
Valentine's day

CELEBRATION Valentine's day 2020·02·14

A small celebration has been held in Biteri

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European DiManD project presentation hosts doctoral students from different countries and the companies that make up the consortium in Arrasate

PRESENTATION European DiManD project presentation hosts doctoral students from different countries and the companies that make up the consortium in Arrasate 2020·02·13

DiManD aims to train young researchers in Industry 4.0 topics and is led by the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea

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La brecha entre jóvenes y periodismo a debate en la jornada Komunikaldia 2020 organizada por la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación

Komunikaldia 2020 La brecha entre jóvenes y periodismo a debate en la jornada Komunikaldia 2020 organizada por la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación 2020·02·12

La jornada se llevará a cabo, el día 20 de febrero, en el campus de Aretxabaleta, a partir de las 15:00 horas.

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Wizard Tor’s show

SHOW Wizard Tor’s show 2020·02·12

The second performance of the II. Magic Cycle was celebrated

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24 hours Birth of LEINN on the campus of Oñati

LEINN 24 hours Birth of LEINN on the campus of Oñati 2020·02·11

7 teams of fourth-year leinners participate in the 24-hour bithgiving that has been developed in Oñati responding to business challenges.

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Ritxar Bacete to raise in the Men’s Group the debate on the impact of machismo on the men’s mental health

PRESENTATION Ritxar Bacete to raise in the Men’s Group the debate on the impact of machismo on the men’s mental health 2020·02·11

The presentation is framed within the three presentations to be offered by Ritxar Bacete in the Men’s Group in relation to the construction of the new masculinities

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12th Edition of the Specialization Course in Cooperative Business Management

Cooperativism 12th Edition of the Specialization Course in Cooperative Business Management 2020·02·10

The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea together with ERKIDE-Federation of Cooperatives in Euskadi launch the 12th Edition of the "Specialization Course in Management of Cooperative Companies".

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Los cortometrajes de terror ocuparán un lugar especial en la 13. edición del Festival de Cortos Vascos Huhezinema

Huhezinema 2020 Los cortometrajes de terror ocuparán un lugar especial en la 13. edición del Festival de Cortos Vascos Huhezinema 2020·02·10

Organizado por los y las alumnas del Grado en Audiovisuales, Aretxabaleta se llenará de cine los próximos días 25, 26 y 27 de marzo.

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Nagore Bermeosolo: “I love everything that has to do with srtificial intelligence”

bdata Nagore Bermeosolo: “I love everything that has to do with srtificial intelligence” 2020·02·07

We have conducted an interview with Nagore Bermeosolo, a student of the BDatA degree, with the aim of learning more about this new degree

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First aids workshop

WORKSHOP First aids workshop 2020·02·07

El grupo de emergencias ha tenido un cursillo de primeros auxilios

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Presentada la novena edición de Euspot: “¿Qué hay detrás de lo que vestimos?”

Euspot 2020 Presentada la novena edición de Euspot: “¿Qué hay detrás de lo que vestimos?” 2020·02·06

En esta ocasión, el concurso Euspot pretende reflexionar sobre las consecuencias de la moda rápida y el consumo desmedido.

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myGADE first year students have participated in the international “Basque Companies Abroad” program

Internationalization myGADE first year students have participated in the international “Basque Companies Abroad” program 2020·02·06

MyGADE first year students from the three campuses (Oñati, Bidasoa and Bilbao) have enjoyed the “Basque Companies Abroad” program at the end of January.

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Ya han llegado a la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación los estudiantes de Erasmus del Programa de Primavera

Erasmus Ya han llegado a la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación los estudiantes de Erasmus del Programa de Primavera 2020·02·04

Ocho estudiantes provenientes de Polonia, Bélgica, República Checa y los Países Bajos cursarán el Programa de Educación ofrecido Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

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MAGIC CYCLE II Magic Cycle start 2020·02·04

The magician Jon Zabal has begun Polytechnic school’s II Magic Cycle

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Thesis defense of Javier Cuenca Ariza

THESIS Thesis defense of Javier Cuenca Ariza 2020·02·04

Title of the thesis: “A Methodology for Designing Layered Ontology Structures”. Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE qualification and the CUM LAUDE and DOCTOR INTERNACIONAL mentions.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea y WATS Team presentan el primer Máster en Innovación y Gestión Empresarial Deportiva del estado

Nuevo Postgrado Mondragon Unibertsitatea y WATS Team presentan el primer Máster en Innovación y Gestión Empresarial Deportiva del estado 2020·02·03

De la mano de esta formación, la vocación por el fomento del emprendimiento se une la innovación en un campo lleno de oportunidades de tipo empresarial como es el deporte

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Lanzado el nuevo Máster Universitario “online” en Cooperativismo y Gestión Socioempresarial

Máster Mcoop Lanzado el nuevo Máster Universitario “online” en Cooperativismo y Gestión Socioempresarial 2020·02·03

El máster es online y los y las participantes podrán realizar una estancia para conocer in situ la Experiencia Cooperativa de Mondragon.

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Industrial Electronic Engineering undergraduate students have undertaken their third year project in collaboration with RS Components.

PBL Industrial Electronic Engineering undergraduate students have undertaken their third year project in collaboration with RS Components. 2020·02·03

The project consisted in designing, assembling and testing an electronic product selected by the students who were advised by a company representative on choosing the necessary devices

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea Faculty of Engineering has launched a new Business Intelligence course for professionals in Bilbao

NEW COURSE Mondragon Unibertsitatea Faculty of Engineering has launched a new Business Intelligence course for professionals in Bilbao 2020·02·03

Advanced data analysis and viewing course aimed at professionals with the collaboration of Microsoft Power BI and Bilbao Council ICTs department

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Learning Journey of the students of the Master’s Degree in Biomedical Technologies in Madrid

LEARNING JOURNEY Learning Journey of the students of the Master’s Degree in Biomedical Technologies in Madrid 2020·01·31

The European University, the Centre for Biomedical Technology and the company Medtronic were the organisations visited by the students of the Master’s degree of Mondragon Unibertsitatea

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Jornada Jornada sobre la enseñanza de lengua extranjera en Educación Infantil y Primaria 2020·01·30

El 12 de febrero, en el campus de Eskoriatza, se abordarán los retos a los que se enfrenta la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras.

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SPinning course underway in Oñati

Spinning SPinning course underway in Oñati 2020·01·28

Last week they started with the sessions of this course.

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The students of Mondragon Unibertsitatea have been skiing in Formigal

Ski trip The students of Mondragon Unibertsitatea have been skiing in Formigal 2020·01·28

The students of Mondragon Unibertsitatea enjoyed the last ski outing organised by the Sports Service.

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Students of the Degree in Industrial Ecotechnologies manufacture surfboards with cardboard core to avoid the emissions generated by polyurethane

SUSTAINABILITY Students of the Degree in Industrial Ecotechnologies manufacture surfboards with cardboard core to avoid the emissions generated by polyurethane 2020·01·28

The end-of-semester project focused on the design and manufacture of a more environmentally sustainable product

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea sportswear

Cycling and running Mondragon Unibertsitatea sportswear 2020·01·27

Reserve your sportswear

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The SmartEnCity project launches a training course for institutions and organizations to create smart cities, municipalities and neighborhoods for the transition to Zero Carbon

PROJECT The SmartEnCity project launches a training course for institutions and organizations to create smart cities, municipalities and neighborhoods for the transition to Zero Carbon 2020·01·27

Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the MONDRAGON Corporation are participating in this European project promoted by the Basque Government and Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council

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New issue of the journal “Jakingarriak” published

Jakingarriak New issue of the journal “Jakingarriak” published 2020·01·23

Issue 78, coordinated by KoLaborategia, focuses on digitalization.

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Do you know the new Expert course in People Management and Future of Work?

Postgraduate Do you know the new Expert course in People Management and Future of Work? 2020·01·23

Trends in the world of work are impacting the management of people and their talent in organizations. It is time to stop to think what and how we can add value from our function.

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The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea launches a new expert course in ENTREPRENEURSHIP at FINTECH in Bilbao

FINTECH The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea launches a new expert course in ENTREPRENEURSHIP at FINTECH in Bilbao 2020·01·22

This expert course is launched from the Mondragon Team Academy entrepreneurship unit and under the protection of BBF Fintech, a specific incubator for startups experts in new technologies and oriented to the financial sector.

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Thesis defense of Unai Garro Arrazola

THESIS Thesis defense of Unai Garro Arrazola 2020·01·22

Title of the thesis: “Methodology for the Accelerated Reliability Analysis and Prognosis of Underground Cables based on FPGA”. Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE qualification and the CUM LAUDE and DOCTOR INTERNACIONAL mentions.

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