
Two catalan vocational training entities visit the Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea to discover its teaching model

VISIT Two catalan vocational training entities visit the Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea to discover its teaching model 2019·04·04

A practical project-based teaching model and close contact with local companies are the two differentiating factors of Mondragón’s Higher Polytechnic School that could be studied first-hand by the Catalan representatives.

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Two students of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering to participate in the Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering

CONGRESS Two students of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering to participate in the Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering 2019·04·01

The teaching staff of the Master’s degree has selected the best paper related to material forming and awarded it with attendance at the congress.

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ITP Aero gives a training session for students of the Degree in Energy Engineering

PRESENTATION ITP Aero gives a training session for students of the Degree in Energy Engineering 2019·04·01

The training session of ITP Aero focused on gas turbines and aeronautical engines.

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Student body of the Faculty of Engineering participates in Surfboards Innovation Camp contest

CONTEST Student body of the Faculty of Engineering participates in Surfboards Innovation Camp contest 2019·03·29

The contest that was held in Donostia aims to promote the development and marketing of the surfing industry.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea launches the first course on Technical Communication aimed at managers of technical publications

COURSE Mondragon Unibertsitatea launches the first course on Technical Communication aimed at managers of technical publications 2019·03·28

Technical publications – including installation, operation and maintenance manuals, software guides, and spare parts catalogues – are necessary in many sectors, but only a few organisations are aware of the importance of their effective communication.

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Student body of the Faculty of Engineering successfully participates in the 24h Innovation initiative

CONFERENCE Student body of the Faculty of Engineering successfully participates in the 24h Innovation initiative 2019·03·28

The initiative was supported by the European TransferINN project, part of the Higher Polytechnic School, which responds to the challenge of promoting innovation in the cross-border area in order to facilitate the approximation between its regions to the most advanced ones of the EU.

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The Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea delivers graduate, master's and doctoral diplomas

DELIVERY OF DIPLOMAS The Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea delivers graduate, master's and doctoral diplomas 2019·03·22

Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa has celebrated the act of awarding diplomas to a total of 363 people qualified in the 2017-18 graduation, including 235 graduate degrees, 116 Master’s degrees, and 13 Doctoral degrees.

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The Faculty of Engineering organises the eight edition of the technological robotics and coding camp

CONFERENCE The Faculty of Engineering organises the eight edition of the technological robotics and coding camp 2019·03·22

The conferences organised in collaboration with CampTecnológico and Arizmendi Ikastola will take place on 23-26 April at the Garaia head office of Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

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ZAINTZEKO Hub: Presentation of new technological concepts for care and treatment

CONFERENCE ZAINTZEKO Hub: Presentation of new technological concepts for care and treatment 2019·03·21

Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, Urola Garapeneko Agentzia and the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa will be presenting the ZAINTZEKO Hub project in Urretxu, on 28 March.

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Faculty of Engineering students investigate the role of stem cells in regenerative medicine

PRESENTATION Faculty of Engineering students investigate the role of stem cells in regenerative medicine 2019·03·20

María del Mar Vivanco, CIC Biogune researcher, helps the students of the Master’s degree in Biomedical Technologies to explore the advances in the regeneration of cells, tissues, and organs.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Open Cloud Factory sign a collaboration agreement in the field of cybersecurity

AGREEMENT Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Open Cloud Factory sign a collaboration agreement in the field of cybersecurity 2019·03·15

Both entities will work together in research projects and technology transfer, continuous training, and talent recruitment in the field of cybersecurity, contributing to the training of future professionals.

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“Solución para el cultivo celular en la membrana de la cornea” is the winning project of the 4th edition of PBLday

PBLDAY “Solución para el cultivo celular en la membrana de la cornea” is the winning project of the 4th edition of PBLday 2019·03·12

The 25 best projects of the nine engineering degrees of the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea have been exhibited today on the Orona Ideo campus to compete in the fourth edition of the PBLday.

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The Faculty of Engineering becomes an organisation accredited by Lean Kanban University

ACCREDITATION The Faculty of Engineering becomes an organisation accredited by Lean Kanban University 2019·03·11

The Faculty of Engineering is the first university to obtain accreditation as a world reference for the Kanban method.

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Mondragon University 8th of March, “Planto bai, geldi ez”

8th of March Mondragon University 8th of March, “Planto bai, geldi ez” 2019·03·07

Mondragon University takes the feminist movement claims and encourages everyone in the university to take part in this complaint working actively. Each person from its roll and with the possibilities and responsibilities that it has.

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NiZuGu Mugituz, a fortnight for reflection

FORTNIGHT FOR REFLECTION NiZuGu Mugituz, a fortnight for reflection 2019·03·07

The Faculty of Engineering hosted from 25 February to 8 March a fortnight event dedicated to the reflection on values and principles addressed to the students and staff of the university.

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Signal Processing and Communications team attends SUM Bilbao 19 conference

CONFERENCE Signal Processing and Communications team attends SUM Bilbao 19 conference 2019·03·01

A team from the research group of the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea was present at the presentations on technology in innovation.

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HP is offering a presentation within the Master's in Industrial Additive Manufacturing

PRESENTATION HP is offering a presentation within the Master's in Industrial Additive Manufacturing 2019·03·01

The HP Application engineer, Bruno Romero, has imparted a class on "Designing for Additive Manufacturing with HP MJF". The session included explanations and debates on issues such as the Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) principles, the limitations of HP MJF technology, design as an accelerator in additive manufacturing and its industrial applications.

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Mondragon University has received a prize in Teknopolis

Prize Mondragon University has received a prize in Teknopolis 2019·02·25

It is the 20th anniversary of the program Teknopolis and it has made a celebration with companies, sponsoring organizations and participants.

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The end of the pilot stage of ZAINTZEKO-I, a project that approaches the care and attention provided to people from a technological innovation perspective

PROJECT The end of the pilot stage of ZAINTZEKO-I, a project that approaches the care and attention provided to people from a technological innovation perspective 2019·02·13

Students of the Master's in Strategic Design of Products and Services at Mondragon University present the results of the semester project developed over two months, which represents the culmination of the pilot stage of the ZAINTZEKO-I project.

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Expertos en Dirección de Operaciones de Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa comparten sus experiencias como docentes en un seminario organizado por la Universidad de Sevilla

SEMINAR Expertos en Dirección de Operaciones de Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa comparten sus experiencias como docentes en un seminario organizado por la Universidad de Sevilla 2019·02·08

Educators from different Engineering Schools that teach subjects related to production processes, tools for the management of operations, quantitative methods and associated technologies participated in the 2nd Edition of Teaching Experiences in Engineering Operations Management, organised by the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville.

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Higher-Level Training Cycles of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa open their doors to companies from the Alto Deva region

OPEN DOORS Higher-Level Training Cycles of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa open their doors to companies from the Alto Deva region 2019·02·06

The collaboration of companies is a key element in the educational model of the Higher-Level Training Cycles of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa (MGEP), a collaboration that has been demonstrated during the open day for companies, which was held on 6 February.

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Students of the Medium Degree Cycle of Microcomputer Systems and Networks of Arizmendi Ikastola visit Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa

COLLABORATION Students of the Medium Degree Cycle of Microcomputer Systems and Networks of Arizmendi Ikastola visit Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa 2019·02·06

Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Arizmendi Ikastola collaborate frequently in different educational activities and initiatives. This time, they have joined forces around the Computer Science Training Cycle.

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Students of the Master’s Degree in Biomedical Technologies of Mondragon Unibertsitatea travel to Madrid to learn about the latest innovations in the sector

LEARNING JOURNEYS Students of the Master’s Degree in Biomedical Technologies of Mondragon Unibertsitatea travel to Madrid to learn about the latest innovations in the sector 2019·02·01

The Simulation Hospital of the European University of Madrid, the Polytechnic University of Madrid, and the company Medtronic were the places visited during their stay in the city.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea launches the POCTEFA Programme in conjunction with the Conectartecon centre

PROGRAMME Mondragon Unibertsitatea launches the POCTEFA Programme in conjunction with the Conectartecon centre 2019·02·01

The purpose of Conectartecon, the Innovation and Training Centre for the development of Assisted Self-Leadership with Horses, is to generate and jointly develop innovation projects alongside Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

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European project DRIVES, an ERASMUS +Blueprint Sector Skill Alliance for the automotive sector, celebrates its first year of operation

PROJECT European project DRIVES, an ERASMUS +Blueprint Sector Skill Alliance for the automotive sector, celebrates its first year of operation 2019·01·31

Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa is one of the 24 members of the European Consortium DRIVES, whose purpose is to implement the objectives of the Blueprint through the establishment of a Skill Alliance for the Automotive Sector. The project began in early 2018, which has led the members to meet and assess the point where the initiative is located.

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Professors David Balloy and Paulo Martins visit Mondragon Unibertsitatea

VISIT Professors David Balloy and Paulo Martins visit Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2019·01·25

Mondragon Unibertsitatea and, specifically, its research group “Advanced Processes of Material Forming” hosted in January 2019 the visit of professors David Balloy and Paulo Martins, from the Universities of Lille (France) and Lisbon (Portugal), respectively.

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Members of the Road2DC projects meet to assess the first year of activity

PROJECT Members of the Road2DC projects meet to assess the first year of activity 2019·01·24

Road2DC is a projectfinancedby the Department for Economic Development and Infrastructures of the Basque Government and is headed by Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, with the objective of creating new tools for designing and controlling hybrid AC/DC distribution networks.

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The revenue of the Korrontzi Dantzan spectacle has been donated to the Arrasateko Mundu Solidarioa association

SOLIDARITY The revenue of the Korrontzi Dantzan spectacle has been donated to the Arrasateko Mundu Solidarioa association 2019·01·24

The social council of the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea has decided to donate to the AMS Arrasateko Mundu Solidarioa association the revenue from the tickets of the last event of the 75th anniversary of the entity.

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MGEP, protagonist of the report produced by Goiena

REPORT MGEP, protagonist of the report produced by Goiena 2019·01·11

The report produced by Goiena, with the title “Lehen eta orain, etorkizuna ikasgai”, addreses the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the Miguel Altuna Institute, reporting its evolution and influence in the region of Debagoiena.

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Nueva oferta formativa para 2019-2020

Rueda de prensa Nueva oferta formativa para 2019-2020 2019·01·07

Mondragon Unibertsitatea diseña una oferta académica innovadora con nuevos perfiles que responden a las nuevas necesidades de la sociedad.

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