Presentation on energy storage with associate professor Noshin Omar


Presentation on energy storage with associate professor Noshin Omar


Presentation on energy storage with associate professor Noshin Omar

Students of the Master's Degree in Energy and Power Electronics delve into the design of energy storage systems



On 17 March, the students of the Master's Degree in Energy and Power Electronics at the University of Mondragon hosted a special conference on energy storage. The session offered by Noshin Omar, a professional resident in Belgium and associate lecturer at Mondragon Unibertsitatea, presented the design guidelines for the design of storage systems.

Noshin Omar is founder and CEO of Avesta Battery & Energy Engineering and has an outstanding professional experience in the energy storage sector. His broad vision allowed the students to learn first-hand about the challenges of the entire battery supply chain. Omar brought business reality to the classroom and shared with the students different case studies from the mobility and stationary sectors.

The full presentation is shown below and it is divided into two videos:

  • Design of energy storage systems
  • Application examples of energy storage systems

Professionals are in demand

For several years now, European policies have been strongly promoting energy storage technologies. This is because technological advances in this area will enable the massive promotion of renewable energies and the achievement of a climate-neutral society by 2050.

In this context, companies need professionals specialised in the field of energy storage and Mondragon Unibertsitatea is committed to introducing this speciality in its training programmes, such as, for example, in the Master's Degree in Energy and Power Electronics.