
Food collection

Campaign Food collection 2018·12·10

This action is part of the program UnibertsitARTEAN taken with higher formation centers in Gipuzkoa.

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Three leinners recognized in the Forbes list of the 30 most talented young people in Spain

FORBES - LEINN Three leinners recognized in the Forbes list of the 30 most talented young people in Spain 2018·12·10

Gala Freixa, Eider Etxebarria and June Arrieta recognized in the Forbes list of the most talented young people in Spain.

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Xabier Tranche in the framework of the #MUDigital community in Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria

Xabier Tranche Xabier Tranche in the framework of the #MUDigital community in Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria 2018·12·10

In the framework of the #MUDigital community of Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria, Xabier Tranche, from the agency Think On Marketing told us about Attraction Marketing

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea has participated in a virtual international conference on

The future of work Mondragon Unibertsitatea has participated in a virtual international conference on "The future of work". 2018·12·10

The Faculty of Business of Mondragon Unibertsitatea participated in a virtual international conference on "The future of work" on December 4th.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea launches a new Degree in Business Data Analytics in Bilbao

New Degree in Bilbao Mondragon Unibertsitatea launches a new Degree in Business Data Analytics in Bilbao 2018·12·10

A degree trying to satisfy the demand for professional profiles that combine knowledge of data science with its application to business management.

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Antzuolako Herri Eskolako ikasleek Aretxabaletako campusa ezagutu dute

aretxabaletako campusa Antzuolako Herri Eskolako ikasleek Aretxabaletako campusa ezagutu dute 2018·12·05

Azaroaren 30ean egindako bisitaren helburua zen ikus-entzunezko munduan gehiago sakontzea eta film bat egiteko aholkuak jasotzea.

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Maria Ruiz has participated in a colloquium to motivate the students of the ikastolas of Rioja Alavesa to live the Basque language

COLLOQUIUM Maria Ruiz has participated in a colloquium to motivate the students of the ikastolas of Rioja Alavesa to live the Basque language 2018·12·04

The objective of the event was to show, in the context of Euskaraldia, the personal and, above all, professional experience of some alumni who attended Assa Ikastola.

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The Drawing group designs Christmas postcards

SOCIOCULTURAL The Drawing group designs Christmas postcards 2018·12·04

The Drawing group and the Coexistence team of Biteri collaborate to put into action some Christmas activities.

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Improving apprenticeships quality

Project Improving apprenticeships quality 2018·12·04

Mondragon University is collaborating in the ApprenticeshipQ Project co-funded by the Erasmus + programme of the European Union.

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Equality in the selection process of people

Formation Equality in the selection process of people 2018·12·04

Mondragon University has given a course about the equality in the selection process of people for those who are responsible of this activity in the University.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea has been in Bidart, France, to attend the follow-up meeting of the European project TransferINN

PROJECT Mondragon Unibertsitatea has been in Bidart, France, to attend the follow-up meeting of the European project TransferINN 2018·12·03

The objective of this project, started in March 2016, is to improve the social and economic integration of the cross-border area. The project partners met in Bidart to review the actions carried out so far and define the agenda for the next six months.

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Antonio Lafuente dará inicio a los encuentros que organizará KoLaborategia en el campus de Eskoriatza

kolaborategia Antonio Lafuente dará inicio a los encuentros que organizará KoLaborategia en el campus de Eskoriatza 2018·12·03

La conferencia “sLowU: Una propuesta de transformación profunda de la Universidad” se celebrará el próximo 10 de diciembre, a partir de las 18:00 horas.

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Hiking to Urbia

MOUNTAIN TRIP Hiking to Urbia 2018·12·03

On Saturday employees of the Business faculty hiked to Urbia.

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Aretxabaleta campus students inaugurate television studio set

aretxabaleta campus Aretxabaleta campus students inaugurate television studio set 2018·12·03

The television studio set on the Aretxabaleta campus has been installed, as has the production control equipment. Audiovisual Communication students have begun practice sessions with the new set-up.

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Nordic walkin course in Orona-Ideo

NORDIC WALKING Nordic walkin course in Orona-Ideo 2018·12·03

Last Wednesday we did a Nordic Walking course in Orona-Ideo.

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Empresa alineada con la demanda, el salto desde el MRP tradicional al Demand Driven MRP (DDMRP)

JORNADA Empresa alineada con la demanda, el salto desde el MRP tradicional al Demand Driven MRP (DDMRP) 2018·11·30

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Uxue Castaño is the winner of KoNet in November

Participation Uxue Castaño is the winner of KoNet in November 2018·11·30

In this case, the question was this: which TV series do you see?

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Aitor Laka wins Enpresa Sortu contest

CONTEST Aitor Laka wins Enpresa Sortu contest 2018·11·30

The winning project proposes consulting services in electrical networks to serve companies that use equipment based on power electronics. These include, for example, equipment that is used in wind farms, photovoltaic systems, and HVDC installations.

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Hiking to Kurtzetxiki

MOUNTAIN TRIP Hiking to Kurtzetxiki 2018·11·30

Yesterday we went to the mountain trip of Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

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First Lego League MicroFLL MONDRAGON-INNOBASQUE 2018·11·29

Take part in the voluntary work of Micro First Lego League MONDRAGON – INNOBASQUE. Be an active part in the event that is going to take place the next 19th January.

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Orona, Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Ikerlan presented the Orona Ideo project as an innovation ecosystem at the Go Mobility show

SHOW Orona, Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Ikerlan presented the Orona Ideo project as an innovation ecosystem at the Go Mobility show 2018·11·29

Orona, MU and Ikerlan participated in the show with the aim of presenting their common project based on collaboration between business, universities, and technology centres.

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MGEP participates in EFECS conference in Lisbon

CONFERENCE MGEP participates in EFECS conference in Lisbon 2018·11·29

The SCOTT and CSA Industry 4.E projects were presented at the show, which counts on the collaboration of Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

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Reencuentro 50 años después

REUNIÓN DE EX-ALUMNOS Reencuentro 50 años después 2018·11·28

Alumnos de Oficialía de la Eskola Politeknikoa han protagonizado un bonito y emotivo encuentro hoy en el Campus de Iturripe de Mondragon Unibertsitatea. El reencuentro, 50 años después, ha servido para recordar su paso por Eskola y rememorar viejas anécdotas.

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A team of Audiovisual Communication students has won the award for best short film in basque at the Renteria short film festival

AWARD A team of Audiovisual Communication students has won the award for best short film in basque at the Renteria short film festival 2018·11·28

Students Irati Briñas, Itsaso Garmendia, Irati Vergara, Leire Zarate, Eneko Zuberogoitia and Ane Zuazubiskar won the award for their short film, Erroak. This year, a total of 784 short films were presented at the festival.

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Second Biteri's mus tournament

SOCIOCULTURAL Second Biteri's mus tournament 2018·11·27

Due to the success of the first mus tournament, the Coexistence team has organized a second one.

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Talk about transsexuality

TALK Talk about transsexuality 2018·11·27

Errespetuz, the Basque association for the defense and integration of transsexual people, came to Biteri to voice its work.

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Humanitate eta Hezkuntza Zientzien Fakultateko LANKI Kooperatibismoren Ikertegiak kontratu nahi du pertsona bat sortzeko eta kudeatzeko kooperatibismoarekin zerikusia duten proiektuak.

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The ambassador of South Africa visits Mondragon University

Institutional visit The ambassador of South Africa visits Mondragon University 2018·11·26

The ambassador of South Africa was received in Mondragon University by the academic vice rector, Dr. Jon Altuna.

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MONDRAGON DUAL as a strategy of attraction and talent-development

Meeting MONDRAGON DUAL as a strategy of attraction and talent-development 2018·11·26

Jon Altuna, Academic Vice Chancellor of Mondragon University, presented the ApprenticeshipQ Project co-funded by the Erasmus + programme of the European Union.

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Five projects from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences have been approved for funding from provincial government of Gipuzkoa grant programs

RESEARCH PROJECTS Five projects from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences have been approved for funding from provincial government of Gipuzkoa grant programs 2018·11·26

Five projects from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences have been approved for funding through two of the programs supported by the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa. The Kooperatiba Fabrika project will receive funding from two different programs.

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