
KoLaborategia propone un decálogo para afrontar la enseñanza online en época de confinamiento

KoLaborategia KoLaborategia propone un decálogo para afrontar la enseñanza online en época de confinamiento 2020·03·30

El equipo de KoLaborategia, el Laboratorio en Educación y Comunicación para la Sociedad Digital, ha presentado un decálogo que pretende ser una guía para todas y todos los docentes que están trabajando estos días online.

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The new RDL of 29 March regulating recoverable paid leave for employees providing non-essential services does not affect Mondragon University's online academic activity

Covid-19 The new RDL of 29 March regulating recoverable paid leave for employees providing non-essential services does not affect Mondragon University's online academic activity 2020·03·30

The academic activity of the Mondragon University, carried out from their homes by the students and teaching staff of Mondragon University, will not be affected by the new RDL 10/2020 of 29 March. In other words, as in previous weeks, Mondragon University's academic activity will continue to be carried out online.

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The University Sport Service has made information pills, featuring tips, challenges and training charts available to the university community

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