ACUERDO Mondragon Unibertsitatea y LABORAL Kutxa firman un acuerdo para poner en marcha espacios denominados Aula LABORAL Kutxa 2023·09·18
Uno de los espacios estará en la facultad de ingeniería, en Arrasate, y el otro en la facultad de Enpresagintza, en Bilbao.
Mountain hiking Hiking to Aitzorrotz with the new Erasmus students 2023·09·18
Opportunity to get to know our surroundings through hiking
OPENING OF THE 2023-2024 ACADEMIC YEAR This year the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will have 456 new undergraduate students 2023·09·11
Classes will begin on September 11 and 13 for students in the four degree programs offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences: Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Audiovisual Communication and Global Digital Humanities (GDH).
Opening of the acadmic year Opening of the 2023-2024 academic year of Mondragon Unibertsitatea at the Oñati campus 2023·09·08
The Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, has officially opened the 2023-2024 academic year at Mondragon Unibertsitatea
EXCURSION Beginning of the academic year at Biteri Hall of Residence 2023·09·08
The students who will be staying at Biteri this academic year have already arrived
WEBINAR The road to more renewable energy 2023·09·06
Fundación Repsol and the Higher Polytechnic School of the University of Mondragón - Mondragón Unibertsitatea are organising this webinar in which the evolution of renewable energies in Spain will be analysed and these issues will be debated, analysing the main challenges they face in their effective deployment.
Reimagine Talks Online event on September 21 to reflect on the importance of student exit profiles in educational change 2023·09·04
Two speakers will take part in the presentation: Xavier Aragai, Director of Reimagine Education, and Nagore Ipiña, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University.
Interview Diego Egizabal: “We studied how written language is taught until children are able to automatically perform the lower-order mental operations involved in reading and writing” 2023·09·04
The dissertation entitled "Idatzizkoaren hasierako irakaskuntza dispositibo didaktikoen argitan. D ereduko ikastetxe baten kasu azterketa [“The initial teaching of writing in light of didactic mechanisms. A case study of a Model D school”] was defended by Diego Egizabal on the Eskoriatza campus in July and earned a rating of Outstanding. We spoke with the author about his research.
Start of course 2022-2023 course start dates in the Faculty of Engineering 2023·09·04
Bachelor's and Master's degrees and Advanced Training Cycles will begin in September. The Administration and the Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Engineering will open on 1 September.
Sports and health activities You can now see our offer for the 2023-2024 academic year 2023·09·04
Check out our program and get involved!
MTALENT PRO The second edition of the Senior Program on People, Culture and Talent for the Future of Work has ended 2023·07·27
The second edition of the Senior Program in People, Culture and Talent for the Future of Work, carried out in collaboration with ADEGI, has ended
JOB OPPORTUNITY The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University seeks to hire two instructors, in digitalization in education and didactics of technology, for its degree programs in Primary Education and Early Childhood education for the 2023-2024 academic year 2023·07·26
The deadline to submit CVs is September 10, 2023.
MTA-LEINN Mondragon Team Academy - Leinn Back in India 2023·07·26
India is back. We are back in India. A classic MTA destination
Anniversary Surpassing the quarter of a century 2023·07·21
After a year full of events, Mondragon Unibertsitatea concludes its 25th anniversary celebrations.
COOPERATIVISM Projects from the 15th year of the expert certification course in cooperativism were presented on the Eskoriatza campus 2023·07·18
A total of 16 entities participated this year.
VISIT Students of the Interuniversity Master in Hydrogen Technologies visit the facilities of the companies Petronor and Carburos Metálicos 2023·07·18
The master's degree has several sites - Bilbao, Barcelona, Tarragona and Zaragoza - and students from each site visit the leading companies located in their area.
PROYECTO Se graduan 57 estudiantes de la I promoción del Máster Interuniversitario en Tecnologías del Hidrógeno 2023·07·17
La mayoría de los y las alumnas ha desarrollado su proyecto final de máster orientado a responder al reto real de una empresa. Entre los proyectos presentados se encuentran el diseño de una pila de combustible para un camión, el diseño de una nueva planta de e-fuel, motores de combustión 100% hidrogeno, un sistema de almacenamiento y transporte de H2 de uso doméstico o la generación de hidrógeno con reactor nuclear, entre otros trabajos
Hack & Disrupt Successful conclusion of the III Fintech Hack&Disrupt! Meeting organized by Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Bolsas y Mercados Españoles 2023·07·14
The event is supported by the City Council, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, BBK Foundation, Bilbao Plaza Financiera and the Basque Government
DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Marta Quintas earns a rating of outstanding cum laude for her doctoral dissertation 2023·07·13
The defense of the dissertation, entitled “Gurasoen hezkuntza-inplikazioa aniztasun sozioekonomikoa eta kulturala duten EAEko bi eskola eraginkorretan” [“Educational involvement of parents in two effective schools in the BAC with socioeconomic and cultural diversity”], took place on the Eskoriatza campus.
CONGRESS Mondragon Unibertsitatea organizes the XXVII International Congress on Project Engineering Management (CIDIP 2023) 2023·07·13
The event was attended by more than 200 national and international professionals to discuss and present their latest research related to project engineering management.
THESIS The student Miriam Ugarte Querejeta obtained an OUTSTANDING CUM LAUDE qualification with 'INTERNATIONAL DOCTORATE' mention 2023·07·11
COURSE New data scientists are now ready to carry out Artificial Intelligence projects. 2023·07·10
The second edition of the Data Science Expert course for professionals of Mondragon Unibertsitatea has been successfully completed.
AGREEMENT SIGNED The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences and the city council of Eskoriatza have signed an agreement to regulate the use and maintenance of the spaces adjacent to the Eskoriatza campus and to reaffirm the collaboration between the two entities 2023·07·10
The remodeling of the Dorleta building on the Eskoriatza campus aims to create spaces and contexts that adapt to the educational plan of the Faculty and strengthen relations with the community, as confirmed by the directives of the agreement.
CLO Online information session on July 12 on the specialist diploma in Chief Learning Officer (CLO) 2023·07·10
The presentation will be given by diploma coordinators Agurtzane Martinez and Paloma Moruno. Registration for the event is now open.
Video summary of the activities of the Sports Service End of the 2022-2023 academic year 2023·07·06
Thanks to all participants!
RESEARCH Survey on the skills and competency needs of social economy workers 2023·07·05
The research is part of the baSE project, Blueprint for Social Economy and Proximity Skills & Advanced Trainings Schemes Adaptable to diverse Social Economy Ecosystem in Europe, funded by the European Commission.
DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Diego Egizabal earns a rating of ‘outstanding’ for his doctoral dissertation 2023·07·04
The defense of the dissertation, entitled "Idatzizkoaren hasierako irakaskuntza dispositibo didaktikoen argitan. D ereduko ikastetxe baten kasu azterketa" [“The initial teaching of writing in light of didactic devices. A case study of a Model D school”], took place on the Eskoriatza campus.
TRAINING FOR PROFESSIONALS Mondragon University awards diplomas for the Expert Certification in Entrepreneurship and Audiovisual Innovation 2023·07·03
The course, which started in January and has enjoyed the collaboration of the Government of Navarre, aims to strengthen the audiovisual sector in the Navarrese community by promoting new business models.
AWARD A student of the Biomedical Engineering degree has received the award for the best poster at the EMRS 2023 congress. 2023·07·03
The work presented by student Malen Razkin is the result of her Final Degree Project.
JOB OPPORTUNITY The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University seeks to hire instructors to teach classes in the degree programs in Primary Education and Early Childhood education for the 2023-2024 academic year 2023·06·28
The deadline to submit CVs is July 10, 2023.