
The student Igor Azkarate Fernandez obtained an OUTSTANDING qualification

THESIS The student Igor Azkarate Fernandez obtained an OUTSTANDING qualification 2023·01·19

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Second week of the climbing course in Aretxabaleta

Climbing Initiation Course Second week of the climbing course in Aretxabaleta 2023·01·18

This course is being taught during the month of January in the climbing wall of the Ibarra sports center in Aretxabaleta

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Projects carried out by Audiovisual Communication students attract the attention of the Basque media

Audiovisual Communication Projects carried out by Audiovisual Communication students attract the attention of the Basque media 2023·01·17

Projects created in the module entitled ‘Creating new formats and contents’ have sparked interest from newspaper 'Berria' and from EITB.

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VISIT Brazilian group 2023·01·17

On Sunday a group of Brazilians arrived to Biteri.

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Urban dance group

A NEW DANCE GROUP Urban dance group 2023·01·17

The students have created a group to learn how to dance different Urban styles.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has 52 consulting projects underway

Consulting Projects The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has 52 consulting projects underway 2023·01·16

This academic year, the transfer projects mainly address topics related to educational innovation and cooperativism.

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Around 70 students in the sessions held last week in Bilbao

Winter Championships Bilbao Around 70 students in the sessions held last week in Bilbao 2023·01·16

The 3x3 basketball championship and the last group of the paddle tennis championship were played.

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Representantes de instituciones y empresas se reúnen en Mondragon Unibertsitatea para el simbólico acto de la primera piedra del proyecto HIREKIN

ACTO SIMBÓLICO Representantes de instituciones y empresas se reúnen en Mondragon Unibertsitatea para el simbólico acto de la primera piedra del proyecto HIREKIN 2023·01·16

El objetivo de Hirekin es contribuir a la descarbonización de la industria teniendo como pilares el emprendimiento industrial y tecnológico, la digitalización y la sostenibilidad (en términos medioambientales, económicos y sociales)

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MTA Bilbo community as a learning tool

LEINN MTA Bilbo community as a learning tool 2023·01·13

The Knowledge Day of the Mondragon Team Academy Bilbo community took place at the Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria

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Multiplier event in Bilbao to promote the social economy and cooperativism in higher education

Multiplier event Multiplier event in Bilbao to promote the social economy and cooperativism in higher education 2023·01·12

The multiplier event, which will be held on February 9, marks the end of the European research project ‘MyDigiCoop’, led by Mondragon University.

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We played the internal futsal championships of Goierri

INTERNAL CHAMPIONSHIP We played the internal futsal championships of Goierri 2023·01·12

West jamon was the winner of the tournament

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Technology transfer workshop: unique simulation tools and equipment

EVENT Technology transfer workshop: unique simulation tools and equipment 2023·01·11

The workshop will take place on February 2nd from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the Mondragón campus.

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La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación ha conseguido siete proyectos de investigación competitivos en la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, cinco de ellos de dirección

Investigación La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación ha conseguido siete proyectos de investigación competitivos en la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, cinco de ellos de dirección 2023·01·10

Los proyectos seleccionados están relacionados con la educación y los conocimientos STEM y con el cooperativismo y la intercooperación. En cinco de esos proyectos la Facultad realizará labores de liderazgo y en otros dos participará como colaboradora.

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Igor Ortega, investigador del Instituto de Estudios Cooperativos LANKI, publica dos nuevos libros

Publicación Igor Ortega, investigador del Instituto de Estudios Cooperativos LANKI, publica dos nuevos libros 2023·01·09

Las obras han sido publicadas en la colección Cuadernos Lanki.

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Very good atmosphere in the championships that were organized in Bilbao to end the year

Winter Championships Bilbao Very good atmosphere in the championships that were organized in Bilbao to end the year 2022·12·29

BData grade tournament and futsal to end the year.

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Eduardo Antonio Letelier Araya defends his doctoral thesis

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On December 12, researcher Eduardo Antonio Letelier Araya defended his doctoral thesis

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Wolters Kluwer, Ukabi and Mondragon Unibertsitatea collaborate to promote technological training and student entrepreneurship

Agreement Wolters Kluwer, Ukabi and Mondragon Unibertsitatea collaborate to promote technological training and student entrepreneurship 2022·12·22

Students of the "Degree in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation" (LEINN) create and manage real companies with the company's accounting and invoicing solutions

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Del 22 de diciembre al 9 de enero del 2023, la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación permanecerá cerrada por vacaciones de Navidad

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Del 22 de diciembre de 2022 al 9 de enero de 2023 la Facultad permanecerá cerrada por vacaciones de Navidad.

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Resolution of the sweatshirt design contest

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22 different designs have been submitted in the sweatshirt design contest

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110 estudiantes de bachillerato científico y tecnológico participan en el reto 3KIMU de Mondragon Unibertsitatea para despertar vocaciones STEAM

Proyecto 3Kimu 110 estudiantes de bachillerato científico y tecnológico participan en el reto 3KIMU de Mondragon Unibertsitatea para despertar vocaciones STEAM 2022·12·21

Los y las estudiantes tienen que responder al reto planteado este año, “¿Cómo protegemos de las colisiones a las personas y a las cosas?”, bajo una perspectiva de género, de desarrollo de competencias científicas y plurilingüe.

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The student Egoitz Aldanondo Beguiristain obtained an OUTSTANDING CUM LAUDE qualification

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La nueva edición del máster dará comienzo el 3 de marzo de 2023

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La 16ª edición del Festival de Cortometrajes Vascos Huhezinema presenta los trabajos finalistas y el cartel anunciador del festival

Huhezinema La 16ª edición del Festival de Cortometrajes Vascos Huhezinema presenta los trabajos finalistas y el cartel anunciador del festival 2022·12·19

En esta edición se han presentado 84 cortometrajes, de los cuales 32 han pasado a la fase final: 10 a la Sección Oficial, 10 a la de Estudiantes y 12 a la de Videoclips. El festival de cortos se celebrará los días 25, 26 y 27 de enero de 2023 en la casa de cultura Arkupe de Aretxabaleta.

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Last week the MGEP padel and 3x3 padel tournaments were played.

Padel and 3x3 basketball tournaments Last week the MGEP padel and 3x3 padel tournaments were played. 2022·12·19

Nearly 100 students participated in the two competitions.

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This week the National Days of University Sports have been held in the city of Valencia

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THESIS The student Pablo Sánchez Barros obtained an OUTSTANDING qualification with 'INTERNATIONAL DOCTORATE' mention 2022·12·16

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Students have decorated Biteri with Christmas decorations

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Yesterday, December 15, the Karting Championship of Mondragon Unibertsitatea was held in the Karting Indoor of Gasteiz.

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El proyecto de investigación IDUNN sienta las bases para afrontar la nueva Ley europea de Ciberresiliencia

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