
KoopFabrika will offer its training program in November and December on the Eskoriatza campus

KOOPFABRIKA KoopFabrika will offer its training program in November and December on the Eskoriatza campus 2021·11·08

In addition to participants in this sixth year of the program, interested parties outside the program may also register for sessions.

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La Escuela Politécnica de Mondragon Unibertsitatea enseña a las empresas su equipamiento tecnológico relacionados con las redes eléctricas para identificar oportunidades de colaboración

JORNADA La Escuela Politécnica de Mondragon Unibertsitatea enseña a las empresas su equipamiento tecnológico relacionados con las redes eléctricas para identificar oportunidades de colaboración 2021·11·08

El encuentro se enmarca dentro de las jornadas de inmersión Deep Dive del Basque Digital Innovation Hub (BDIH) promovidos por la SPRI, una iniciativa que pretende poner a disposición de las empresas vascas (PYMES y grandes empresas) los modernos equipamientos tecnológicos que disponen los miembros de la Red Vasca de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación.

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Nuevo curso experto universitario para capacitar a científicos de datos

CURSO Nuevo curso experto universitario para capacitar a científicos de datos 2021·11·08

Con la proliferación del volumen de datos en las empresas y la irrupción de tecnologías SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics y Cloud), cada vez son más demandados los perfiles técnicos capaces de realizar análisis de datos avanzados en entornos Big Data. Mondragon Unibertsitatea, ha creado un nuevo curso semi-presencial que comenzará el próximo mes de Enero.

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The Mondragon Team Academy Entrepreneurship Network, together with the LEINN Degree, have been presented in Preston

Mondragon Team Academy The Mondragon Team Academy Entrepreneurship Network, together with the LEINN Degree, have been presented in Preston 2021·11·08

A delegation of MONDRAGON representatives presented a report on the generation of cooperative entrepreneurship ecosystems and their social impact.

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This week the Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2021 championship was held

MU Championship This week the Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2021 championship was held 2021·11·05

It has been a "special" edition with fitness machines and 14 students have participated

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“De la plática a la práctica”, presentación en Barcelona del Diploma Universitario de Especialización en Nuevos Roles para el Aprendizaje en Educación (ROL)

PROGRAMA ROL “De la plática a la práctica”, presentación en Barcelona del Diploma Universitario de Especialización en Nuevos Roles para el Aprendizaje en Educación (ROL) 2021·11·04

El 24 de noviembre presentaremos en Barcelona el diploma ROL, un programa dirigido a los y las profesionales de la educación y que tiene como objetivo contribuir al cambio de rol del profesorado.

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The dance group is on!

COURSE The dance group is on! 2021·11·03

This week the dance classes have started in Biteri

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Fagor Ederlan y Mondragon Unibertsitatea unen fuerzas para la recualificación de trabajadores

FORMACIÓN Fagor Ederlan y Mondragon Unibertsitatea unen fuerzas para la recualificación de trabajadores 2021·11·03

Más de 40 trabajadores de Fagor Ederlan se han apuntado ya a un plan de capacitación de 376 horas de duración diseñado por ambas entidades que se abordarán entre los meses de noviembre 2021 y junio de 2022.

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The second annual Gastroeducation: International Conference on Education in Gastronomy will be held on November 9

GASTROEDUCATION The second annual Gastroeducation: International Conference on Education in Gastronomy will be held on November 9 2021·11·02

The conference, whose main theme will be What is the chef of the future like?, will begin at 4:00 p.m. and will be held online

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Self- protection plan

FORMATION Self- protection plan 2021·11·02

The emergency commission has received training from the university's emergency manager

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Halloween costume contest

CONTEST Halloween costume contest 2021·10·29

There has been a costume contest organized by the students in Biteri

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Ibili launches bottles designed by Industrial Design students from Mondragon Unibertsitatea

COLLABORATION Ibili launches bottles designed by Industrial Design students from Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2021·10·29

The collaboration was carried out during the 20/21 academic year and the five selected designs are already available in the new catalog launched by the kitchenware brand in the more than 60 countries to which it exports.

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Ascent to Aitzorrotz with computer science students

Hiking Aitzorrotz Ascent to Aitzorrotz with computer science students 2021·10·28

Today was the second hiking trip of this course.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences seeks to hire a person to work in Techno-Pedagogical Consultancy

JOB OFFERING The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences seeks to hire a person to work in Techno-Pedagogical Consultancy 2021·10·28

The successful candidate will be responsible in particular for managing the academic platform Moodle: content management, computer assistance, consultancy, etc. CVs must be submitted by November 8.

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This week the HUHEZI internal championships have started in Eskoriatza

HUHEZI winter championships This week the HUHEZI internal championships have started in Eskoriatza 2021·10·27

Leagues will be played in futsal and 3x3 basketball

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will collect food for the NGO Zaporeak under the slogan “A meal for refugees, a book for you!”

SOLIDARITY The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will collect food for the NGO Zaporeak under the slogan “A meal for refugees, a book for you!” 2021·10·27

To celebrate International Library Day on October 24, the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University and the NGO Zaporeak will promote a solidarity project: A meal for refugees, a book for you! The food collected will be distributed to refugees arriving in Europe. The NGO Zaporeak is currently working in two major areas: offering decent food to refugees arriving in Europe and cooking in refugee camps in Greece to improve the living conditions of the people trapped there. Every day Zaporeak feeds more than 2,000 people. Food to be collected in this campaign: Penne pasta. Long-grain rice. Tea. Beans. Chickpeas. Oil. Spices: cumin, curry, white pepper, black pepper, turmeric and cinnamon. Photo, from left to right: Alex Arellano, Zaporeak technician; Helena Ruiz de Azua, head of communication at Zaporeak and Amaia Torrealday, head of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences.

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Currently, cyber-attacks on industrial companies are growing exponentially, mainly due to the fact that there is more interconnection between traditional corporate networks and plant networks. This is mainly due to the fact that there is more interconnection between traditional corporate networks and plant networks. Faced with this risk that a well-executed cyberattack could strike at the production plant, it is increasingly necessary to have profiles trained to govern and manage cybersecurity in industrial environments.

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Today the HUHEZI

Pala tournament Today the HUHEZI "pala" tournament was played 2021·10·27

4 couples have participated in this tournament

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Trip to Udalaitz

TRIP Trip to Udalaitz 2021·10·26

Several people have done an excursion to the mountain

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‘Conexão Mundo’ training program opens; the program is aimed at education professionals from Brazil

Education ‘Conexão Mundo’ training program opens; the program is aimed at education professionals from Brazil 2021·10·25

60 professionals in education will participate in three expert degree programs in Gastronomy and Hospitality Management, the Environment and Energy, and Cooperative Education.

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Graphic designer Lara Larrañaga will teach a webinar on “Graphic Facilitation” on November 11

LIT MASTER’S DEGREE Graphic designer Lara Larrañaga will teach a webinar on “Graphic Facilitation” on November 11 2021·10·25

The webinar will start at 6:00 p.m. The talk is presented as one of the events organized by the Master’s Degree program in Learning Facilitation and Innovation.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has distributed graduation photographs to the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 graduating classes

DISTRIBUTION OF GRADUATION PHOTOGRAPHS The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has distributed graduation photographs to the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 graduating classes 2021·10·25

The distribution ceremony, which had been delayed due to the pandemic, took place in the Amaia Theater in Arrasate; approximately 400 people were present for each event.

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Spain University Triathlon Championship 2021

Iker and Miguel participate in Alicante Spain University Triathlon Championship 2021 2021·10·24

Good participation of our students

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Beginning of the self-caring classes

COURSE Beginning of the self-caring classes 2021·10·21

Our teacher Antonia has already started teaching her classes

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Talk about mental health

TALK Talk about mental health 2021·10·21

Talk in Biteri about mental health with the collaboration of the San Juan de Dios Hospital

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Beginning of the climbing initiation course in Aretxabaleta

Climbing course Beginning of the climbing initiation course in Aretxabaleta 2021·10·21

13 students have signed up for the climbing course.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has launched its new Psychological Care Service

NEW SERVICE The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has launched its new Psychological Care Service 2021·10·21

The new service is free and is aimed at Faculty students and staff. The service will be preventive and will be managed by chartered professionals in psychology and psychotherapy.

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Garaia Parke Teknologikoa and Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa organize, once again, several activities from November 8 to 12, in order to celebrate the International Science and Technology Week and promote STEM vocations.

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Plans presented for the sixth year of the KoopFabrika project

Koopfabrika Plans presented for the sixth year of the KoopFabrika project 2021·10·20

The program promotes a transformative social economy and social entrepreneurship. The presentation ceremony took place at Teila Fabrika in Donostia.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea and LABORAL Kutxa have signed an agreement to boost innovation, entrepreneurships and talent

Agreement Mondragon Unibertsitatea and LABORAL Kutxa have signed an agreement to boost innovation, entrepreneurships and talent 2021·10·20

Both institutions will collaborate in the field of research and transfer in areas of mutual interest, promoting the implementation of programmes, projects and activities and fostering knowledge generation, exchange and transfer between them.

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