Work experience and projects

Official Degree

Degree in Primary Education (six mentions to choose)


240 ECTS

4 years


Eskoriatza and Bilbao AS Fabrik

Class size

225 Places


Basque (80%), Spanish (10%) and English (10%)


On-site / Blended

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Gain professional experience while you study

Learning through real experiences and through your relationship with educational centers are essential characteristics of our bachelor’s degree in Primary Education. From the beginning of your studies, you will have the opportunity to become familiar with schools from the inside, training for that purpose under the university-school alternance model. Additionally, as you finish your degree, you will do an End-of-Degree Project (EDP), delving deeper into educational innovation.

Internships and the alternance model

Beginning in your first year of study, you will be able to do internships in different schools in the Basque Country and, during your third and fourth years of study, in the rest of Spain and abroad as well. Internships will be of different lengths and will have different structures, and some will be related to the specialization you choose. Internships will allow you to learn first-hand about the teaching profession and the real context of that profession. Furthermore, if you do not go abroad during your 4th year of study, you will be able to work under the alternance model. That is, during the internship period, you will spend three days a week at the school and two at the university.



Former student of the bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education

“We were observed different aspects of the school to reach a diagnosis. Once the diagnosis was made, we started working on an intervention”.


Former student of the bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education. Now working at Corazonistas High School (Vitoria-Gasteiz)

“As soon as I finished my 4th year of study, I started working at the same school where I did my internship”.

Internships abroad

Internships will give you mobility and experience, and you can do them in national institutions as well as in institutions abroad. Additionally, they provide the opportunity to complete your training program and become familiar with other points of view. The mechanisms of mobility are adapted to your training program. Among the most noteworthy of European schools are the schools in the European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) and those in the Network for the Education and Training of Teachers (NETT). And regarding schools on the American continent, we have agreements with schools in various countries in Central and South America, including Mexico, Colombia, Puerto Rico and Chile, among others.


End-of-Degree Project (EDP) to study educational innovation in detail

During your fourth year of study, you will complete an End-of-Degree Project (EDP) related to a process of educational innovation. The purpose of this exhaustive academic work is, among other things, to respond to a school challenge and promote the relationship between students and educational institutions.

  • You will be able to develop a teaching project adapted to students.
  • You will have support and guidance both from the school at which you work and from the Faculty.

Collaborating institutions

The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences collaborates with a large number of institutions at which students may do their internships, for example: