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Conference on materials technology with the support of ITP Aero

CONFERENCE Conference on materials technology with the support of ITP Aero 2019·09·27

The conference promoted by ITP Aero was held today at the Garaia Technology Park, with the support of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa

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New book published: “KOOPHEZI-i: scale to measure the profile of the cooperative individual among young students”

Publication New book published: “KOOPHEZI-i: scale to measure the profile of the cooperative individual among young students” 2019·09·26

Researchers from the Higher Polytechnic School and from the University of the Basque Country participated in the work, which was overseen by researchers from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences.

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Aitor Arrieta receives award for best doctoral thesis at the SISTEDES 2019 conference

CONFERENCE Aitor Arrieta receives award for best doctoral thesis at the SISTEDES 2019 conference 2019·09·25

Arrieta prepared his doctoral thesis at the Polytechnic School of Mondragon and is currently a professor belonging to the Software and Systems Engineering research group

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El Master MBA Executive cumple 10 años de andadura

Aniversario El Master MBA Executive cumple 10 años de andadura 2019·09·20

A lo largo de estos años, 200 personas han pasado por las aulas de este MBA

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Meeting Plotina program in Ljubljana

Equality Meeting Plotina program in Ljubljana 2019·09·18

Ainhoa Larrañaga and Arantxa Gonzalez de Heredia have talked about the work realized in the protocol against sexist aggressions.

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Changemaker Lab 2019

Evento Changemaker Lab 2019 2019·09·16

Soon the 2nd edition of the program Changemaker Lab of Mondragon University will startThe second edition of Changemaker Lab of Mondragon University will be started by the end of September and will be composed by 6 modules in boot camp format which will be developed in different faculties of the University. Changemaker Lab has been designed to create entrepreneurship projects in multidisciplinary groups. You will learn how to transform your ideas in real projects with the practical e innovational formation, the teams will always be composed by students of different Bachelor`s Degrees and different faculties. Changemaker Lab is an opened program for all students of Mondragon University. 40 places are planned for the 2019 edition. The students who want to take part in this event, has to inscribe themselves before the 23th Septemer 2019 by sending an email to the next direction: Modules Module 0: Presentation – 27th September Module 1: Akelarre – Innovation and teams – 11th and 12th October Module 2: Design and business models – 25th and 26th October Module 3: Clients and strategy – 15th and 16th November Module 4: Brand, marketing and sales – 29th and 30th November Module 5: Expedition to Madrid – 12th, 13th and 14th December Module 6: Pitching Day and evaluation – 17th January

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Abierta la matriculación para el Título Experto en Innovación de la Gobernanza

cooperativismo Abierta la matriculación para el Título Experto en Innovación de la Gobernanza 2019·09·16

El curso se ofrecerá en modalidad presencial en Orona-Ideo, Hernani. Las sesiones se impartirán desde octubre a mayo.

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Abierto el plazo de inscripción para la nueva especialidad de Especialización en Intervención en Dificultades de Audición y del Lenguaje

educación Abierto el plazo de inscripción para la nueva especialidad de Especialización en Intervención en Dificultades de Audición y del Lenguaje 2019·09·16

Esta nueva especialización, con grandes oportunidades laborales, se impartirá partir del próximo enero en el campus de Aretxabaleta.

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The technologies and automation of the factories under development were the subjects addressed by the international experts gathered at the conference

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El 23 de septiembre comenzará la II.edición del Grupo de Hombres con el objetivo de profundizar en la concienciación sobre igualdad

ENCUENTRO El 23 de septiembre comenzará la II.edición del Grupo de Hombres con el objetivo de profundizar en la concienciación sobre igualdad 2019·09·13

El Colegio Mayor Biteri de Mondragon Unibertsitatea y las asociaciones Elkarhezitzen y Piper Txuriak seguirán apostando por la iniciativa que pusieron en marcha el curso pasado

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Official opening of the 2019-2020 course of Mondragon University

Event Official opening of the 2019-2020 course of Mondragon University 2019·09·13

Mondragon University`s Rector highlights the bet for the educative innovation, the formation along the live and the investigation on the collaboration with companies like their principal challenges.

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Abierta la matrícula para el curso experto “La Maestra y el Maestro en la Innovación de Educación Infantil”

titulo experto Abierta la matrícula para el curso experto “La Maestra y el Maestro en la Innovación de Educación Infantil” 2019·09·11

El curso comenzará el próximo 19 de octubre en el campus de Aretxabaleta.

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Últimos días para matricularse en el nuevo Máster Universitario en Facilitación del Aprendizaje e Innovación (LIT)

MASTER LIT Últimos días para matricularse en el nuevo Máster Universitario en Facilitación del Aprendizaje e Innovación (LIT) 2019·09·10

Los y las interesadas en el máster, deberán de dirigirse a la Secretaría Académica de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences opens the school year with 344 new degree students

NEW ACADEMIC YEAR The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences opens the school year with 344 new degree students 2019·09·09

Classes began today for students in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, and Audiovisual Communication.

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The excursion of the new course

EXCURSION The excursion of the new course 2019·09·06

Many of the residents have initiated with spirit the new course

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Thesis defense of Aitor Arana

THESIS Thesis defense of Aitor Arana 2019·07·24

Title of the thesis: Thermal Distortion Effects on Cylindrical Gear Teeth Contact. Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE qualification and the CUM LAUDE mention.

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Thesis defense of Zaloa Fernandez

THESIS Thesis defense of Zaloa Fernandez 2019·07·24

Title of the thesis: Analysis of the impact of wireless mobile devices in critical industrial applications. Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE qualification and the DOCTOR INTERNACIONAL mention.

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Fijadas las fechas de inicio del curso 2019-2020 en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación

FECHAS DE INICIO Fijadas las fechas de inicio del curso 2019-2020 en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación 2019·07·20

Ya están concretadas las fechas de inicio de los diferentes cursos para el año académico 2019-2020. La Administración y la Secretaría Académica de la facultad abrirán sus puertas el día 2 de septiembre.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea holds the second annual conference of the Technology Forum

CONFERENCE Mondragon Unibertsitatea holds the second annual conference of the Technology Forum 2019·07·16

The business forum facilitates the alignment of the training to the needs of companies. This time, it addressed the Training Cycles and Engineering.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea gestionará 60 becas Global Training en colaboración con la Universidad de Deusto

Becas Mondragon Unibertsitatea gestionará 60 becas Global Training en colaboración con la Universidad de Deusto 2019·07·12

400 jóvenes podrán acceder a las becas Global Training para hacer prácticas empresariales en el extranjero.

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Aitor Arrieta is awarded with the 2019 SISTEDES award for best doctoral thesis

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Aitor Arrieta is awarded with the 2019 SISTEDES award for best doctoral thesis 2019·07·12

The researcher of the Faculty of Engineering focuses his work on the testing of complex systems software.

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Knowing Urkulu with the Mexicans

Visit to Urkulu Knowing Urkulu with the Mexicans 2019·07·11

Yesterday we visited the Urkulu environment with the Mexicans who are part of the "Edomex Scholarship Support for Education" program.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Basque Team y WATS Team presentan una iniciativa para mejorar la empleabilidad de las y los deportistas vascos

Iniciativa Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Basque Team y WATS Team presentan una iniciativa para mejorar la empleabilidad de las y los deportistas vascos 2019·07·11

Mondragon Unibertsitatea, a través de su Facultad de Empresariales, Basque Team, Fundación para el fomento del deporte vasco de alto nivel, y WATS Team, organización de referencia en formación deportiva a nivel profesional y prevención de la violencia en el deporte, presentan una iniciativa conjunta para mejorar la empleabilidad de las y los deportistas vascos, a través de la formación universitaria.

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On 18 July, a conference on Industry 4.0 will be held on the Orona Ideo campus

CONFERENCE On 18 July, a conference on Industry 4.0 will be held on the Orona Ideo campus 2019·07·11

The event is part of the European project DiManD led by the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

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Thesis defense of Oscar Somarriba

THESIS Thesis defense of Oscar Somarriba 2019·07·09

Title of the thesis: Dynamic monitoring of Android malware behavior: A DNS-based approach. Obtained the NOTABLE qualification.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea analyzes how to create more value in hypercompetitive environments

Event Mondragon Unibertsitatea analyzes how to create more value in hypercompetitive environments 2019·07·09

The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea has organized a day in Bilbao to help companies and organizations adapt to a world that changes rapidly and in which it is necessary to create more value for customers and teams.

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Members of the Road2DC project led by Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa have a follow-up meeting

PROJECT Members of the Road2DC project led by Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa have a follow-up meeting 2019·07·08

The project aims to propose solutions for the improvement of the current electrical system with the creation of new tools for the design and control of hybrid distribution networks.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea, leader of the FATECO European project, organises kick-off meetings of the project

EUROPEAN PROJECT Mondragon Unibertsitatea, leader of the FATECO European project, organises kick-off meetings of the project 2019·07·05

FATECO aims to improve the wear-and-tear performance of the components of the automotive sector through innovative, environmentally friendly operations.

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Students of the third year of the Degree in Industrial Design Engineering win the 4th edition of the MasterGlass competition

CONTEST Students of the third year of the Degree in Industrial Design Engineering win the 4th edition of the MasterGlass competition 2019·07·04

The KIXMI project has won the first prize of the 2018-2019 Vidrala Design Contest, a competition that seeks innovation, originality and viability within a sustainable and efficient process with the environment.

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