
Most Relevant Indicators

Degree Indicators

Monitoring indicators 22-23 21-22 20-21 19-20
Number of enrolled students 79 82 82 42
Graduation rate


0.92 - -
Drop out rate 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.10
Efficiency rate 0.99 1.00 0.99 1.00
Satisfaction level of the student 7.13 7.35 7.52 7.12
Satisfaction level of the students about the practical training - 8.10 - -
Satisfaction level of the companies about the practical training - 8.54 8.40 -

Enployment rate (Female)

Enployment rate (Male)










Unemployment rate (Female)

Unemployment rate (Male)









Enployed related to the Degree (Female)

Enployed related to the Degree (Male)









- Waiting for the report.