
Speleo adventure in the caves of Arrikrutz

Activities in nature Speleo adventure in the caves of Arrikrutz 2023·11·06

We visited the largest cave in Gipuzkoa, in Oñati.

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On November 23, the residents of Eskoriatza will have the opportunity to visit the renovated Dorleta building

Tour On November 23, the residents of Eskoriatza will have the opportunity to visit the renovated Dorleta building 2023·11·03

The tour will start at 6:30 p.m. and will last one hour.

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El investigador Gorka Ortiz de Zarate recibe el premio a la Mejor Comunicación Científico-Técnica del 23º congreso de Fabricación Avanzada y Digital

PREMIO El investigador Gorka Ortiz de Zarate recibe el premio a la Mejor Comunicación Científico-Técnica del 23º congreso de Fabricación Avanzada y Digital 2023·11·03

El congreso organizado por la Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Máquina Herramienta congregó a más de 550 personas en Donostia

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea organiza unos talleres prácticos de Matlab y Simulink en colaboración con Speedgoat y Mathworks

TALLERES Mondragon Unibertsitatea organiza unos talleres prácticos de Matlab y Simulink en colaboración con Speedgoat y Mathworks 2023·11·03

Los talleres de 4 horas están dirigidos a ingenieros e ingenieras que trabajen con estas herramientas y quieran profundizar y aprender nuevas utilidades.

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The student Pablo García Michelena obtained an EXCELLENT CUM LAUDE grade

THESIS The student Pablo García Michelena obtained an EXCELLENT CUM LAUDE grade 2023·11·03

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Mondragon Team Academy and Elkar-Lan, S. Coop sign a collaboration agreement to create new cooperative companies in the Basque Country

Collaboration Agreement Mondragon Team Academy and Elkar-Lan, S. Coop sign a collaboration agreement to create new cooperative companies in the Basque Country 2023·11·02

The alliance aims to promote the creation of cooperative employment as well as the development of entrepreneurial teams through the incubation and acceleration of projects

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The student Xabier Sáez de Cámara obtained an EXCELLENT CUM LAUDE grade

THESIS The student Xabier Sáez de Cámara obtained an EXCELLENT CUM LAUDE grade 2023·11·01

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Course to learn how to communicate the value proposition of schools

Course Course to learn how to communicate the value proposition of schools 2023·10·31

The 12-hour course, which will take place on December 14 and 15, 2023, is aimed at communication managers and members of school management teams.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the Dama Spain Association launch the expert degree in

Collaboration Agreement Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the Dama Spain Association launch the expert degree in "Governance and Strategic Data Management" 2023·10·31

The degree is aimed at all those professionals from any sector who want to expand their knowledge in management and governance of the company's data

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Collaboration Zirkozaurre New advantages at the Zirkozaurre space in Bilbao 2023·10·31

Discounts on the rates of this center located in Zorrozaurre

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3rd day of the internal indoor soccer championship in Eskoriatza

HUHEZI winter championships 3rd day of the internal indoor soccer championship in Eskoriatza 2023·10·31

Leagues will be played in futsal

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea was present at the National Days of University Sports in Castellon

JNDU Castellon Mondragon Unibertsitatea was present at the National Days of University Sports in Castellon 2023·10·30

Last week the National University Sports Conference was held in the city of Castellón

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Se han seleccionado los proyectos ganadores de la 6º edición de Emprendimiento Industrial promovido por la Escuela de Ingeniería de Mondragon Unibertsitatea

EMPRENDIMIENTO TECNOLÓGICO Se han seleccionado los proyectos ganadores de la 6º edición de Emprendimiento Industrial promovido por la Escuela de Ingeniería de Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2023·10·27

Los cuatro proyectos ganadores recibirán una dotación de 15.000€ para incorporar alumnado de ingeniería de Mondragon Unibertsitatea en sus proyectos de emprendimiento. También recibirán asesoramiento y acompañamiento en los ámbitos de emprendimiento y tecnología.

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Entrepreneurs of LEINN of Mondragon Unibertsitatea launch a ticket resale platform

Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs of LEINN of Mondragon Unibertsitatea launch a ticket resale platform 2023·10·24

Several entrepreneurs from the Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation degree at Mondragon Unibertsitatea are developing the Rebel Tickets application, based on the exchange of nightlife tickets.

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The 17th annual Huhezinema Basque Short Film Festival has been announced

Huhezinema The 17th annual Huhezinema Basque Short Film Festival has been announced 2023·10·24

The Huhezinema Basque Short Film Festival will be held on January 24, 25 and 26, 2024, in Aretxabaleta. The deadline for submitting short films is November 27.

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18 Secondary School teachers from Brazil attend a training program in Eskoriatza focused on cooperative learning

Conexão Mundo 18 Secondary School teachers from Brazil attend a training program in Eskoriatza focused on cooperative learning 2023·10·23

In addition to their training sessions, the teachers from the Brazilian state of Paraiba will visit different Basque educational institutions and companies.

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VIII. Mundukide inter-cooperative solidarity race

Mundukide Solidarity Race VIII. Mundukide inter-cooperative solidarity race 2023·10·22

This Sunday the 8th edition of this solidarity race was held in the surroundings of Urkulu, in Aretxabaleta.

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First Aid Course

COURSE First Aid Course 2023·10·19

The emergency team has received First Aid training.

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Estudiantes del Grado de Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial de Mondragon Unibertsitatea han sido seleccionados para los World Star Student Awards

CONCURSO Estudiantes del Grado de Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial de Mondragon Unibertsitatea han sido seleccionados para los World Star Student Awards 2023·10·19

Un grupo de estudiantes de ingeniería en diseño industrial ha logrado el pase al certamen internacional gracias a “Magma”, uno de los proyectos galardonados en los Premios Liderpack 2023 en la categoría de Diseño Joven.

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Hackathon The largest tech hackathon in Europe comes to Malaga by the hand of LEINN Degree 2023·10·18

Junction, the largest tech hackathon in Europe, comes to Malaga on October 20, 21 and 22 by the hand of the LEINN Degree

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The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea strengthens collaboration in New York to promote entrepreneurship and innovation

Collaboration The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea strengthens collaboration in New York to promote entrepreneurship and innovation 2023·10·17

The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, represented by its dean, Lander Beloki Mendizabal, and the coordinator of the Faculty's entrepreneurship-area and of the international network Mondragon Team Academy, Aitor Lizartza Martin, made a successful visit to New York

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Chance to complete specializations with excellent job opportunities in six months: Hearing and Language, and Psychomotricity

Specializations Chance to complete specializations with excellent job opportunities in six months: Hearing and Language, and Psychomotricity 2023·10·17

The specialization in Hearing and Language is aimed at those who have graduated in Early Childhood Education or Primary Education, while the specialization in Psychomotricity is aimed at graduates in Early Childhood Education.

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Curso online: Sustainable, Social and Ethical Manufacturing

CURSO ONLINE Curso online: Sustainable, Social and Ethical Manufacturing 2023·10·11

La jornada tendrá lugar el 26 y 27 de octubre de 9:00 a 16:00

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A través de este tipo de actividades y visitas el alumnado tiene la oportunidad de conocer cómo se despliegan y desarrollan en la sociedad los proyectos tecnológicos que estudian en las aulas.

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The student Olatz Lizaso Eguileta obtained an EXCELLENT grade, with an International Doctorate mention and an Industrial Doctorate mention.

THESIS The student Olatz Lizaso Eguileta obtained an EXCELLENT grade, with an International Doctorate mention and an Industrial Doctorate mention. 2023·10·11

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Winners of the prize draws for the European Mobility Week activities have been published. European Mobility Week 2023 2023·10·11

As part of the European Mobility Week, different activities were carried out and the winners of the draw were Unai Revuelta and Anet Garate.

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New Master’s Degree Program Work begins in the first year of the Master’s Degree Program in Promotion of Basque Culture 2023·10·10

The first year of the Master’s program will train 20 professionals to work in formal and informal education and as cultural agents on city councils and in other public institutions.

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Cooperativism Representatives from 12 cooperatives will take part in the expert certification course in Cooperativism, now in its 16th year 2023·10·10

The course aims to offer members knowledge and tools for the development of the socio-business projects of their respective cooperatives. This year, 19 people from 12 different cooperatives will participate.

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Los doctorados industriales en el área de la educación, tema central de la 11ª edición de la Jornada de Investigación del Programa de Doctorado en Innovación e Intervención Educativas

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En la jornada celebrada en el campus de Eskoriatza, participaron investigadores e investigadoras de Mondragon Unibertsitatea y de la Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya.

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