Teaching-learning process

Oficial Degree

Degree in Business Data Analytics


240 ETCS

4 years




Spanish, English



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One of the most successful educational methods has been implemented in the Bachelor's Degree in Business Data Analytics: the challenge based methodology, an active approach to learning that immerses you in a real situation that requires effective teamwork to find the solution.


You will work on tackling real situations in different areas of business and different sectors; for example, predicting which series will be the most watched on Netflix next year, anticipating the new top products that a supermarket might start selling, or improving Ikea's price prediction algorithm. Working on such challenges will allow you to apply the knowledge acquired from the different subjects in a real situation.

Throughout the degree you will have to overcome 14 business challenges, all of which are real and involving a customer who will inform you about the problem to be tackled and will participate in assessing the proposed solution. The last of these challenges will be your Final Degree Project, which will be carried out as part of the academic internship.

These are some of the companies that have collaborated with the degree by proposing different challenges to be overcome by our students:


Of course, you will not be alone when confronted by these challenges. You will participate in a project team with your fellow students and will have a team of teachers to guide you towards finding the solution. You will have the help of a teacher acting as a project manager to help you with project management and the technical parts of the project, as well as a coach to help you improve the personal skills you need to work better in a team, resolve conflicts, etc.

Find out more about the challenges



The learning trips are another distinctive feature of the degree. Their aims are:
  • To acquire first-hand knowledge of the business reality of the city of destination in terms of data.
  • To have the opportunity to learn about real cases where artificial intelligence has been implemented and to interact with professional data experts.
  • To gain international experience at a foreign university.
The tuition fee includes travel costs to the city of destination and accommodation during the national learning trip. For the international learning trip abroad, on the other hand, the tuition fee does not include transport or accommodation in the country of destination.

Find out more about these learning trips