
Official Degree

Graduated in Mechatronics Engineering


240 ECTS

4 years


Arrasate-Mondragón, Bilbao AS Fabrik, EKO campus Galarreta

Class size

120 places


Basque, Spanish, English



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Campus installations

The Degree in Mechatronics Engineering is taught at these three campuses:

  • Arrasate-Mondragon
  • Bilbao AS Fabrik
  • Galarreta (Orona Ideo) -Hernani

Mondragón Campus

You can take the Mechatronic Engineering Degree in Arrasate-Mondragón where our facilities are divided between 2 buildings very close to each other. At the Iturripe headquarters, in addition to the facilities necessary for your training (classrooms, library, laboratories, workshops...) you will find sports facilities, the cafeteria and several multipurpose rooms. On the other hand, and very close, the Garaia headquarters, located in the Innovation Pole of the same name, which are equipped with the most cutting-edge laboratories in which you will carry out practices related to the different subjects.



The best equipped laboratories and workshops

The Mechatronics Engineering Degree has cutting edge laboratories with high-level scientific and technological equipment. These are the laboratories that you will have at your disposal in Arrasate and that you will use to put everything you have learned into practice.


This workshop is equipped with machinery, tooling and tools for the manufacture of parts. Machining by chip removal: lathes, milling machines, machining centers, EDM machines; forming processes: presses, shears, press brakes. Assembly tools: bearings, alignment,...


This workshop is equipped with machines for the manufacture of parts by machining by chip removal, such as lathes, milling machines, drills, grinders, etc.. In addition to practicing to work on mechanical manufacturing skills, you will produce prototype parts for the semester projects.


In the materials laboratory, you have equipment to perform tests and analysis of the properties and behavior of materials, for example, tensile and compression tests, hardness tests, resilience tests, microstructure analysis, fatigue tests, machinery for sample preparation,...



A state-of-the-art laboratory with PLC, HMI, touch screens for monitoring and control of processes and machines where you will perform guided robotics and machine vision practices.


Equipped with the necessary instrumentation for the assembly and validation of different circuits.


Laboratories equipped with industrial robots and collaborative robots (in addition to robot simulation software) for carrying out robot programming practices. Cameras are also available for carrying out integration practices for artificial vision systems and robotic systems.

Campus de Bilbao AS Fabrik

The AS Fabrik Bilbao Campus, located on the island of Zorrozaurre, offers degrees and master's degrees in different areas of knowledge. A space that, in addition to strictly training, aims to improve the competitiveness of local companies and the consolidation of Zorrozaurre as an innovative and reference ecosystem in the field of advanced services for industry 4.0 and the digital economy.

At the Bilbao AS Fabrik campus, 2 bachelor's degrees and 2 master's degrees in Engineering are offered.






The best equipped laboratories and workshops

The facilities of the Bilbao AS Fabrik campus, in Zorrozaurre, and of the Somorrostro Training Center, in Muskiz, have reference technological equipment available to students of the Degree in Mechatronics Engineering. Depending on the training needs of the students during the learning process, they access to the laboratories of both centers.


This is a space equipped with different 3D printing devices that allow components to be made with different types of materials. This space is complemented by cutting machines of different types and tools for the assembly of prototypes.


This is a space equipped with PLCs and industrial robots where you can practice programming them. It also has equipment related to artificial vision.


These workshops are equipped with machinery, tooling and tools for the manufacture of components and the assembly of mechanical assemblies: lathes, milling machines, machining centres, drills, assembly tools...


Automaton classroom (Somorrostro Training Centre)

Space equipped with different types of PLCs and industrial process control models.

Numerical control laboratory (Somorrostro Training Centre)

This is a space equipped with different 3D printing devices that allow the production of components with different types of materials. The purpose of these components is to accelerate the construction of a demonstrator for a proof of concept.

Hydraulics and pneumatics laboratory (Somorrostro Training Centre)

Space equipped with tables specifically designed for hydraulic-electrohydraulic and pneumatic-electropneumatic-pneumatic practices, equipped with all the necessary material.

EKO Campus Galarreta (Hernani)

The EKO Campus of Galarreta is located in Hernani. The campus is an innovation ecosystem in which knowledge (Mondragon Unibertsitatea), business (Orona) and research (Ikerlan) collaborate to create a network of synergies for innovation. The Higher Polytechnic School, uniting technology and the environment, seeks a sustainable future. To do this, it internalizes technological knowledge on the basis and axis of sustainable development, while developing profiles of people responsible for the environment.

At the EKO Campus, 2 bachelor's degrees and 3 master's degrees are offered.






The best equipped laboratories and workshops

The facilities of the Galarreta campus and the Goierri Eskola center, in Ordizia, have laboratories and spaces equipped with state-of-the-art resources that are available to students of the Degree in Mechatronics Engineering. Depending on the training needs during the students' learning process, they will access the laboratories of both centers.


Laboratory for the design, assembly, programming and/or commissioning of control automation.


Space dedicated to the assembly and commissioning of electronic systems, equipped with the necessary instrumentation such as oscilloscopes, power supplies or data acquisition and processing systems.


This laboratory houses machinery, fixtures and tools for the manufacture of components and the assembly of mechanical assemblies: lathe, milling machine, machining center, drills, assembly tools...



This space houses equipment to carry out tests and analyzes of the properties and behavior of materials such as durometers, muffle furnaces or optical microscopes.


In these workshops and laboratories you can find equipment and machinery for the manufacture of mechanical components and assemblies (welding equipment, drills, lathes, milling machines, machining centers...) that you can use both in the practices of various subjects or in the execution of the projects.


Space equipped with panels for carrying out practices and assembling various hydraulic and electro-pneumatic circuits, equipped with all the necessary material.


Live University life

At the University of Mondragon in general, and on the different campuses of the Higher Polytechnic School, life is lived among the latest sportsculture and entertainment facilities. The university is also very involved with the community and students organise a growing number of activities aimed at society as a whole: trade fairs, magazine, contests, Literature Week, etc.

We also organise PBL Day every year, a day when all the projects developed during the academic year are exhibited and the best one wins a prize of €1000. And you will be able to take part in the NiZuGu Mugituz conference at which we find ways to train you in sustainable development, equality and values.

All these activities also form an integral part of the educational programme and their purpose is to improve quality of life for our students. At Mondragon Unibertsitatea you also learn how to live.



  • Virtual Secretary's Office: So that you can do all your paperwork online.
  • Library: Books, magazines, videos, study rooms.
  • Sports Services: Gym, excursions, courses and competitions.
  • Canteen: Breakfast, snacks, sandwiches, lunch menu.
  • KoNet: View your grades and much more on your mobile Systems Laboratory.
  • Campus Virtual: e-learning platform for support during the academic year.
  • Services for disabled students: Support staff, adaptation of studies.
  • Learning support: guidance, photocopying, computers, ...

All University services


Special Educational Needs

Students with any kind of disability who have special educational needs arising from their disability, will have the support of a assessment panel that will evaluate the need for any possible curricular changes, timetable adjustments or alternative studies. This panel is composed of:

  • The doctor of the institution
  • The technical officer responsible for the prevention of occupational risks
  • The director responsible for the prevention of occupational hazards and environment
  • The degree coordinator
  • A PAS Academic Services technical officer


It is a service that provides psychological care, with a preventive nature and whose purpose is to ensure the bio-psycho-social well-being of the students.

It is aimed at all MGEP students and is attended by personnel certified in psychology and psychotherapy.

It offers individual psychological care (5+5 sessions) and workshops and experiences aimed at healthy development.

The service is free of charge.