
The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences and TeamLabs sign a collaboration agreement to boost disruptive academic projects

COLLABORATION AGREEMENT The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences and TeamLabs sign a collaboration agreement to boost disruptive academic projects 2019·11·28

The agreement was signed by Félix Lozano, co-founder and CEO of TeamLabs, and Begoña Pedrosa, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences.

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“Ixa,” an app series designed in the Bachelor’s Degree program in Audiovisual Communication at Mondragon University, is now available

AUDIOVISUAL COMMUNICATION “Ixa,” an app series designed in the Bachelor’s Degree program in Audiovisual Communication at Mondragon University, is now available 2019·11·27

Alumni Egoitz Diaz Ibargoitia, Gorka Alvarez de Arkaia, Irati Briñas, Malen Lur and Unai Portilla produced the app series, thanks to a grant awarded by 2deo, Tabakalera’s Audiovisual Laboratory in Basque.

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Gipuzkoa is at the forefront of Europe regarding the participation of workers in the profits and capital of the company

Conference Gipuzkoa is at the forefront of Europe regarding the participation of workers in the profits and capital of the company 2019·11·25

According to the observatory on the participation of people in the company that Mondragon University has prepared for the project Etorkizuna Eraikiz of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.

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El 2 de diciembre se abrirá la inscripción en los másteres universitarios de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación

MÁSTERES UNIVERSITARIOS El 2 de diciembre se abrirá la inscripción en los másteres universitarios de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación 2019·11·18

La inscripción estará abierta en los tres másteres universitarios, dos del área de educación y el tercero de cooperativismo.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will offer a Specialist Course in Innovation in Governance

PROFESSIONAL TRAINING The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will offer a Specialist Course in Innovation in Governance 2019·11·12

The course will be offered in person at Orona-Ideo, Hernani from October of 2019 to May of 2020.

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Hearing and Language: new specialization for graduates in Primary Education or specialist diploma for professionals and interested parties from other areas

education Hearing and Language: new specialization for graduates in Primary Education or specialist diploma for professionals and interested parties from other areas 2019·11·12

The new specialization will be available beginning in September and will be offered in the form of in-person classes taught by professionals in the field.

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Representatives of Mondragon University has won the VII League of Interuniversity Debate in Basque

Competition Representatives of Mondragon University has won the VII League of Interuniversity Debate in Basque 2019·11·08

The team members have been Andoni Mikelarena, Mercedes del Alma, Aitziber Jimenez de Aberasturi and Ihana Iriondo, all students of the 4th course of Audiovisual Communication.

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En noviembre, sesiones abiertas de KoopFabrika en el campus de Eskoriatza

KOOPFABRIKA En noviembre, sesiones abiertas de KoopFabrika en el campus de Eskoriatza 2019·11·06

El programa de apoyo a proyectos profesionales e iniciativas socio-económicas ofrecerá ocho sesiones abiertas entre el 4 y el 21 de noviembre.

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Poster competition announced for the 2020 Huhezinema Basque Short Film Festival

HUHEZINEMA Poster competition announced for the 2020 Huhezinema Basque Short Film Festival 2019·11·06

Works may be submitted for the competition through December 29.

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Se reunen 22 agentes gipuzkoanos en el campus de Aretxabaletako para debatir en torno al talento

investigación Se reunen 22 agentes gipuzkoanos en el campus de Aretxabaletako para debatir en torno al talento 2019·10·31

El objetivo de la sesión ha sido definir las diferentes dimensiones del talento.

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Con las sesiones del 7 y 9 noviembre, comienzan las Puertas Abiertas de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, de cara al próximo curso 2020-2021

puertas abiertas Con las sesiones del 7 y 9 noviembre, comienzan las Puertas Abiertas de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, de cara al próximo curso 2020-2021 2019·10·28

Las jornadas se celebrarán el día 7 de noviembre en Bilbao y el 9 en Eskoriatza y Aretxabaleta.

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Collaboration agreement signed between Goiena and the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences

COLLABORATION AGREEMENT Collaboration agreement signed between Goiena and the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences 2019·10·21

The agreement was signed by Iban Arantzabal, director of the Goiena communication group, and Begoña Pedrosa, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences.

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A group of 14 Brazilian instructors will study cooperative education in the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences

BRAZILIAN FACULTY MEMBERS A group of 14 Brazilian instructors will study cooperative education in the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences 2019·10·21

The instructors from the Brazilian state of Paraiba will be at Mondragon University for two months.

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Mondragon University and TeamLabs launch a program that prepares students to be a “Chief Learning Officer” (clo): a new type of executive that is key in business

SPECIALIST DIPLOMA Mondragon University and TeamLabs launch a program that prepares students to be a “Chief Learning Officer” (clo): a new type of executive that is key in business 2019·10·18

The blended learning 30-ECTS Specialist Diploma in Chief Learning Officer is the first official qualification for facilitating learning processes and innovation in corporations.

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Mondragon University will impart in the new campus of Zorrotzaurre five university tittles the next academic course

Academic offer Mondragon University will impart in the new campus of Zorrotzaurre five university tittles the next academic course 2019·10·14

The university reinforces the academic offer in Bilbao and 27 tittles, where there can be found, Bachelor’s Degree tittles and postgraduate tittles will be taught there.

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The 24 people participating in the 12th year of the Expert Course in Cooperativism have started their studies

COOPERATIVISM The 24 people participating in the 12th year of the Expert Course in Cooperativism have started their studies 2019·10·10

The course promotes socio-business projects. The course will be taught at the Otalora palace in Aretxabaleta.

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KoopFabrika, the program for professional projects and socioeconomic initiatives, is now in its fourth year

KOOPFABRIKA KoopFabrika, the program for professional projects and socioeconomic initiatives, is now in its fourth year 2019·10·10

To date, a total of 165 people have received theoretical-practical training in social and cooperative entrepreneurship. Additionally, 45 socioeconomic projects have been established thanks to the project.

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The guide, which lists the best children’s and young people’s books published in Basque in 2018, is now available online

READING GUIDE The guide, which lists the best children’s and young people’s books published in Basque in 2018, is now available online 2019·10·01

The guide, entitled “Guide to Children’s and Young People’s Literature, 2018,” is a work carried out by a group including educators from the Faculty, as well as parents and library managers.

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New book published: “KOOPHEZI-i: scale to measure the profile of the cooperative individual among young students”

Publication New book published: “KOOPHEZI-i: scale to measure the profile of the cooperative individual among young students” 2019·09·26

Researchers from the Higher Polytechnic School and from the University of the Basque Country participated in the work, which was overseen by researchers from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences.

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Meeting Plotina program in Ljubljana

Equality Meeting Plotina program in Ljubljana 2019·09·18

Ainhoa Larrañaga and Arantxa Gonzalez de Heredia have talked about the work realized in the protocol against sexist aggressions.

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Changemaker Lab 2019

Evento Changemaker Lab 2019 2019·09·16

Soon the 2nd edition of the program Changemaker Lab of Mondragon University will startThe second edition of Changemaker Lab of Mondragon University will be started by the end of September and will be composed by 6 modules in boot camp format which will be developed in different faculties of the University. Changemaker Lab has been designed to create entrepreneurship projects in multidisciplinary groups. You will learn how to transform your ideas in real projects with the practical e innovational formation, the teams will always be composed by students of different Bachelor`s Degrees and different faculties. Changemaker Lab is an opened program for all students of Mondragon University. 40 places are planned for the 2019 edition. The students who want to take part in this event, has to inscribe themselves before the 23th Septemer 2019 by sending an email to the next direction: Modules Module 0: Presentation – 27th September Module 1: Akelarre – Innovation and teams – 11th and 12th October Module 2: Design and business models – 25th and 26th October Module 3: Clients and strategy – 15th and 16th November Module 4: Brand, marketing and sales – 29th and 30th November Module 5: Expedition to Madrid – 12th, 13th and 14th December Module 6: Pitching Day and evaluation – 17th January

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Abierta la matriculación para el Título Experto en Innovación de la Gobernanza

cooperativismo Abierta la matriculación para el Título Experto en Innovación de la Gobernanza 2019·09·16

El curso se ofrecerá en modalidad presencial en Orona-Ideo, Hernani. Las sesiones se impartirán desde octubre a mayo.

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Abierto el plazo de inscripción para la nueva especialidad de Especialización en Intervención en Dificultades de Audición y del Lenguaje

educación Abierto el plazo de inscripción para la nueva especialidad de Especialización en Intervención en Dificultades de Audición y del Lenguaje 2019·09·16

Esta nueva especialización, con grandes oportunidades laborales, se impartirá partir del próximo enero en el campus de Aretxabaleta.

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Abierta la matrícula para el curso experto “La Maestra y el Maestro en la Innovación de Educación Infantil”

titulo experto Abierta la matrícula para el curso experto “La Maestra y el Maestro en la Innovación de Educación Infantil” 2019·09·11

El curso comenzará el próximo 19 de octubre en el campus de Aretxabaleta.

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Últimos días para matricularse en el nuevo Máster Universitario en Facilitación del Aprendizaje e Innovación (LIT)

MASTER LIT Últimos días para matricularse en el nuevo Máster Universitario en Facilitación del Aprendizaje e Innovación (LIT) 2019·09·10

Los y las interesadas en el máster, deberán de dirigirse a la Secretaría Académica de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences opens the school year with 344 new degree students

NEW ACADEMIC YEAR The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences opens the school year with 344 new degree students 2019·09·09

Classes began today for students in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, and Audiovisual Communication.

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Fijadas las fechas de inicio del curso 2019-2020 en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación

FECHAS DE INICIO Fijadas las fechas de inicio del curso 2019-2020 en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación 2019·07·20

Ya están concretadas las fechas de inicio de los diferentes cursos para el año académico 2019-2020. La Administración y la Secretaría Académica de la facultad abrirán sus puertas el día 2 de septiembre.

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Human cooperation in organizations, topic of the 7TH annual Conference on Cooperativism

CONFERENCE ON COOPERATIVISM Human cooperation in organizations, topic of the 7TH annual Conference on Cooperativism 2019·06·27

The conference will take place on July 4 in Arantzazu, Oñati.

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El próximo día 28, se celebrará una nueva Jornada de Investigación del Programa de Doctorado en el campus de Aretxabaleta

programa de doctorado El próximo día 28, se celebrará una nueva Jornada de Investigación del Programa de Doctorado en el campus de Aretxabaleta 2019·06·25

En la jornada participarán investigadores e investigadoras de la Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya y de Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

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Abierta la Bolsa de Trabajo de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación

OFERTA DE TRABAJO Abierta la Bolsa de Trabajo de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación 2019·06·19

La Facultad necesita contratar zazpi personas en diversos ámbitos de la Educación.

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