzkoa 2023·11·27
The project called "Gipuzkoa Eraberritzen" has been promoted by the Business Faculty together with the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa
Investment Club Mondragon Unibertsitatea's Investment Club is born in Bilbao 2023·11·27
On November 17, the inaugural meeting of the Mondragon Unibertsitatea Investment Club was held in Bilbao
Competition The competition for the second edition of the VIVID MTA Incubator takes place, with a new mentored team formed by students of the LEINN degree 2023·11·17
Fundación Emplea and the international entrepreneurship network of the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Mondragon Team Academy have organized a conference to select the team that will make up the second edition of the VIVID MTA Incubator
Awarded Diplomas Mondragon Unibertsitatea awards diplomas to 284 graduates of the myGADE Dual degree, Business Data Analytics and university master's degrees 2023·11·13
The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea has awarded the diplomas to the graduates
Collaboration Agreement Mondragon Team Academy and Elkar-Lan, S. Coop sign a collaboration agreement to create new cooperative companies in the Basque Country 2023·11·02
The alliance aims to promote the creation of cooperative employment as well as the development of entrepreneurial teams through the incubation and acceleration of projects
Collaboration Agreement Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the Dama Spain Association launch the expert degree in "Governance and Strategic Data Management" 2023·10·31
The degree is aimed at all those professionals from any sector who want to expand their knowledge in management and governance of the company's data
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs of LEINN of Mondragon Unibertsitatea launch a ticket resale platform 2023·10·24
Several entrepreneurs from the Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation degree at Mondragon Unibertsitatea are developing the Rebel Tickets application, based on the exchange of nightlife tickets.
Hackathon The largest tech hackathon in Europe comes to Malaga by the hand of LEINN Degree 2023·10·18
Junction, the largest tech hackathon in Europe, comes to Malaga on October 20, 21 and 22 by the hand of the LEINN Degree
Collaboration The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea strengthens collaboration in New York to promote entrepreneurship and innovation 2023·10·17
The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, represented by its dean, Lander Beloki Mendizabal, and the coordinator of the Faculty's entrepreneurship-area and of the international network Mondragon Team Academy, Aitor Lizartza Martin, made a successful visit to New York
ACUERDO Mondragon Unibertsitatea y LABORAL Kutxa firman un acuerdo para poner en marcha espacios denominados Aula LABORAL Kutxa 2023·09·18
Uno de los espacios estará en la facultad de ingeniería, en Arrasate, y el otro en la facultad de Enpresagintza, en Bilbao.