
The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea launches a new expert course in ENTREPRENEURSHIP at FINTECH in Bilbao

FINTECH The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea launches a new expert course in ENTREPRENEURSHIP at FINTECH in Bilbao 2020·01·22

This expert course is launched from the Mondragon Team Academy entrepreneurship unit and under the protection of BBF Fintech, a specific incubator for startups experts in new technologies and oriented to the financial sector.

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Thesis defense of Unai Garro Arrazola

THESIS Thesis defense of Unai Garro Arrazola 2020·01·22

Title of the thesis: “Methodology for the Accelerated Reliability Analysis and Prognosis of Underground Cables based on FPGA”. Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE qualification and the CUM LAUDE and DOCTOR INTERNACIONAL mentions.

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Students of the Master in Digital Marketing and the Master in Internationalization of Organizations received their master's degrees

Diploma Delivery Bilbao Students of the Master in Digital Marketing and the Master in Internationalization of Organizations received their master's degrees 2020·01·21

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Thesis defense of Jon Olaizola Alberdi

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Title of the thesis: “Soft Sensor-based Servo Press Monitoring”. Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE qualification and the CUM LAUDE and DOCTOR INTERNACIONAL mentions.

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