
Official Degree

Graduate in Computer Engineering


240 ECTS

4 years



Class size

60 places


Spanish, Basque, English



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The lecturers at the Engineering Faculty combine educational and research activities. As a result, they also form part of research groups and develop innovation projects with companies. This new knowledge, as well as the needs received from companies, are transferred to the classroom and we train students in cutting-edge technologies and trends. Meet some of our teachers.



Abete Huici, Jose Manuel

Applied Mechanics-MAPLI

Head lecturer


Agirre Bastegieta, Joseba Andoni

Information Systems-HAZI-ISI

Head lecturer



Aizpuru Larrañaga, Iosu


Head lecturer


Antia Juaristi, Ane

Signal Theory and Communications-ESEKO

Head lecturer



Arana Arexolaleiba, Nestor

Automation and Robotics-EAUTO

Head lecturer


Ardanza Cuevas, Asier

Design Innovation-DBZ

Head lecturer



Aretxabaleta Ramos, Laurentzi

Applied Mechanics-MAPLI

Head lecturer


Arkauz Arabaolaza, Javier

Information Systems-HAZI-ISI

Head lecturer



Arrasate Ayerbe, Javier

Mechanics and Industrial Production Department

Head lecturer


Arratibel Garcia, Andoni

Automation and Robotics-EAUTO

Head lecturer



Arrieta Marcos, Aitor

Information Systems-HAZI-ISI

Head lecturer


Arriola Ormaetxea, Leire

Innovation, Organizational Model and Estrategic HR Management-BAEPE

Head lecturer



Ayerdi Cantalejo, Jon

Information Systems-HAZI-ISI

Head lecturer


Badiola Aiestaran, Xabier

Electromagnetic Drives and Systems Control-EMAKON

Head lecturer



Barrutia Inza, Iban

Signal Theory and Communications-ESEKO

Head lecturer


Basañez Zulueta, Aimar

Innovation, Organizational Model and Estrategic HR Management-BAEPE

Head lecturer



Cuenca Ariza, Javier

Information Systems-HAZI-ISI

Head lecturer


Elguezabal Lazcano, Borja

Basic Sciences-OZ

Head lecturer



Ereño Incera, Ana Monserrat

Information Systems-HAZI-ISI

Head lecturer


Esnaola Arruti, Aritz

Materials and Forming-MAKO

Head lecturer



Etxezarreta Argarate, Xabier

PhD students - EI

Head lecturer


Fernandez Arrieta, Miguel

Telematics and Cybersecurity-TELSEC

Head lecturer



Fernandez Lizarribar, Garbiñe

Basic Sciences-OZ

Head lecturer


Gandarias Inchausti, Kepa

Basic Sciences-OZ

Head lecturer



Garitano Garitano, Iñaki

Telematics and Cybersecurity-TELSEC

Head lecturer


Garro Arrazola, Unai

Signal Theory and Communications-ESEKO

Head lecturer



Goikoetxea Arana, Ander


Head lecturer


Gomez Diez, Carlos Pedro

Telematics and Cybersecurity-TELSEC

Head lecturer



Illarramendi Rezabal, Miren

Information Systems-HAZI-ISI

Head lecturer


Iragi San Pedro, Mikel

Applied Mechanics-MAPLI

Head lecturer



Iturbe Urretxa, Mikel

Telematics and Cybersecurity-TELSEC

Head lecturer


Izagirre Aizpitarte, Unai

Artificial Intelligence-IA

Head lecturer



Larrinaga Barrenechea, Felix

Information Systems-HAZI-ISI

Head lecturer


Markiegi Gonzalez, Urtzi

Information Systems-HAZI-ISI

Head lecturer



Martinez de Mendivil Varas, Jon

Signal Theory and Communications-ESEKO

Head lecturer


Mateos Heis, Modesto

International Relations

Head lecturer



Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane

Design Innovation-DBZ

Head lecturer


Muñoz Valenti, Unai

Information Systems-HAZI-ISI

Head lecturer



Perez Riaño, Alain

Information Systems-HAZI-ISI

Head lecturer


Reguera Bakhache, Daniel

Artificial Intelligence-IA

Head lecturer



Roman Txopitea, Ibai

Information Systems-HAZI-ISI

Head lecturer


Sarasola Altuna, Izaskun

Electromagnetic Drives and Systems Control-EMAKON

Head lecturer



Sesar Gil, Iñigo

Automation and Robotics-EAUTO

Head lecturer


Ubarrechena Belandia, Aritz

Basic Sciences-OZ

Head lecturer



Ugarte Querejeta, Miriam

PhD students - EI

Head lecturer


Urruzuno Pagoaga, Aner

Innovation, Organizational Model and Estrategic HR Management-BAEPE

Head lecturer



Valencia Parafita, Xabier

Information Systems-HAZI-ISI

Head lecturer


Velez De Mendizabal Gonzalez, Iñaki

Telematics and Cybersecurity-TELSEC

Head lecturer



Zaitegi Gamiz, Maite

Design Innovation-DBZ

Head lecturer


Zubeldia Indart, Itsaso

Design Innovation-DBZ

Head lecturer