Students of the Master’s Degree in Strategic Design collaborate with the municipality of Eibar and propose solutions for the Torrekua project


Students of the Master’s Degree in Strategic Design collaborate with the municipality of Eibar and propose solutions for the Torrekua project


Students of the Master’s Degree in Strategic Design collaborate with the municipality of Eibar and propose solutions for the Torrekua project

The collaboration is part of the GeroLab Eraikiz project, supported by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, whose objective is to create intergenerational design initiatives



The students of the Master’s Degree in Strategic Design of Mondragon Unibertsitatea began a project in collaboration with ISEA, the Municipality of Eibar and the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa in early December 2019. The objective was to design a service that could promote intergenerational connection and the transmission of knowledge and community development, based on principles such as cooperation and valuable aging. Part of these services would have a contact point in the Torrekua building, which has housed an ambulatory for years and which will soon be assigned new functions.

Representatives of the Municipality of Eibar presented the challenge and context to the students in early December. After one month of work, the students presented their conceptual proposals, with the final proposals being presented and a few weeks later. The students worked on their ideas in small groups, which allowed them to gather a greater number of proposals that have focused on different areas such as the transmission of knowledge, care, or the field of interculturality.


GeroLab Eraikiz

The Diseinu Berrikuntza Zentroa of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, in collaboration with ISEA and with the support of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, launched the GeroLab Eraikiz project in 2019, an initiative that promotes the creation of laboratories and experimental design practices in the field of youth emancipation and intergenerationality. Through this cooperation, a collaborative prospective exercise has been carried out through the Master’s Degree in Strategic Design to help build public policies and services that respond to strategic challenges for the future of Gipuzkoa.